When Zhou Yi was stunned, he saw that the minotaur demon quickly took out a gray stone the size of a fingernail, and then crushed it.

Suddenly, a gray light rose up into the sky and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Yi reacted.

This minotaur must be informing him of the crocodile master in his mouth.

Depend on.

I think so much for you.

These two demon races, but the realm of heavenly demons, the crocodile master in their mouths may just be a golden demon.

If this is the case, then if the crocodile does not come, it is just to deliver vegetables.

Of course, that crocodile lord, it is possible to be stronger.

But my cheap master gave me full equipment, you think it’s vegetarian.

No matter how bad it is, I still have Nebula Boss’s portal as a hole card.

If you can’t beat it, run →_→

As for now, let’s kill these two Shabi demons first.

‘The road is up, fellow tribesmen, see that I have avenged you! ’

Zhou Yi’s eyes sharpened, and he immediately rushed towards the minotaur demon and leopard-headed demon.

“Old cow, run, in the edict, the real demon is not the opponent of this fight, let’s immediately separate and escape!” As long as it lasts for a while, Lord Crocodile will come and slaughter this little Terran beast! ”

The minotaur demon is more bare than the leopard-headed demon, and the leopard-headed demon’s voice has just exited, and the minotaur has already run far away, leaving only a little shadow.

“Depend, why is the old cow so clever this time.”

The leopard-headed demon was angry and corrupted.

The minotaur runs fast and runs far, and he will naturally become the first target of this Terran kid in front of him.


It’s likely that your life won’t be saved.

So the leopard-headed demon immediately fled desperately, full of firepower, and all kinds of flying spells and escape techniques were unfolded.

In addition, his original form is a leopard, and he is good at running, and this girl escaped, and it was really galloping, and in minutes, he ran nearly 10,000 meters away.


“Where can I run?”

“The ends of the earth and labor and management will also kill you alive today!”

Zhou Yi’s figure instantly disappeared in place.

“Star Source Body Shaping True Chapter” is originally a method of all-round training of body and soul, at this time, Zhou Yi basically does not have any magic powers, but he can fly through the air with only soul power, thousands of miles in an instant.

As soon as the physical strength burst out, a gentle kick under his feet kicked out a deep pit with a radius of tens of meters, as if it was hit by a small meteorite crash.

With the help of the huge counter-pedaling force, in an instant, Zhou Yi’s speed on the ground was much faster than flying in the sky.

Therefore, the leopard-headed demon fled to 10,000 meters away, and he was shocked to find that Zhou Yi had actually chased him in front.

This frightened him and quickly turned around.

But the next moment, he saw a huge fist aimed at his head.

That kind of speed, as fast as a spark, he didn’t even have time to react, let alone dodge.


With a muffled sound, the leopard-headed demon’s head blossomed, blood splattered five steps, and then a small misty leopard demon flew out from the leopard-headed demon’s heavenly spirit cover.

This is the genshin of the leopard-headed demon.

The speed of the Yuan God was at least five times faster than the speed of the leopard-headed demon body.

But the gross is not useful.

On Zhou Yi’s fist, a red halo suddenly released.

This is the power of the star source.

More precisely, this is Zhou Yi’s practice of the “Star Source Body Shaping True Chapter”, reaching the realm of planets (heavenly immortal realm), so that the physical body has been developed to the extreme, so that from the deepest part of the body, the most fundamental power of the human body is born.

Such a power has incredible powers.

And one of them is the Yuan God of the Immortal Dao cultivator, which has a great restraint effect.

Therefore, as soon as the Yuanshen of the leopard-headed demon burst out, he was controlled by Zhou Yi’s star source blood power.

“Spare your life, great immortal spare your life!”

The leopard-headed demon was provoked, and immediately cried bitterly, begging for mercy miserably, and said all the good things.

Spare your life?

‘Spare you, how can I explain to my fellow Terrans?’ How to account for my conscience? ’

Zhou Yi snorted coldly, waved his left hand, and the corpse of the leopard-headed demon was immediately included in the nebula space by him, and with another squeeze of his right hand, the Yuan God of the leopard-headed demon disappeared.

“Eliminate evil, and that cow demon!”

Zhou Yi’s figure turned around and disappeared immediately.


In the dome of the sky, the minotaur is running in the wind.

“Ma De, fortunately, the old cow I ran fast, dropped the leopard head to attract the attention of the Terran kid, otherwise, with the speed of the leopard head, it will be the old cow and me who will suffer.”

“As for now, quack… Not only did the little life be saved, but the credit of the Terran soul was collected, and the credit of the Terran kid was reported, but it all belonged to my old cow alone, and the cow was a winner. ”

As the minotaur ran, the corners of Le’s mouth blossomed.

But suddenly, he felt as if something was flying overhead, and then, his eyes were slightly dark.

A figure blocked in front of him.

“That… Terran boy? ”

The minotaur wiped his eyes in disbelief, and after making sure that he didn’t look at the eyes, he suddenly shouted: “Why did you catch up so quickly?” Impossible, didn’t you chase the leopard head? Just look at my old cow? ”

“Go to hell and ask that Shabi leopard.”

It was naturally Zhou Yi who caught up with the Minotaur Demon.

Zhou Yi didn’t say a word of nonsense at all, and he killed towards the minotaur demon.


“Great Immortal, are you chasing me for this Dementor Gourd filled with the souls of the Terrans? Shall I give you okay? I’ll give it to you, and you’ll let me go, okay? The little demon also didn’t want to harm the Terrans, and the little demon was also ordered, and he couldn’t help himself. ”

The minotaur confessed faster than anyone.

Zhou Yi’s, in the recent edict of the demon race, was clearly stated.

Ordinary true demons, in the hands of Zhou Yi, can’t save their lives, he is just a small heavenly demon, although he has some means, but he can still carry the big guy who can kill the real demon?

PS: The third more arrived!

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