"Father, you can't believe him. Don't you know who Li Dahai is? If we let him go, it's like letting the tiger go back to the mountain. He will definitely go back on his words at that time!"

Chu Tianyou is still painstakingly persuading his father, hoping that he can understand!

However, in Chu Kun's view, this is their only choice now. They have to believe in Li Dahai and have a chance of survival.

Otherwise, if you kill him, you will attract the spirit Master!

At that time, it's too late to really call everyday and earth ineffective!

"I hope the Chu family will show their strength now, and the Li family will be afraid of us."

In the heart, Chu Kun sighed and said to himself.

"God forbid

"I believe brother Li is a man, but now my family can't bring out 50000 spirit stones. I don't know how. My Li family will give brother Li 10000 spirit stones in advance, and the remaining 40000 spirit stones will be returned slowly!"

Chu Kun took a deep breath and looked as usual.

"Hum, it's not impossible to give ten thousand spirit stones first, but I can't wait that long for the remaining forty thousand. In three months, I want you Chu family to collect the remaining forty thousand spirit stones and send them to my li house!"

"Hum, if you can't afford it, don't blame my Li family for being merciless!"

Li Dahai does a whole set of plays, and his acting is the same as real. Even he admires himself!

"Father, you can't promise him!"

"Don't believe him, Daddy!"

"Master... Li Dahai has always done all kinds of evil. These people have no credibility. I can't believe them!"

However, no matter who is in Chu's family to stop, it can't change Chu Kun's decision!

He glanced at the children of the Chu family and sighed again: "you don't understand how powerful the spirit is. It's still too young!"

"Well, three months, just three months!"

Chu Kun nodded calmly and agreed to Li Dahai's request!

And the more he retreated, the more he convinced Li Dahai that there was no master of spirit in his family now. That's why he counseled!

"Hehe, Chukun, Chukun, it's really bad luck that the Chu family is handed over to you. It's doomed to disappear in the long history!"

Li Dahai smiles in his heart, but he pretends to be cold and hums: "Chukun, don't you hand over the ten thousand spirit stone?"

Immediately, the Chu master took out a brocade bag from his waist with a sore face.

"There are eight thousand spirit stones in this storage bag. This storage bag is worth two thousand spirit stones. Take it away!"

Chu Kun throws a cubic storage bag to Li Dahai and sighs.

As the owner of the Chu family, he had no way. Although he was humiliated, from his own point of view, he felt that what he had done was right. As long as he could keep the Chu family, as long as he could delay, all the crises would be solved after he was promoted to a spiritual person!

"Haha, it's almost the same. Hum, take their corpses and let's go!"

At this moment, Li Dahai laughed. He didn't expect that Chu Kun was so easy to fool. He took the storage bag and didn't bother to look at it. He wanted to leave with the storage bag!

No one of Chu family dare to stop!

Actually really let others leave!

"Father, what you have done today will be regretted in the future."

Chu Tianyou's face is like ashes. Even though he shouts his throat hoarse, Chu Kun doesn't listen to him at all. He still fantasizes that this can save the Chu family!

As everyone knows, the more vulnerable they are, the more vulnerable they will be bullied by others!

Today, Lin Xuan was present in the family and survived. What about in the future?

If Lin Xuan left, what would their Chu family do?

Chu Tianyou didn't know where his life was. He hung his head and dragged his body hurt. He walked silently by Chu Kun!

"Stop... God bless, I know you can't understand what I'm doing in your heart. That's because you're too young to know the power of the spirit Master. If you force the Li family spirit Master to come here, we won't have any hope. We'll all die!"

Chu Kun thought that he could let Chu Tianyou understand him and the Chu family understand him with his words. No one wanted the Chu family to continue!

If the Chu family were defeated from his generation, he would be unforgivable!

However, Chu Tianyou didn't seem to hear it. He went to Lin Xuan and said to Lin Xuan and Chu Yue: "you two go quickly. The Chu family will be destroyed soon. Once the spirit masters of the Li family come, you can't go away!"

"Brother Lin, thank you for helping the Chu family over and over again. But this time, you can't compete with the spirit

"I can see that my sister likes you very much. Take her away and treat her well. As a brother, I wish you a safe life."

Chu Tianyou's face rarely shows a trace of tenderness.

"And the second uncle... All of you, if you can go, go quickly. The Chu family is going to be finished. If you don't go, you can't go!"

However, at this time, suddenly a loud slap sounded!


"Shut up, son, don't talk nonsense here!"

Chu Kun roared and gave Chu Tianyou a slap, which made his mouth overflow a little blood!

"Hahaha... Father... In the past, you were all heroes in my eyes, but today, I don't know why you are so fatuous. Do you really think that the Li family will make peace?"

"From the moment sun gongfeng left, there were many people staring at us from all over Yulin city. Everyone wanted to rush up and tear a piece of meat!"

"Everyone knows that my Chu family is easy to bully because they don't have the spirit. Ha ha, the Li family is only the first one. Even if they let us go today, they won't pursue us in the future, but the 50000 spirit stones are bought by us desperately!"

"When the Li family has tasted the sweetness from us, will the other families be indifferent?"

"Ha ha ha... Father, I didn't expect you to be so stupid!"

"Go, go, father, go too. In a short time, the people of the Li family will come back!"

Chu Tianyou was slapped, but it seemed like he was crazy. He was crying and laughing, which made all Chu people silent!

Even Chu Kun had some regrets. He whispered: "am I really wrong?"

"You're right... Wrong, you Chu family is too weak!"

At this time, Lin Xuan seems to have a sense of the opening Road, today's Chu family, is not the Star City Lin family, to fear Lu family everywhere, ha ha, weak urine is the original sin!

Even if not willing to admit, but almost all agreed with Lin Xuan's words, many people began to panic!

"Home owner... Do you mean that the people of the Li family will really come?"

"I'll wait... Are you really leaving?"

"No... master, I won't go. I was born a member of the Chu family. Death is the soul of the Chu family!"

"That is, if we don't leave, we will stay in the Chu family, advance and retreat with the family, and live and die together!"

"Advance and retreat together, live and die together!"

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