Mount Emei, the mountains are like swords, towering into the sky, the terrain is steep, and it is difficult to see at a glance.

In the endless sea of clouds, a palace is hidden in the mist, and the divine brass blooms, like an immortal temple, who can want, that is the territory of the Ying Zhao Demon Saint.

He stayed for a long time, waiting for Zhao Gongming to return, and did not bother Zhou Yi, and the two sides confronted each other, but they were also at peace.

Zhou Yi these days, simply calm down, cultivate the True Yan Nine Style, what he lacks the most now is the method of attack, if the True Yan is, the furnace of the practice is pure, there is no doubt that his combat power will skyrocket again.

He originally wanted to cultivate all the True Yan Nine Styles at one time to the Great Cheng, but Chaos Nebula told him that the True Yan Nine Styles were too profound, and even if Zhou Yi used all the merit points to cultivate now, he would not be able to exert his strength at all.

The current three formulas are easy enough to use.

What Zhou Yi wants to do now is to break through the Nine Turns Xuan Gong and the Star Source Body Shaping True Chapter.

On this day, Zhou Yi exchanged 50 million cosmic crystals in the cultivation dojo, and suddenly, countless merit points burned directly, and Zhou Yi began to make a breakthrough in the Nine Turns Xuan Gong.

That’s 500 billion merit points!

Or cultivate the Star Source Body Shaping True Chapter first, only the stronger the body, the higher the achievement will be when the Nine Turns Xuan Gong breaks through, Zhou Yi knows this truth well.

“Ding! The host consumes 15 billion merit points! ”

“Ding! The host consumes merit points, 26 billion! ”

“Ding! The host consumes merit points, 40 billion! ”

In Zhou Yi’s eyes, there was endless brilliance, like stars, dazzling, and could not be seen directly.

His skin seemed to be filled with starlight, a little brilliance, swimming in his skin, and his valley bones were as clear as jade, as if they had transformed into divine bones.

This time, Zhou Yi felt that he had been reborn and his physique had changed, as if the Chaos Nebula had really changed his physique, and the merit points last time were not in vain.

Moreover, the most significant thing is that Zhou Yi can cultivate by himself this time, and it also has a certain effect, which is completely different from before, his cultivation talent has never been very good, and it is even very wasteful.

But since the Chaos Nebula said that he changed his physique, it was different, this time, he ran Xuangong on his own, without relying on merit points, it seemed that he had gained a lot, and the essence in the flood was nourishing his flesh every moment.

At this time, Zhou Yi’s merit burned wildly, and his realm was also improving little by little.

“Ding! The host consumes 90 billion merit points! ”

Nebula Realm!

Finally, Zhou Yi consumed 250 billion, and finally raised the Star Source Sculpting Body True Chapter to the Nebula Realm.

The breakthroughs of the Great Realm were more than the sum of all the previous Small Realm breakthroughs.

Zhou Yi took a deep breath and continued to cultivate the Nine Turns Xuan Gong, since it was the beginning, he had to make a big splash!

The consumption of the Nine Turns Xuan Gong is equally terrible, Zhou Yi moves at will, it is hundreds of billions of merit points burning, at this moment, Zhou Yi’s body seems to turn into a sky full of stars, secretly fitting Zhou Tian’s body, constantly alternating reincarnation in destruction and rebirth.


Another hundred billion merit points burning, obviously not enough!

Luofu Cave shook, the rocks on the top of the mountain tumbled, and every molecule of his body was glowing, and the majestic breath alarmed the entire Emei Mountain.

Above the nine heavens, the Ying Zhao Demon Hall.

Mount Emei shook, this is an unprecedented thing, this is an immortal mountain, since Pangu opened the heaven and earth, there are spiritual roots dormant, so that the mountain is full of spiritual energy, easily unshakable.

And now, Ying Zhao can feel that on Mount Emei, there seems to be a strong aura bursting out, which alarmed the spiritual veins of Mount Emei, thus triggering the alarm of Mount Emei.

“This breath is so familiar.” Ying Zhao frowned.

From that breath, he felt a trace of heart palpitations, that kind of breath, even from the Wu Clan, he had felt it!

The Nine Turns Xuangong was originally the path of preaching with strength, and in the future, Yang Jian, the Erlang Xiansheng True Monarch, even relied on this body to become holy, and pushed the invincible hand of the saint.

As a demon saint, Na Ying Zhao inevitably has friction with some masters of the Wu clan, which is known as the authentic Pangu Sect and has a trace of the bloodline power of the Pangu Great God.

This “Nine Turns Xuan Gong” is inherited by the Pangu Great God, which can be said to be the same origin, and it is not surprising that Ying Zhao feels familiar.

A small mountain in Emei Mountain directly cracked a crack, and the crack spread downward, and the clicking sound was endless, even terrifying.

Chang’e’s small jade hand covered the small mouth, and the beautiful face of Yan Yingxue floated a red halo derived from surprise.

“What kind of Xuan Gong is this cultivation of Fujun? How is it so terrible. ”

At this moment, Zhou Yi actually opened his mouth to swallow the essence qi between heaven and earth, he was about to break through and become a master of the Xuan Immortal Realm, and these essence qi were used to improve his physical body when he broke through the realm.

The 500 billion merit points were consumed, and moreover, Zhou Yi exchanged another 100 million cosmic crystals and burned 50 billion merit points again before cultivating the Nine Turns Xuan Gong to the early stage of Xuan Immortal.


Zhou Yi let out a long breath, he was not afraid even if he encountered someone in the middle of the Taiyi Golden Immortal at this moment, even if he couldn’t fight it, he could still run.

As soon as his “Nine Turns Xuangong” and “Star Source Sculpting Body True Chapter” broke through, and then combined with the True Yan Gun and the True Yan Three Styles, he might be able to hurt the mid-stage master of the Taiyi Golden Immortal!

Reaching the Taiyi Golden Immortal, every time you ascend to a realm, you need countless years of cultivation, and if you want to cross the realm to fight, its difficulty is simply no less than that of mortals ascending to the sky.

Zhou Yi also obviously felt that he relied on countless adventures and Origin Divine Soldiers to have this kind of combat power, and asked how many people could have such a situation as him in addition to those saints and those legends in the flood wilderness.

“If I want to kill a master in the middle stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, I will at least reach the early stage of the Golden Immortal, and in the late stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, I estimate that at the very least, I will also reach the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm!” Zhou Yi estimated in his heart.

Cultivating to the Taiyi Golden Immortal, the body has given birth to an immortal aura, and you can pin the Yuan God on the void, unless there is an anti-heavenly spirit treasure body, or supreme divine power, it is too difficult to kill the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Zhou Yi is preparing to strike while the iron is hot, and be promoted in one fell swoop to become a golden immortal!

But at this time, he felt that in the large array outside the mountain gate, there was another warning message, and it seemed that a master was coming.

“Huh? Someone coming again? ”

Zhou Yi went out of customs, wore a green shirt, and came to the mountain gate.

At the mountain gate, there is a burly man, wearing animal skin clothes and carrying a simple longbow behind him, standing at the door, with his hands behind his back, looking down at the mountain gate of Luofu Cave.

“The Great Witch Houyi came to visit, and the Gongming Daoist friends can be in the mountains.”

Houyi is here!

The top witch of the witch clan! Under the saint, the most unparalleled combat power!

Zhou Yi stood at the door and was stunned, why did the Wu Clan directly send Houyi here? It seems that his master is very delicious!

At this time, he secretly glanced at Chang’e behind him, and found that Chang’e’s face was free, there was nothing wrong, and he also took a breath.

After all, it is difficult for him to say clearly about cause and effect!

“Emei Mountain Luofu Cave Zhao Gongming sat down disciple Zhou Yi, and has seen the Great Wu.”

PS: There is a bit of a delay today, everyone greatly forgive _

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