Baifengcheng, a secluded and secluded courtyard.

This is the seventh day for Lin Xuan and his wife to stay here. In these days, Lin Xuan has passed on the awakening method of protoss blood from the system to Liu Ruyi.

This so-called divine awakening method does not record the practice method, but only how to awaken the divine blood.

In Lin Xuan's understanding, the blood of the protoss should be one of the special blood and constitution handed down by the old people, which has great advantages.

But Lin Xuan didn't know what advantage the protoss blood had.

For seven days, he has been helping Liu Ruyi, because every time the latter starts to use the awakening method, her eyes will burn like fire, and she needs Lin xuandu's cool power to cool her down.

According to the system, a long time ago, the protoss suffered from the heaven and earth, the protoss were cursed, and the power of blood was completely blocked, so that the protoss finally declined and disappeared in the long history.

Because of the curse, the protoss can no longer sense the power of blood in their body and become mortals.

According to the explanation of the system, the power of the blood of the protoss has never disappeared and has always existed in the blood, but can not be used or activated.

Lin Xuan was puzzled that it was Liu Ruyi's eye disease. He thought it was the curse of the protoss, but later he realized that the so-called curse did not refer to eye disease, but to the blockade of blood power.

Once upon a time, the protoss was in a state of awakening as soon as they were born. There was no awakening method at all.

"Is eye disease the key to awakening blood?"

As there was no reference for comparison, Lin Xuan had no clue and could only guess at random.

"When you run the awakening Dharma, have you ever felt anything abnormal in your eyes?"

Lin Xuan frowned and continued to help Liu Ruyi relieve the pain brought by the awakening of her blood.

"Young master, Ruyi is in great pain. I haven't felt it carefully."

Liu Ruyi closed her eyes tightly, and her face was in pain.

"Then you will continue to operate according to the awakening method. Remember, you must carefully sense the abnormality coming from your eyes!"

Lin Xuan exhorted, his face calm.

"Yes, sir!"

Liu Ruyi clenched her teeth and started to work in her body again according to the method Lin Xuan taught her. At this moment, the sweat oozed from her forehead, obviously suffering a lot.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Xuan is trying his best to relieve Liu Ruyi's pain, and he says urgently.

"Childe... I seem to feel that there are two dragons in my eyes, surrounded by fiery flames, circling in them."

Liu Ruyi said intermittently, looking very painful.

"That's right. This should be the picture of the power of blood in your body. Can you rely on the awakening method to influence your eyes?"

Liu Ruyi nodded, but at this moment, Liu Ruyi suddenly exclaimed: "ah..."

Her eyes suddenly opened, and two small dragons with blood like hair penetrated through the white gauze covering her eyes and shot out suddenly from inside, which made Lin Xuan pale!

Subconsciously, he dodged to one side, but when he looked at the two dragons again, he found that they had already evaporated, leaving only two pale golden threads, like impurities in blood, floating on the ground.

On the other hand, Liu Ruyi's fiery flame, which was originally condensed in her eyes, was scattered into pale golden blood, like warm currents, swimming in her whole blood, as if she had escaped from the cage.

"Young master, I can see again..."

At this moment, Liu Ruyi felt the change coming from her body and excitedly took off the burnt white yarn. Her face was delicate and her eyes were vivid.

Lin Xuan also breathed out a breath. He was a little happy, but he said calmly: "what else do you feel?"

"In my blood, mixed with a trace of pale gold blood, those pale gold blood seems to have some inheritance!"

Hearing the words, Lin Xuan immediately guessed: "inheritance? Are you sure? Although I've heard of some ancient races that have been handed down from ancient times and can be taught by themselves, those should be demon races. "

"There is a saying that we are the continuation of the blood of our ancestors. As long as the blood has not been cut off, it means that the inheritance will not be cut off!"

Lin Xuannan said to himself, although he had heard this kind of saying, he had never heard of anyone who could understand the inheritance from his blood!

"No, maybe it's because my ancestors didn't have such powerful people and couldn't imprint the inheritance in their blood. The ancestors of those wild and wild species, ancient demons, once dominated the world. At that time, the human race was extremely weak and was the slave of all races."

"But the protoss are different. The race that once ruled the world and kept the four corners of the world is extremely powerful. Even in a sense, it is more brilliant than all the ancient races combined. It's reasonable to leave the blood heritage behind."

In his heart, Lin Xuan seemed to get out of the clouds and see the light.

"What can you learn from it?"

Lin Xuan calmed down again and continued.

"No... I can only vaguely feel a kind of intimacy in my blood. I can feel the fragments of inheritance in my blood. But maybe the strength of my blood is too thin to be closer!"

Liu Ruyi is not Xiaobai. Although she has never practiced, she has learned something about practice since she was a child. What she lacked in the past was only a practice method!

"Well, you can continue to operate the awakening method I gave you. The seal that shackles your awakening blood has been broken. Later, you can further awaken the blood power in your body."

"If what I expected is right, there should be Protoss inheritance in those blood fragments, with the real top cultivation methods."

"During this time, you are here to experience and comprehend. There is not much time left for me. I will try my best to upgrade my cultivation to the realm of spirit in four months."

Lin Xuan's complexion calmly orders a way.

"Yes, sir!"

Liu Ruyi nodded her head. Even if she could not practice, she would be able to reappear the light without suffering from the inhuman pain, which made her very happy!

In his heart, he was extremely respectful to Lin Xuan, and even recalled all kinds of things these days. Lin Xuan always exhausted his spiritual strength for her, and Liu Ruyi was also moved.

Lin Xuan didn't continue to say anything. After he left the room, he summoned a servant system from the depth of his consciousness. The fetter value between him and Liu Ruyi has reached 51 / 100, and the progress is fast!

These days, Lin Xuan has been expending his mental power all the time. After polishing in this way, Lin Xuan also finds that his mental power is really improving.

Although the entry was slow, it was also a surprise.

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