I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 91: What Should I Do When I'm Hungry

The night bonfire shone more and more.

In fact, on the cliff at the time, Chun was poisoned. When Xia Ruo was holding Chun, the relationship between the two was almost at that point. Xia Ruo actually had a good impression of Chun, especially the unexpected weakness of Chun at the time. There is a huge contrast between normal performances, and Xia Ruo likes that look very much.

At that time, it was impossible to say that Xia Ruo didn't feel anything towards Chun. After all, after getting along for so long, Xia Ruo was also a young and energetic age. After hugging each other at that time, although Xia Ruo and Chun did not say clearly, But the relationship did change.

The relationship between the two is like a thin layer of paper, which will be broken with a poke.

When Xia Ruo was picking vegetables, she turned her head and saw Chun staring at him. The two looked at each other. Seeing Chun's blushing face under the bonfire, Xia Ruo's heartbeat accelerated again.

"What do you see me doing?" Xia Ruo couldn't help asking.

"Of course I look at you because I like to watch." Not only did Chun not retract his gaze, but instead supported his chin with her hand, she continued to look at Xia Ruo.

"Then just watch it, I've finished all the dishes."

"You eat it, I'm full."

Kikyo slowed down while eating at the side. It was obvious that he was eating delicious food, but he couldn't feel the aroma in his mouth. He was just eating a meal, but he suffered an unbearable torment and torment in his heart.

"Sister, eat quickly," Feng on the side was gobbled up, not forgetting to call his sister to eat together.

They usually voluntarily remove demons from others. Where can they eat such delicious things, and there are mutton to eat, buying meat outside is very valuable.

"Well, you are so delicious."

Kikyo nodded, and took a few chopsticks for his sister Feng. At the same time, he reached out and touched Feng’s head, feeling the touch on her hand. Seeing Maple eating next to him, Kikyo suddenly felt a trace of comfort in his heart and his expression was also Softened up.

A witch falling in love will only weaken herself and become a useless person.

Well, I only need maple.

Kikyo comforted herself like this in her heart.


Chun suddenly laughed inexplicably, the usual cold Chun, the smile on his face could hardly be concealed at this time, and the corner of his mouth was always hanging with a nice arc.

"What are you laughing at?" Xia Ruo looked at Chun next to him and couldn't help asking. He had never seen Chun smile so happy.

"I thought of something happy."


"I'm full, let's go to rest first."

Kikyo put down his chopsticks, with no expression on his face, watching Xia Ruo say so.

"Huh? Sister, I haven't finished eating yet," Feng looked at Kikyo pitifully, but his eyes kept drifting towards the hot pot.

"You have eaten so much? Haven't eaten enough yet?" Kikyo frowned slightly. She had been staring at her. Feng had already eaten twice as much as usual. Why is she still not full?

"That... is so delicious, I want to eat a little bit more," Feng touched his head and said embarrassedly.


Since Feng still wants to eat, there is no other way to eat platycodon, so she can only keep it. There are still some dishes in the hot pot that have not been eaten, and she does not want to waste it. Moreover, it seems that when Feng and herself eat normally, they may not be full. Now that there are delicacies, it is natural to let Feng eat more.

She still loves her sister.

It's just that being here makes Kikyo feel uncomfortable.

Especially after seeing Tsubaki's smile.

After Xia Ruo had eaten enough, she saw that Feng was still eating, and Kikyo sat there, closed her eyes, and had nothing to do after eating, so she could only close her eyes and rest.

In this ancient world, there are no mobile phones and Internet, and there are still too few entertainment activities at night. Generally, it is dark, and you can fall asleep after dinner. The most chatting, but it seems that Bellflower does not want The meaning of chat.

Xia Ruoxian was fine, and boiled water to make tea.

The hot pot is a bit greasy, and now Xia Ruo often makes tea after a meal, maybe it is really nothing to do here at night.

After making the tea, Xia Ruo handed a cup of Kikyo.

"Miss Kikyo, I just made the tea."

"Thank you," Kikyo heard Xia Ruo's voice, opened his eyes and took the tea. To be honest, regardless of Chun's factor, Kikyo really thinks that Xia Ruo is a good person.

Although the time to get along is not long, some people, you just need to get along a little bit, you can get a general impression. Xia Ruo is different from the men that Kikyo has met, and there is no particularly dark side in her heart. Tsubaki likes this. Kikyo can probably understand that man.

"It smells good."

Kikyo just smelled it a little, and he felt a fragrance that he had never smelled before. This kind of tea had never been drunk before.

Xia Ruo also poured a cup of tea for Feng.

Finally, Xia Ruo handed the tea to Chun.

"Miss Chun, I make good tea."

Xia Ruo would usually make tea and serve Chun to drink. This is a very common thing, but today, it seems a little different.

Chun also took Xia Ruo's tea, and there was an inexplicable color in his eyes. Chun did not hold the tea in his hand as usual, but put the tea cup aside, his eyes still biting Xia Ruo's face.

"Why look at me again?" Xia Ruo didn't understand, why Chun was so strange today, so bolder than usual.

"I'm hungry," Chun suddenly said inexplicably.

"Huh? You just said that you are full and there are hot pots," Xia Ruo pointed at the hot pot. Although there are not many dishes in the hot pot at this time, there are still some dishes in Xia Ruo's space. "If you are I’m not full, I’ll order you a little more."

"Do not."

After Chun said no, his body slowly moved closer to Xia Ruo. Because of the hot pot, the two of them were sitting not far away. If Chun was a little closer, the distance between their faces was very close. When reacting, Chun's face reached a distance very close to Xia Ruo.

Xia Ruo could feel Chun's light breathing on her face. Originally Xia Ruo thought Chun was going to kiss him directly, but this did not happen. After approaching, Chun stopped moving.

Flicker?Xia Ruo felt that Chun's actions at this time were a bit of a crime.

"What's wrong with you, aren't you hungry?"

"Well, I'm hungry."


Chun approached a little further, with a coquettish blush on her face, her red lips leaned against Xia Ruo's ear, and said three words in a soft voice.

"I want to eat you."


Xia Ruo couldn't stand it anymore.



A sip of Kikyo's tea came out, and then he coughed wildly there.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

"Sister, have you been scalded when you drink tea?" Feng looked in the direction of his sister in confusion, and her sister would be scalded when drinking tea?Feng didn't expect that her usual elegant sister would make such a stupid mistake.

"Maple! Let's go and go to bed."

Cannot wait any longer, Kikyo stood up, grabbed Feng's hand and walked out.

"Wait...I haven't finished eating yet," Feng stretched out his hand, trying to get the whole bowl of vegetables he had just picked up, but was pulled further and further by Sister Kikyo.

"Don't eat it!"


ps: Harmonious society, no driving, irregular driving,

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