Hearing the speech, Chu Tianyou shook his head firmly and met again. He yelled: "I won't go. I'm the successor of the Chu family. How can I escape at such a time of family crisis?"

"I want to stay. Even if I fight to the last drop of blood, I will make the Li family pay a heavy price!"

"Brother Lin... You are not a member of our Chu family... You don't have to stay and die for our Chu family!"

"I believe in your ability. Take my sister with you. They can't stop you. The farther you go, the better. Don't come back!"

Chu Tianyou's eyes swept through Chu Yue's blue shirt figure in the chaos. There seemed to be tears in his eyes, but with a trace of free and easy, and generous determination to die!

Although he knew that Lin Xuan was very powerful and could beat the nine section masters with the strength of seven sections of spiritual cultivation, there were four of them and six eight section masters present today. Even with one Lin Xuan, their Chu family was definitely no match!

Even if you win miserably, you have to face the two spirits of the Li family. There is no chance!

Chu Tianyou's character is an upright and bright gentleman. He can't bear Lin Xuan's death for their Chu family, so he let Lin Xuan go with his sister at the critical moment!

"Brother Lin, go now. Don't hesitate any more. This is different from the past. You are no match for the Li family!"

"Brother Lin... my sister will be handed over to you. You go!"

Chu Tianyou roared again and resisted the Jiuduan master with his weak cultivation. The huge consumption had made him to the end. Even his voice was much weaker!

At this moment, the last master of spiritual cultivation finally locked the target and rushed to Lin Xuan and Lin Xuan!

"Mr. Lin... I'll hold on for you for a moment. You take yue'er and leave quickly!"

However, at this time, a middle-aged man in a grey robe stood in front of Lin Xuan. He fought against two masters of spiritual cultivation with one against two. He involved the last one and ordered Lin Xuan to go first!

"No... I don't want to... Lin Xuan... You go, I want to stay in the Chu family, even if I die..."

The girl in the green shirt pushes away Lin Xuan. Two lines of clear tears flow from her red eyes. It moves him to see Lin Xuan's eyes!

"This Chu family... All don't want to implicate me, let me go, ha ha, and what treatment did I suffer in the Lin family?"

Lin Xuan sighed to himself.

But then, his body suddenly turned into a shadow, stepping on the shadow step of the moon, the dark channels in his body roared, and a little bit of pale golden halo emerged from his body!

Lin Xuan's golden light was bright. He appeared like a comet in front of a master of nine sections of spiritual cultivation. He murmured: "long arm fist!"

The best skill!

Everything is invincible, everything is broken!

"Hum... There's a little mischief. It's only seven sections of spiritual cultivation. I dare to fight with my husband. I really don't know what to do!"

The strong man of nine sections of spiritual cultivation is a fifty year old man in a long robe. He has a deep breath and looks very powerful!

But Lin Xuan didn't say a word. With a wave of his arm, the spiritual power in his body gushed out, and the supernatural power worked silently. The fist seemed to turn into eternity, which could not be stopped!


The huge roar shocked everyone. The master of nine sections of spiritual cultivation had a fight with Lin Xuan, but he had a direct and painful shout. The bones of the whole hand were shattered by Lin Xuan's force, which was hard to resist!

"Ah... It's impossible... You little bastard, dare to hurt me, I want you to die!"

However, in response to him, he still had an iron fist that could not be broken. From far to near, he could not even escape. The body of the 50 year old man turned into a kite and flew backwards.

And Lin Xuan suddenly jumped up into the sky. Like the God of war, he came down from the sky and once again used his long arm fist. In the air, he suddenly shot his last fist at the opponent in front of him!


A mouthful of scarlet blood gushed from his mouth, and the huge impact of the boxing style instantly defeated his internal organs. The master of nine sections of spiritual cultivation opened his eyes and looked at Lin Xuan with unbelievable face!

He didn't understand until he died, why a mole ant like waste could defeat him so strongly!

But this question, he is doomed to no longer get the answer, a little bit of life from the body, the eyes of the glory also into nothingness!

"I don't want to!"

Three punches!

smooth and clean!

A spiritual master who has reached the top of the nine awesome days has been killed by Lin Xuan.

This shock, even Chu Yue, who had witnessed Lin Xuan's great power, was also muddled and shocked!

"What's going on here... Am I hallucinating?"

"What is the origin of this young man... He has such great power, and the old man is not even his opponent!"

"Oh, my God, what kind of demon did miss and young master bring back from the outside..."

However, when the Chu family was shocked, Lin Xuan's steps did not stop at all. Like a ghost, he shifted his shape and changed his shadow. He used the moon shadow step to shuttle through the battlefield!

To the most terrifying God of death, every time he makes a shot, long arm fist, someone will be seriously injured or fall!

Such a strong scene is deeply imprinted in people's minds, unforgettable, often think of, will be a visual feast!

"Ah... No... don't..."

Lin Xuan replaced Chu Tianyou, who was unable to support him. He was full of life and spirit, and his spirit power was boiling. Every shot was like a wild beast. Even if it was just a simple punch, it was impossible for the old man to resist!

Finally, after the three fists, he also turned into a corpse that was still warm. Lin Xuan broke a big hole in his chest and lost all his life!

"No, I hate... Who are you? You dare to meddle in your own business and kill me many times. Don't you know that my Li family is the leading family in Yulin city. Do you want to die?"


The voice of the cracked bone was so clear that the third strong man in the Ninth Section of spiritual cultivation was covered with blood and seven holes were bleeding. He fell to the ground wobbly and was killed by Lin Xuan!


Chu Tianyou, who finally broke away from the battle, was still breathing heavily. He thought it was a hard fight, and Lin Xuan's strong moves would be exhausted in a few times!

But in his eyes, Lin Xuan not only did not have any fatigue, but became more and more brave and unstoppable. Like a demon God, he cut melons and vegetables and reaped the life of these Li Jiaqiang people!

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