As soon as his mind moved, Zhou Yi returned from the earth to the flood waste.

It’s still the moment before you left.

The arrogant Goya demon was still roaring arbitrarily in the Shiyan tribe, the people of the Shiyan tribe were trembling with fear, Yanxiong, Ang and others were sad and indignant, and they clenched their fists in frustration, and their green tendons were exposed.

However, he did not dare to show any intention of resistance.

They, too weak!

Shiyan tribe, too weak!!

The Flood Barren Terrans are too weak!!!

Weak is the principle!

If you are weak, you have to be bullied!!

For the continuation of the tribe, the inheritance of the tribe!

They, must endure!!

“Brother Yanxiong, rest assured, one day, our Terran tribe will become strong, and the Shiyan tribe will also become strong, and the demon tribe will not be arrogant for long.”

Zhou Yi patted the shoulder of the rock bear and said softly.


Yanxiong, Ang and the others, but let out a long sigh.


Will there be such a day??

In the flood waste, the Terrans, are really too weak!!

“Little brother Zhou Yi, let’s leave first, don’t go back to the tribe.”

Yanxiong looked confused, turned around and left.

Ang and the others are following in his footsteps.

This is the common practice when the Terran tribe is bullied by the Lich and even other races in the midst of the flood: to maintain vitality.

Because, even if they return to the Shiyan tribe, it will have no effect, and in front of the Goya Demon, they are no different from the livestock to be slaughtered!

They can only leave and keep one more hope for the survival of the Shiyan tribe!

But who knows, seeing the clansmen, being bullied by the demon clan in front of themselves, but they have no power, but can only leave, what should be the pain in their hearts? ?

At this moment, Zhou Yi fully felt the cruelty in the flood and wilderness, and felt the difficulty of survival of the Terran race.

‘Don’t worry, Brother Rock Bear, it won’t be long before the Stone Rock Tribe will be fine. ’

Zhou Yi said silently in his heart.

Just now, he earned 136.5 billion Huaxia coins on the earth, and spent more than 30 billion yuan to purchase exercises.

At this moment, he directly bought all the remaining 100 billion Huaxia coins into merit points.

Ten million.

A whole 10 million merit points.

At this moment, Zhou Yi’s breathing became slightly rapid.

He only relied on more than 10,000 merits to promote to the realm of martial artists, and now he has enough ten million merits, and it is estimated that he can easily be promoted to the realm of martial saints!

Even, surpass the Martial Saint and reach a whole new realm! A realm on earth that all martial arts people aspire to: the realm of planets!!

And the exercises he purchased were enough to support his cultivation to the realm of the planets!

After all, it cost more than 30 billion Huaxia coins to buy the exercises.

However, then again, on Earth, even some ordinary complete set of exercises that can cultivate to the Martial Saint Realm are worth tens of billions.

With more than 30 billion, being able to buy a complete set of exercises that can cultivate to the realm of the planets is definitely a big profit.

And why was Zhou Yi able to pick up this big bargain?

On the official website of the Global Martial Artists Guild, there will be such a set, and there is only such a set of exercises that can be practiced to surpass the Martial Saint and reach the realm of the planets?

You know, in the entire earth, there are very few exercises that can practice to the realm of the planets.

So, here, we have to mention a man.

One of the strongest men on earth!

That man is also the strongest and most genius man since the rebirth of martial arts on the earth after the new era!

He was the first man to cultivate to the realm of the planets!

He is the first man to cross the void in the flesh, arrive at an alien civilization, come into contact with the super kingdom in the universe, and bring the earth into the interstellar age!

That man, on the earth, was like a god, and after Zhou Yi crossed over, no one on the earth could speculate about how powerful that man was.

But the man, as if selfless.

He selflessly put his practice exercises on the official website of the Global Martial Artists Guild without reservation; He once publicly appealed that he hoped that all martial artists in the world could become top powerhouses.

Because only in this way can the earth be strong, and the earth’s level in the cosmic realm can be improved!

Therefore, his cultivation exercise, which was known as the number one on the earth, would be sold so cheaply, and it was purchased by Zhou Yi with more than 30 billion.

“Brother Rock Bear, I… I wanted to leave first. ”

After walking with Yanxiong, Ang and the others for a while, Zhou Yi said this sentence softly.

He was about to get ready to start practicing with merit.

But the consequences of practicing with merit are absolutely shocking, not to mention Yanxiong and others, even the immortals in the flood wilderness, I am afraid that their jaws will drop off.

Moreover, if you practice directly with merit, it is something that even saints will be jealous of, if it is known by others….

No, no living being in the flood wilderness must be allowed to know about this.

He is still too weak for him to take this risk!

So, he has to leave!

Well… Leave for now!

But Yanxiong and the others widened their eyes sharply, especially Ang, and immediately yelled at Zhou Yi: “Leave?? You mean, you’re leaving us? Are you afraid of that goth-toothed demon? ”

“Of course not, I’m leaving now, just to find a way to deal with that go-tooth demon, Brother Ang, remember what I said just now, I said, soon, the Shiyan tribe, it will be fine.”

Rock Bear’s eyes lit up slightly: “Little brother Zhou Yi, do you have a way to deal with that Ge tooth demon?” Can you say it so that we can also contribute? After all, the Shiyan tribe is our home. ”


Zhou Yi shook his head.

The rock bear’s face suddenly became ugly.

Ang’s voice became louder: “What to find a way to deal with the Go-tooth demon, can you have a way to deal with the Go-tooth demon, your tribe, can still be destroyed by the demon beast?” I see, you are clearly afraid! ”

Several other people from the Shiyan tribe also looked at Zhou Yi with an unkind expression.

In fact, Zhou Yi’s approach made them a little chilled: you are down, the tribe is destroyed by the monster beast, we will kindly take you back to our tribe; Now seeing that our tribe is ravaged by monsters, you want to slip away.

Is there still morality, is there a conscience?

Zhou Yi also knew that if he didn’t come up with a more reasonable excuse for this matter, it would be that he didn’t do it properly.

But in this short period of time, he really couldn’t think of a suitable excuse.

Therefore, he simply didn’t bother to refute, and as soon as he kicked his feet, he ran in another direction, and the more he went… The farther away!

PS: The third more arrived!

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