In fact, the martial artists of these various martial arts schools introduced the person in charge, and they didn’t need to rush up to identify these things that Zhou Yi took out this time, and they could feel the extraordinary nature of these things.

Because, at this time, these things placed in front of Zhou Yi and presented in front of their eyes are too amazing!

Unbeatable, amazing beyond words!!

For example, those spirit grasses, spirit flowers, and elixirs had just been taken out by Zhou Yi, and the entire reception room was immediately filled with the smell of spiritual fragrance, making this originally ordinary reception room immediately seem to have become a small cultivation secret realm! Just one gentle breath can make people feel refreshed.

Just the overflowing spiritual energy can cause such an almost miraculous effect, how can the effects of those spirit grasses, spirit flowers, and elixirs themselves go against the sky?

For example, the large piece of flesh that still has blood stains, there is not a little bloody qi, but there is a treasure medicine-like fragrance, and the qi and blood contained in it are simply surging like a great river!

Everyone simply couldn’t imagine what kind of creature could use such a terrifying level of flesh and blood?

As for the bead, it was relatively ordinary, and everyone did not see anything strange.

But how could it be simple for Zhou Yi to put him together with those spirit herbs, elixirs, spirit flowers, and spirit meat?

Often the more ordinary things are, perhaps, the most precious!

None of the people present were stupid, so when everyone wanted to rush forward to inspect the goods, most of the people’s target was actually the pill-like bead.

But Zhou Yi stopped them.

Then, Zhou Yi plucked a petal from a spirit flower, and with a slight shake of his wrist, the petals shattered into more than fifty parts on average, flying out of thin air in front of everyone present.

“It’s the same as before, guys, let’s check the goods a priori.”

Naturally, everyone couldn’t wait to put the small piece of broken petals in front of them into their mouths.

Then, there was a series of exclamations.

Because everyone felt that the small piece of broken petals that they put in their mouths turned into a rich aura that could not be opened at the moment of just entering the mouth, and the pure fragments seemed to have no impurities, and the quality was even higher and amazing.

This aura rushed down their throats into their abdomen, and then spread to their limbs, bloodlines, and billions of capillaries.

“I went, I actually broke through?”

“I also broke through!”

“Crazy, crazy, the spiritual energy contained in a small piece of broken petals actually allowed me to break through from a martial artist to a martial artist, if I take the whole spirit flower, wouldn’t I have a chance to become a martial king?”

“The level of these spirit materials is too high, completely beyond my imagination!”



At this time, in this reception room, all the people of the martial arts school completely exploded.

Because, everyone has actually made a breakthrough, and all of them who were martial artists before have broken through to the Martial Sect, and before they were Martial Sect’s, their strength has also improved significantly.

This is terrible!

This is simply beyond the knowledge of all of them!

But Zhou Yi was not surprised.

After all, these things he took out this time, even in the flood and wilderness, could be regarded as spiritual objects.

And what is the flood famine?

That’s the heavenly immortal is not as good as the dog, the real immortal walks all over the place, the Xuan immortal can’t shake it, only the golden immortal can barely be regarded as the super high spirit world of the character!

The Martial Sect on Earth is just equivalent to the stage of refining Qi and Transforming God in the flood wilderness.

This kind of low realm, as long as you are in the flood wilderness, but if you have a little cultivation, you definitely only need to breathe the spiritual energy in the flood desolation world, and you can easily achieve it.

Don’t convince the spirit creatures in the flood.

“Okay, everyone, the goods have also been inspected, and then, let’s start bidding.”

“Of course, before bidding, I will give you a brief quotation of the price.”

“These spirit grasses, spirit flowers, spirit medicines, each plant, the starting price, 30 billion Chinese coins, not capped!”

“This piece of spirit meat, the starting price, 50 billion Chinese coins, is not capped!”

“This inner dan, the starting price, 200 billion Chinese coins, is not capped!”



, hiss…”

As soon as Zhou Yi’s voice fell, a series of gasps sounded in the reception room.

Really, Zhou Yi’s quotation is too expensive!

But no one feels that this price is outrageous!

Because, in their cognition, even the ultimate elixir in the global elixir market, if it is effective, it is not comparable to the small broken petal just now.

And a top-quality elixir is worth at least two billion Chinese dollars.

More than fifty top-grade elixirs, that is, at least more than 100 billion Chinese dollars.

But the superb elixir worth more than 100 billion yuan is not as good as a petal on a spirit flower among these spirit materials that were easy to take out last week.

So, 30 billion spiritual materials, is it expensive?

It’s so cheap!!

Just thinking about it, the surprise in everyone’s eyes turned into extreme heat.

PS: Can’t hold on, the eyes are too dry, the two eyelids are fighting, the inefficiency is simply outrageous, it drives me crazy!!!

Gotta go to sleep, get up early tomorrow, I’m in good spirits, I want seven more, aaaaaaa Yesterday I owed one change, today I owe two more, and the difference is three

So, seven more tomorrow!!!!

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