Chun kept touching the jade bracelet on his wrist, and seemed to like the gift very much.

When the meal was just finished, Xia Ruo's father also came back, but after Xia Zheng went in and saw Chun, he was taken aback for a moment. Why did a strange woman come to the house, why he hadn't seen him before.

"Dad, this is the girlfriend that my brother just dated," Xia Meng jumped out first to explain to Xia Zhengzhi.

"Xiao Ruo's girlfriend?" Xia Zhengzhi couldn't help but glanced at Xia Ruo, then at Chun, his eyelids twitched. After hearing his son's girlfriend, he had already recognized who this woman was.

The cursed Miko Tsubaki.

Engaging in an ambiguity in another world with her own son, no, she was a witch who eliminated demons together.

However, when Xia Zhengzhi watched "Banji", he always felt that Chun, a woman, was not like a heroine, but a villain.

Whether it is her curse ability or appearance, it is in line with the villain's settings, but from the animation plot, she is not a bad person, she is still a good girl.

He has been chasing the animation of "Kanji", but the person in the animation was brought back by his son. He was still a little surprised.

Xia Zhengzhi couldn't help but glanced at his son, then pulled Xia Ruo aside.

"You really brought people home for me, and aren't they still together in the animation?"

"Uh, the latest update hasn't been made yet. We only dated yesterday. I thought that since we are together, I will bring it back for you to see," Xia Ruo touched her head, embarrassed.

"Then I didn't say a word in advance, such a big surprise, you never thought that I can stand it, forget it, now that I have a relationship, just treat them well."


In the end, Xia Zhengzhi didn't say anything, he felt that he was still very enlightened.

He also watched the animation. He thinks the little girl Tsubaki is pretty good. She is not a bad person to kill demons and demons.


Xia Ruo cooked the dinner that day, and the atmosphere was pretty good during the meal. Xia Ruo's mother kept picking Tsubaki vegetables, her face was smiling from ear to ear.

During the period, she took out her mobile phone and shared a video with Xia Ruo's grandmother, telling the good news, and thanked Xia Ruo for the bracelet.

In the video of Chun and her grandmother, Xia Ruo is not worried about Chun's identity being recognized. She is not wearing her usual iconic clothes, and the two-dimensional image is actually very different from the real image.

The first is the iconic big eyes of the two-dimensional paper man, and the weird eye ratio. This is impossible in reality. If you know Tsubaki’s identity in advance, you may think that Tsubaki and the animation are preconceived. Tsubaki is very similar, but you just look at the realistic image of Tsubaki, it is difficult to connect with the people in the animation.

Unless it's Tsubaki wearing a witch costume, at most others will think that she is very similar to cosplay, and there is still a gap between the two-dimensional and reality.

Xia Zhengzhi was sitting at the table and eating without saying a word.

On the other hand, Xia Meng ate the rice cooked by her brother and expressed her thoughts from time to time. She usually cannot eat the rice cooked by her brother.

"Brother, you can't cook this dish. There is less salt and it doesn't taste much. It really is. Although I have learned to cook, it is still a bit worse than me."


Xia Ruo responded faintly, but if he tasted it himself, it felt okay, although it was not as delicious as Xia Meng did.

"Would you like me to teach you, cooking this kind of thing, you still need someone to teach you, you can't learn it by watching the video and watching the recipes by yourself, and if I learn it, the cooking level can be improved to a big level in the future," Xia Meng With his chin raised a little bit, he seems confident in his cooking skills.

"No need," Xia Ruo shook her head and glanced at her sister, "You can cook delicious food, anyway, I usually eat you."

Xia Meng: "..."

It's too real. My girlfriend will cook by herself when she comes, and eat what I do.

Xia Meng discovered that her sister had also become a tool man.


Xia Ruo's family are very enthusiastic people, and Chun feels pretty good.

However, even though Xia Ruo's mother was very enthusiastic, Chun still seemed to be there in a daze. The communication was all Xia Ruo translating. There was no way. The language barrier was really troublesome. This made Chun all determined to learn Chinese.

Fortunately, she can't speak Chinese, because Xia Ruo's mother asked very strange questions, and Xia Ruo flicked on both sides when translating, and now edited to answer.

Time flies quickly, and it will soon be night.

Chun will also live here at night.

Xia Ruo's mother specially prepared a room for Chun.

Xia Ruo thinks so. After all, the two are still dating now, and they cannot be in the same room. Even if they have already lived together, they are still at home and cannot be too much.

Xia Meng felt that her brother and the girl had already lived together, but there was no evidence.

In the end, Chun could only sleep in one room alone. Although she didn't want to, she had no choice but to agree in the end.


Xia Ruo returned to his room and immediately turned on the computer. He hadn't logged in to Moe for a long time before. He wanted to see the latest comments and upload the latest "Bigflower" by the way.

It just happened to be the time to update "Banji". After reading the latest comments, Xia Ruo took a look at the animation produced by the system, and the latest one was the Yokai Hotaru chapter.

This can be regarded as the main line, because Tsubaki has always been chasing after this monster.

At the beginning of the plot, Xia Ruo meets Kikyo in a slaughtered temple, and then Chun and Kikyo unite.

During this period, the plot of "Inuyasha" has progressed rapidly, and the fans of "Inuyasha" have also increased. It is different from the daily life of "Pancodon," with a small amount of plot and too few updates. "Inuyasha" has a lot of updates. , The popular characters in it all began to appear.

The noble son Sesumaru, the wind messenger Kagura, the lascivious mage Maitreya, and the villain Naraku appeared one by one, and Kikyo was resurrected 50 years later. Goodbye Inuyasha completely ignited the plot and made "Inuyasha" completely popular. stand up.

Kikyo and the reincarnated Kagome are in the same era. It is clear that Kagome is the heroine, but there are more viewers who still like Kikyo, not only because of the "Baikyo" animation in front, but also because the character of Kikyo is too attractive. Even if the resurrected Doraji has a big change in personality and has the potential to become black, it is still a goddess.

Kikyo's popularity has increased and there have been a large number of fans.

Xia Ruo watched her latest episode of "Banji", the animation made by the system, let the bellflower eat dog food, I don't know how fans of Bellflower will feel when seeing this.

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