Chu Qing was defeated in one move, and Han Yu was even more frightened by Lin Xuan's methods!

If that's all, people in Luohuang city will be more in awe of Lin Xuan!

However, he has no cover up and makes a lot of comments, clamoring that the young people in luohuangcheng are all rubbish except Shen MuQing, who will offend people to death!

Lin Xuan didn't expect this. Only one night later, his name was known to all. All of them were extremely afraid and hated him. They wanted to kill him quickly!

"This boy is too arrogant. Even if he is a disciple of the great religion, he can only be defeated if he really forces those heirs who have never been born in the ancient family to do it!"

"It's true that the disciple of the great sect didn't know what to do. He has already made a public anger. This time, it's said that the Luo brothers have sent out a message to ask Lin Xuan to apologize for my young peers in luohuangcheng, otherwise they will deal with him personally!"

"Brother Luo? Is that the brother of Luo family who ranks third and fourth in the list of first class

"Ha ha ha, it's them. They are the two heroes of the Luo family. They are like Gemini. Their past achievements are extremely brilliant!"

"Hum, if there are Luo brothers, it will be really stable. Who doesn't know that the Luo brothers are almost tied for the third place in the list, there is almost no gap, and everyone is very strong!"

"Besides, there is a gap between the top three and the top five, which is far beyond the comparison of Chuqing and Hanyu!"

"Well said, on this list, if you say that there is no water in it, it must be the top three. All of them are real talents. They can only stand on the top by means of powerful means!"


Lin Xuan received the message to the marketplace early, and he didn't feel much about his opponent Luo brothers!

"If you can't do it with one punch, you can do it with ten. If you can't do it with ten, you can do it with twenty!"

This is the inside story of Lin Xuan. He can be called invincible in his physical journey!

The so-called immortal xuanjing, in which the word immortal runs through the whole ancient Sutra, is a true portrayal of this sutra!

Today, Lin Xuan's practice is getting deeper and deeper, and he has reached the peak of spiritual cultivation. His inner body's xuanjing runs automatically, and he no longer absorbs spiritual cultivation all the time. His spiritual power is always in a state of overflowing!

He is almost in an invincible position. Unless he can suppress him in absolute power, if his accomplishments are equal and he is delayed by Lin Xuan, the other party will inevitably fall into the exhaustion of spiritual power and lose at last!

As far as Lin Xuan knows, the Luo brothers are just the two peaks of the spirit, but they haven't broken into the three peaks of the spirit!

So, there's nothing to be afraid of!

It is impossible to suppress Lin Xuan in absolute power, except that his realm is much higher than him!

It's really because he can't destroy the xuanjing, which is already the top skill. With the supernatural powers such as the supernatural power, Lin Xuan is just like a wild beast. He can move mountains!

On the second day, Lin Xuan was waiting for the Luo brothers in the martial arts arena, and this battle attracted more and more attention!

Even the most powerful old people are attracted to see Lin Xuan defeated by the Tianjiao of Luohuang City, so as to recover his lost face!

"Today's odds are not as high as yesterday's, ha ha, now even the Yulong chamber of Commerce has learned to be smart. My odds with the eldest son of the Luo family are one to one, very stable!"

"The odds with the second son of the Luo family are even more pitiful, just 0.5!"

In addition to the colorful head of the stone, which is kept by the Yulong chamber of Commerce, Lin Xuan bets the stone against Luo Qiu, the second son of the Luo family, in the first game!

Then in order to avoid the chicken flying eggs, and the remaining 100000 stone bet on the second game of their own!

Even though Lin Xuan is absolutely confident, he would rather be careful and not put all his eggs in one basket. It's OK to earn less Lingshi. Anyway, there is still time!


Almost all the young people in the martial arts arena came here to witness the peak duel between Lin Xuan and the Luo brothers!

When Lin Xuan came to the scene, he found that the Luo brothers had already had enough time to sit in the stands, looking lonely and proud!

"You are Lin Xuan. Hum, can you insult us easily? Yesterday you talked so much that you deceived me that there was no one in Luohuang city. Today I stand here, but I want to understand your means! "

Luo Yan, the second son of the Luo family, came down from the sky and landed on the stage of life and death. His face was cold, and his eyes were a bit rebellious. He was as sharp as an eagle Falcon!

"Ten breath!"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan ha ha a smile, cow head don't horse mouth of say, make present of public completely don't touch brain!

"What did you say?"

"Huh? What, you want to give up? It's not that you can't do it. As long as you are willing to kneel in front of me and say that you are wrong in front of thousands of my peers in Luohuang City, I can't get around you! "

Luo Yan's hair is light, and his eyebrows are full of pride. He looks down on Lin Xuan from the bottom of his heart!

Lin Xuan hasn't seen this kind of sight for a long time. Since he pretended to be a disciple of the five elements temple, no one has been respectful to him. This man named Luo Yan is an exception!

"Ha ha ha, have a good time, young master Luo said well!"

"Kneel down and apologize. Only then can master Luo consider sparing your life!"

"Hey, Lin Xuanmu, do you really think I'm a bully in Luohuang city? This generation of Luo family is not only a Gemini, but also has a huge family background. There is a uncle who is a law enforcement elder in Qixue sect. He has a high status. How can he be afraid of you?"

"Yes, even if your ancestor is also the elder of the five elements temple, you should know that the qixuezong is the most transcendent force in Qingzhou Prefecture!"

It seems that the people of Luohuang city who have been holding for a long time finally have the opportunity to be proud. They taunt Lin Xuan, as if they want to get back their lost face!

When Lin Xuanwen heard this, he immediately understood it and sighed: "so it is. Luohuang city is worthy of being an ancient city for thousands of years and the third largest city of Qingzhou Prefecture. Some families have a deep foundation. Even the identity of the direct disciple of the five elements view is nothing in their eyes. They have no fear at all!"

"Ha ha, I think Mr. Luo Er should have misunderstood. I don't mean to admit defeat when I say ten breath, but... Between ten breath, you will definitely lose!"

"If it's more than ten, I'll lose!"

Although Lin Xuan sighed in his heart, he still had no fear on his face. He shook his head and sneered!

He has sensed that the cultivation of the second son of Luo has not reached the peak of the second section of the spirit, which is worse than his elder brother. The so-called Gemini is just blowing out!

"Hum, I want to die!"

Sure enough, Luo Yan was furious when he heard this. He felt insulted. He roared. I don't know when, a silver sword appeared in his hand!

But at this moment, Lin Xuan didn't expect that the other party would take out the weapon, and even wanted to separate life and death, which made his body stunned for a short time!

"You want to use a sword?"

Lin Xuan's eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness and asked aloud.

"Well, you didn't say you can't use weapons, so I can use them!"

"Let's show you the unique skill of our Luojia family, autumn water sword technique!"

Naluoyan deserves to be the fourth in the list. Sure enough, he has some skills. He is like a dragon. He has an ethereal figure and excellent sword skills. He is extremely fierce. Every move comes according to Lin Xuan's lifeblood!

The silver sword is like lightning, always without warning, fast as thunder!

This short three breath between, then already toward Lin Xuan brandish dozens of sword, disturbed his initial rhythm!

Lin Xuan wanted to use a pair of magic fists to defend the enemy, but he didn't expect that Luo Yan caught the loophole and took out the long sword. What's more hateful is that the silver long sword is still the best weapon, which is the same level as Lin Xuan's Huanglong sword!

"Well, you forced me!"

Lin Xuan gave a sneer. He was awe inspiring in his heart. His body dodged again and dodged the deadly sword!

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