"Ha ha, I don't know if this elder martial brother is coming to our 72nd peak. What can I do for you?"

Lin Xuan, dressed in a green robe, came out of the crowd calmly.

On his side, Shen MuQing is extremely beautiful, with a pair of narrow eyes sweeping over!

"Hum, are you Lin Xuan?"

The visitors were also dressed in blue robes, which were also printed with a bloody Phoenix.

He spoke haughtily, raised his head and sneered.

"Yes, I am."

Lin Xuan smile, his whole body breath introverted, did not get angry.

"Hum, that's OK. Let's go. Someone wants to see you!"

Song Yu snorted and said.

However, after hearing this, Lin Xuan didn't say anything, but those fellow geniuses on the 72nd peak showed their different colors and were shocked one after another!

"What? As strong as elder martial brother song, he is just a messenger. My God

"What kind of people did Lin Xuan offend? He really killed himself!"

"Hum, it seems that Lin Xuan is doomed this time. This time, he can make a piece of treasure land for my seventy-two peaks!"

"Yes, it's the top of the mountain. Those who have the ability can occupy it!"

Many people yelled, and some even threatened to take away Lin Xuan's precious land and drive him away!

However, in the face of these people's shouting, Lin Xuan just glanced faintly, and then let the two people who just spoke keep silent, shivering all over!

Lin Xuan's power is too powerful. At the moment, his breath is finally exposed without any cover up. He is very angry and his hair is flying like a black waterfall.

That pair of indifferent eyes, but as if they were staring at the devil, let them dare not say more, want to fly away!

Then, Lin Xuan sneered and asked: "what are you? If you ask me to go, I'll go. Don't I have no face?"

"Let the people behind you come to see me in person."

His eyes are awe inspiring, and his words are full of spirit!


Smell speech, that Song Yu is impatient, point to Lin Xuan to dare not believe immediately say: "do you know what you are saying? Tell the man behind me to come and see you in person? I'm looking for death

"Those people, even me, should be respectful. You, a new disciple, dare to be so arrogant!"

"I'm arrogant? Ha ha, if I am arrogant, I will not talk nonsense with you, but fight against you directly! "

Lin Xuan sneers, this person is really able to confuse black and white.

"Well, you don't need to say much. Do you want to follow me?"

At this moment, Song Yu seemed to know that there was no way to be kind today. His tone became colder and colder.

"I've already said that anyone who wants to see me will come by himself. It's a shame to let such a rubbish as you talk to me!"

Lin Xuan laughed.

"You... Want to die!"

How ever did Song Yu suffer such insults? Even if there were rules in qixuezong, he couldn't care. Song Yu felt that if he didn't teach Lin Xuan today, he would become a laughing stock in the clan!

"It's not sure who is going to die. If you want to do something, just let it go!"

Lin Xuan ha ha a smile, full don't care a way!

"Well, well, you have seed, you really have seed, you really think there are rules to bind me, so I don't dare to fight you. Do you know, there is another rule in the rules, that is, anyone who provokes or insults the elder of the school can be killed!"

"I've been a teacher for many years. Today, elder martial brother, I'll teach you a good lesson and let you know what it means to respect teachers!"

Song Yu gave a cold hum, and finally he couldn't bear it. He had never seen such an arrogant new man. He was respectful to him, at least he didn't dare to contradict him!

But this person, however, regards him as nothing, abandons him as my clogs, does not care at all!

This makes Song Yu feel that he has been greatly insulted. He is so angry!

He is also the son of the Song family of Qingzhou Prefecture. Although he is only collateral blood, who dares to challenge him like this?

"Don't blame me for your own death today."

Song Yu's words fall, and the whole person's breath rises. He turns into a shadow and comes to kill Lin Xuan. One move is a killing move!

"Bloody butcher's paw!"

This palm came fiercely, as if there were boundless blood light, with the evil spirit of corpse mountain and blood sea, came to Lin Xuan!

"Don't put out the palm!"

Lin Xuan's eyes were slightly cold, and his face was calm. He also waved a palm, and he was not afraid. He wanted to face Song Yu head-on!

And this scene, in the eyes of others, is Lin Xuan's performance beyond his capacity!

"What? It's the blood butcher's palm. It's a famous medium level inferior skill in the sect. It takes ten thousand points to exchange for it. It's very powerful. It's said that it was created by a great power in the sect. He once killed countless powerful enemies and created this palm skill by mastering and mastering it! "

"What does Lin Xuan do? How could he not hide? "

"Hum, I'm really out of my ability. I even want to stop the car with a mantis arm!"

"There is no corpse under the bloody butcher's palm. This palm is extremely domineering and full of blood. Many people who died under this palm are torn apart and torn by the blood. It's extremely miserable!"

"Lin Xuan is going to follow the old way of his predecessors. Is he going to be killed here today?"

In this room, countless people exclaimed, even if they were far away, they could detect the terrible power from the bloody butcher's palm. It was terrible!

In a flash, Lin Xuan's eyes, there is a figure from the boundless blood light, a big hand, toward his chest!

However, at this moment, a brilliant golden light gushed out of Lin Xuan's palm. He waved his immortal palm, which was triggered by his magic power. His powerful power seemed to be able to smash the mountains. He took up the boundless wind and gave the comer a heavy hand!


Like thunder in the sky, the huge roar was like a sonic boom, which made many people on the scene subconsciously step back and hum in their ears!

At this moment, the rocks under their feet cracked and there was a big crack about one meter long!

Song Yu's eyes are full of horror, and his face is also mixed with severe pain. He bites his teeth, and his other hand falls down silently. He stares at Lin Xuan. He can't believe it and says, "how is this possible?"

"How can you do that?"

"No, I don't believe it. I'll kill you!"

Song Yu yells and looks crazy. He thought Lin Xuan was just a little monk, but he didn't expect to hurt him, which makes Song Yu suffer a huge blow!

"Since you want to die, no wonder I am!"

Lin Xuan's face was cold. He looked at the figure coming again, without the slightest pity.

"Don't put out the palm!"

As soon as his figure flashed, he took the initiative to meet him and waved his hand again, as if it had turned into eternity. The boundless golden light lit up the eternal sky!


At this moment, I saw the figure of the green robe, like a broken kite, bumping heavily on the rocks in the distance, shattering large rocks!

Song Yu's chest was shocked, and he spewed out a mouthful of blood. The intense pain made him nearly faint and howl!

But it was also this blow that made him cold and scared!

"This is a man as strong as a childe. We can't humiliate him!"

In his heart, like a mirror, he finally wanted to understand.

Lin Xuan flicked his sleeve and left without looking at it. He turned around and left with a negative hand. He said, "go back and tell your master that I'm not so easy to bully. If you want to see me, let him come in person!"

Looking at the towering figure, many people on Mount 72 were speechless. Even though they had heard of Lin Xuan's name, most of them had never seen it!

Today's World War I scared all of them. Lin Xuan was too powerful to imagine!

In particular, a few people who just sneered at each other were even more desperate for fear that Lin Xuan would settle with them!

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