I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 99 Preparation before crossing

Learning cooking in the real world, Xia Ruo chose to watch cooking videos as before.

However, Xia Ruo soon discovered the flaws of this method.

In fact, I can’t learn much through cooking videos, because the content on the video is the recipe of a certain dish, Xia Ruo can only learn fixed dishes through reputation, and the real basic skills cannot be learned.

Xia Ruo was a little helpless and could only learn some basic cooking dishes, making herself look like a cook, but compared to a real chef, it was still a bit worse.

If you want to really learn how to cook, you might still have to go to a chef school for further training.

For example, take a leave of absence to study at New Oriental.

Xia Ruo shook his head and went to the chef school to study in the real world. It is better to go directly to the world of the little master to find the Yangquan restaurant and learn cooking together with the little master.

The two-dimensional specialty cuisine that can both shine and make people hallucinate must definitely be learned.

This time, before entering the world of Little Master, Xia Ruo took out some useless props from the space that she had prepared in the world of Inuyasha, and prepared some props.

Not to mention other things, Xia Ruote ordered an extra-large searchlight with golden light on the Internet. The light is powerful in the world of the little master. If he is really there, the world can’t make luminous dishes, he also has a back hand.

It may not be used, but it is certainly right to be prepared.

Also in terms of clothing, the era when Xiaodangjia is in ancient times, he is always a little out of place in modern clothes. The last time Xia Ruo went to the world of Inuyasha, I forgot about this, but nothing happened. After all, it is a second dimension. serious.

After all, in the original work, Kagome, who traveled through the past, always wears a school uniform, and no one has ever said a miniskirt.

Even the passers-by who know the second dimension are actually that way, they can accept you doing a little exaggeration, but in order to better blend in, Xia Ruo still bought a handsome antique clothing.

Xia Ruo chose the kind of very handsome ancient style male protagonist's clothes, which is the kind of clothes worn by the male protagonist in ancient dramas. Xia Ruo searched for a long time on the Internet and found the same style of clothing for the male protagonist in the current popular costume drama. , Bought it.

The male celebrity was so handsome in this costume, and Xia Ruo felt that she would not be too bad to wear.

After all, it will be broadcasted in the future, and things that enhance the charm of the protagonist must not be stingy. Sometimes, the image of a character is very important, which means whether he can gain more fans.

The audience is actually very real. They eat this set the most. There is an example in Xia Ruo's impression.

There was an animation protagonist who was disliked by many viewers and his popularity was sluggish. Many viewers felt that the protagonist was dull and did nothing. In the second season, the production team changed the protagonist's clothes and changed his image. I think the protagonist looks pleasing to the eye, and even the things that the protagonist does do not seem to be stunned.

These are all successful experiences.

Buying clothes is not enough. Xia Ruo still bought a paper fan with verses written on it, and put it together...


Holding the fan is nothing else, Xia Ruo just wanted something in her hand.

The clothes Xia Ruo bought was in white.

After putting on the clothes he bought, Xia Ruo took a look in the mirror, gently opened the paper fan, fanned it slightly, and assumed a handsome posture. In the mirror appeared a very handsome young man in white clothes. snow.

Even Xia Ruo couldn't help but want to sigh.

The people on Mo are like jade, and the son is unparalleled.

Holding a fan is a gentleman, holding a sword is a cold knight.

There was no one else around, so Xia Ruo was looking in the mirror here, but Tom glanced at his owner from the side. After seeing the new image of the owner, Tom's eyes lit up, and he immediately came over to find Xia Ruo meowing.

"Meow meow!"

"Meow meow!"

Tom's voice is very hurried, which roughly means, give me a whole one.

Xia Ruo understood. Looking at Tom, he touched his chin. Tom is indeed able to wear clothes, and the clothes he wears are very good. In fact, even if Tom doesn’t say anything, Xia Ruo has prepared clothes for him. , He planned it a long time ago and ordered it together with this son's suit.

After all, he also intends to keep Tom on the heat.

"You want too, okay."

Xia Ruo took out a slightly smaller servant costume from the courier box on the side and handed it to Tom.

"Meow meow meow?"

Tom took over the little servant that the master gave him, looking blank.

How can the difference between humans and cats be so big.


Xia Ruo looked in the mirror for a long time, and it was hard to imagine that he was going to learn cooking in the world of Little Master in such clothes.

The chefs in the world of Little Master are all rustic and well-groomed. After all, they are all chefs. They deal with pots and pans in the kitchen all day long. No one cares about the image. They don’t look very good. When the time comes to compare such coarse cloth clothes, the gap will come out.

As for the cooking competition, let's talk about it then.

After being prepared, Xia Ruo took Tom into the world of Little Master.

Tom cat is his own successor, if you can't learn it by yourself, Tom can learn it, and Tom learn it is equivalent to learn it by yourself.

The feeling of traveling through time and space reappeared, already familiar with the road, Xia Ruo did not have other performances, and seemed very calm.

After coming to the world of "China Little Home", Xia Ruo looked around and found that she appeared on a very lively street. The street was full of people coming and going, and the cries of small vendors were endless. Looking at the clothes, It is the dress of ordinary people in ancient China.

Although "The Little Master of China" is a Japanese comic, it tells a story that happened in China. At the beginning of the animation, there was a narration commentary. This happened during the Qing Dynasty and belonged to the Warring States Period in the cooking industry.

On the street, Xia Ruo listened for a while, and the people around did indeed speak Chinese, which was quite good. There was no such thing as Japanese still being spoken in the domestic environment.

When the system released the animation, Xia Ruo also watched a few episodes. The system gave the national version. The original version of "China Little Master" was called "Zhonghua Yifan", but later because of the sponsorship of domestic snack vendors, Then I changed my name and advertised for Xiao Dang Jia Jian Kui Nian.

The names of the characters in the animation are actually for advertising services. The protagonist’s name is actually Pleiades Liu, but when the voice is dubbed, it is changed to Little Master.

Listening to the sounds coming from the surroundings, Xia Ruo looked around. It was difficult for him to confirm his current location, but since it was transmitted by the system, the system would certainly not be transmitted too far, and he would probably be downstairs in Ju. nearby.

He only needs to ask the people around him, then find Ju and go downstairs, and he will probably see the little master and enter the main line.

But it would be too boring to go directly to find Ju and go downstairs.

Xia Ruo felt that since it was going to be broadcast in the future, she had to find a way to give the audience a whole life. By the way, Xia Ruo was also going to give herself an identity.

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