"Well, now I am in an array where trees are illusory, which means that there is no real object. This time, the array eye will not be a plum tree, which can be ruled out!"

"So, the plum trees in the plum garden are fake, so what is real?"

"Falling feeling?"

"I'm afraid there's only land under my feet!"

Lin Xuan's face showed a smile. At the moment, after several times of fighting, he understood a lot about the array as if he was at the top of his mind!

At the beginning of the maze, looking around, all the plum trees are real, and can be touched, but only one is real!

This means that all the plum trees Lin Xuan met were actually the same tree!

"Sure enough, why is the array so difficult to understand and so obscure? Even breaking the array requires so much brain. Ordinary people can't make the array master!"

The next moment, Lin Xuan no longer moved, but directly raised his feet and fell heavily. The surging spirit power gushed out from his feet, like a mountain falling apart, and the maze disintegrated instantly!

He got out of trouble again, and this time, it took less than a quarter of an hour!

When he saw the scene in front of him, he immediately understood what the feeling of falling was. It turned out that at this moment, he didn't know when to fall into a deep pit in the plum garden

"This is the real trap!"

Lin Xuan is very emotional, once again realize the terror of the master, if this is completed, I'm afraid it's not to play with the opponent in the palm?

Then, Lin Xuan jumped up, jumped out of the pit, didn't stop, and went deep again!

"Brother Shen, just look at me and try the fourth array!"

Lin Xuan laughs with confidence.

This time, he walked 200 meters, then fell into the array without warning!

In front of his eyes, all the red flowers that originally grew on the branches were scattered in the air, just like tiannu scattered flowers, flying all over the sky!

It looks like such a wonderful scene, but there is a hidden murder!

Lin Xuan's face was calm and his eyes were deep. His eyes were blown by the wind, and a piece of bright red petals came to him!

But Lin Xuan stretched out his palm and grasped the petal flying towards him. Unexpectedly, the petal was as sharp as a blade. In Lin Xuan's palm, the original bright red petal was more and more bright red. In his palm, there was a tiny hole with scarlet blood flowing out!

At the next moment, I saw the bright red petals dancing everywhere in the sky. It seemed that they had received some instructions. Suddenly, they turned into tornadoes, and countless petals flew towards Lin Xuan like flying knives!

Lin Xuan's face turned pale. He knew the power of the petals and could break his physical defense. Naturally, he didn't dare to be careless!

In this battle, Lin Xuan didn't need to hide any secret. He directly displayed his immortal body, and his whole body gushed out endless golden light. Then, he put his hands together to activate his spiritual power, and conjured up a shield made of the light curtain of spiritual power!

However, the petals were extremely fierce, and they were madly hitting the huge shield in front of Lin Xuan's body!

"Ha ha, it's good that Lao Tzu's spiritual power is endless and can be resisted, but I still have to consider the method of breaking the array!"

This fourth array is no longer a maze, but a killing array!

Let Lin Xuan sum up the experience in front of, all cost, he wants to sum up the weakness of this killing array!

"If the killing array also needs the maintenance of the array eye, I can break the array eye, but the old Shen Hua family didn't say how to break the killing array!"

Fierce as rain drops, the bright red petals are still frantically beating the huge spiritual power light curtain, seemingly endless!

Lin Xuan looked around. There were hundreds of plum trees. At the moment, the plum blossoms gathered in the sky were just from more than ten trees!

"Can we say that if we want to break the fourth array, we are waiting for all the petals to be used up?"

Lin Xuan is very puzzled, but if so, he can hold on to all the petals!

Now, under the light curtain in front of him, there is a layer of broken petals!

"No way. This should be the slowest way. As long as you carry it, it will be equivalent to breaking the battle. There must be a fast way!"

"It's just that I don't know anything about killing array. I don't have any reference!"

Lin Xuan is helpless. He is not a living antique like Shen Hua. He has never learned how to break the battle!

"At the beginning, Zhao 3000 and others almost fell in the fourth level, right? This can break the defense of my body, at least it's the power of the second section of the spirit! "

For a moment, Lin Xuan couldn't think of any good way. He could only silently resist the monotonous petals in front of him. As long as the array was controlled and the petals came in all directions, Lin Xuan was not so relaxed!

But now these petals are combined and merged into a dragon roll, attacking from one side. Although the firepower is really fierce, it's like a machine gun. It's crazy to hit Lin Xuan's light shield with his spiritual power!

In fact, this kind of means is also extraordinary. It needs perfect control of its own spiritual power, otherwise it is impossible to reach the level of Lin Xuan and turn it into a shield to protect itself!

If you don't master the spirit power of this light curtain, it will break up!

"Fortunately, I got the follow-up skill of immortal xuanjing, which contains the method of controlling my own spiritual power. Otherwise, I could not mobilize my own spiritual power so casually!"

Although he was on his way two days ago, because Lin Xuan had a system, he began to practice, that is to say, to confirm something, and then he would naturally do it!

In the past, Lin Xuan's ability of hiding this kind of group injuries could only rely on the hard resistance of the immortal gold body. He knew how abnormal this method of controlling his own spiritual power was. He could construct a shield or a long gun at will by relying on his own spiritual power!

As for the fourth array, Lin Xuan really has no idea to crack it. He can only wait for a moment. Whether the plum blossoms in the scene are swept away, he is equal to breaking the array!

Although this method is a little slow, it's also Lin Xuan's only way!

It took six hours to wait. The petal tornado in the sky disappeared that day. As Lin Xuan expected, the array was broken!

Returning to the real plum garden, Lin Xuan didn't dare to move forward any more. He needed to know how he had just fallen into the array, so that he was passive!

Only when this is clear can he move on!

But just as he thought about it, he didn't know that two miles away, the woman in the red skirt in the cabin seemed to feel something. She suddenly frowned and said in a low voice: "six hours... He has resisted hard. How can it be?"

"Even the old Shen Hua people found out the flaws of the array and forced them to fight. They didn't dare to fight hard in the fourth array!"

"Who is this man? Is it true that they are not the people of Luohuang City, but the direct disciples from the five elements temple... "

The woman stroked her hair and felt a wooden hairpin from her head. Then, a compass suddenly appeared in her left hand. Then she put the wooden hairpin into the compass!

In a flash, the dark compass suddenly shimmered. The wooden hairpin was standing in the middle of the compass, which was the "controller" or "dial" that controlled the array in Meiyuan.

At this moment, before she could make any action, she saw that the array disk in her hand was suddenly running by herself. The mysterious lines in the compass were being rearranged and arranged in a crisscross way, like the eight diagrams, turning round and round!

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