Lin Xuan didn't refuse. He accepted it calmly, thinking that it was a big deal to teach her the latest primitive Rune in a few days.

As an array pattern master, it is difficult to resist the temptation of the original rune. It is too mysterious and obscure, hiding the most original power of the law.

Lin Xuan didn't know why Shen MuQing was so good to himself, but his temperament was that if you treat me as a scholar, I will treat him as a scholar.

To put it in a more popular way, a drop of water will be rewarded by a spring.

Now what Lin Xuan lacks is resources. There is no restriction on practicing. As long as he has enough resources, he can make a breakthrough without hindrance!

"If you need my help in the future, just ask me. As long as I don't die, I will help you."

Lin Xuan's eyes were tough, staring at the beautiful and moving woman in front of him, like a dead fish and a wild goose.

Shen MuQing suddenly got up, gave a gentle smile and said softly, "then you have to continue to break through, otherwise, you may not be able to help."

"Go and see your friend surnamed Lin. how can the song's collateral disciples come here to see you instead of your friends? I think they should have learned something."

She had a pretty face, a straight nose and a rosy, smooth cheek.

At this time, Lin Xuan seems to remember, if not Shen MuQing remind, he really did not forget here to think.

"Well, I'll go first."

Lin Xuan bid farewell to Shen MuQing and rushed to the 50th peak in a hurry.

This is Lin Yu's residence. He once fought here for a peak. It was very difficult!

"Lin Yu!"

Lin Xuan was very fast all the way. Even if he was running on Yunfeng, he was like a clever monkey. He took a distance of more than ten meters in one step.

He came to Lin Yu's hut in a hurry, but he didn't see anyone here!

Moreover, this place is in a mess, with broken rocks and mountains. Many ancient trees, flowers and plants are affected.

Obviously, there was a battle not long ago!

At this time, in front of the house not far away, he saw a fellow elder martial brother walking here. He quickly welcomed him and said anxiously: "dare to ask this elder martial brother, did you know what happened here just now? Where is Lin Yu? "

The young elder martial brother in zongpao looked up and down at Lin Xuan, and said with a smile, "what can I do for him? Ha ha, don't look for him. That guy has offended an unimaginable enemy. He won't live long!"

"That kind of God of plague sweeps the star, who touches with him, will pour the big bad luck!"

The young elder martial brother's face was cold. He obviously felt that all the troubles on Mount 50 were caused by Lin Yu!

"Where is he?"

However, at this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly roared, like a tiger roaring in the forest, shaking the world, making the elder martial brother in front of him change his face and stagger!

"You... Who are you? How dare you be so arrogant on my fifty peak and disturb our Qingxiu, and report your name as soon as possible

However, just then, before the elder martial brother opened his mouth, there was a shock on the fifty peaks. Many people came out of the cottage, and some even sneered at Lin Xuan with an angry face!

"Seventy two peaks, Lin Xuan!"

Lin Xuan doesn't want to waste time with them. He can see that the young elder martial brother in front of him must know Lin Yu's whereabouts, so his eyes are colder and colder, which makes people shudder!

"Lin Xuan? It's you

"What, he is Lin Xuan?"

"It's this man. No wonder he's so strong!"

All of a sudden, some of the people who were attracted by the movement in the field exclaimed, as if they recognized Lin Xuan's identity!

"Tell me, where is Lin Yu?"

He didn't want to do it for no reason, but Lin Xuan was in a hurry now, and there was a kind of killing gas all over his body, as if there were gold and iron horses behind Lin Xuan!

This is the murderous spirit raised in the killing battle. It's moving!

The elder martial brother of zongpao in front of him could not help but tremble and said: "Lin Yu... Lin Yu, he was taken away!"

"By whom?"

Just now, he didn't think so much about it. He just felt that it was rubbish to go to get Song Yu. Otherwise, he would not let him go easily. He would definitely ask who was behind him.

"The name of that man... Can't be said."

Elder martial brother zongpao was a little nervous.

"What? Can't you say? "

"Ha ha, what kind of person, how can't say, what can't say, you can rest assured, I will protect you

Lin Xuan was a little angry and hummed coldly.

"His surname is song, and his name is song Tiancheng!"

Elder martial brother zongpao hesitated. Later, he seemed to be afraid that this matter would be affected. He resisted his fear and left in a hurry.

"Song Tiancheng!"

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, pondered over the name, which he had never heard of before.

"What does he have to do with the missing Liu Kuan?"

Lin Xuan glanced at all the people present and wondered.

At this time, elder martial brother Qingjun, who had just questioned him about disturbing Qingxiu, suddenly laughed and explained, "Song Tiancheng is the master behind Liu Kuan."


Lin Xuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he didn't sell notes recently. Finally, he came back to this person.

"This man is the son of the Song family. He is one of the top 100 people in the scoreboard. His cultivation level has reached seven stages of spirit."

"If not, why do you think the business of note transmission in the trading hall will be interfered by him? Only song Tiancheng can achieve this situation!"

"For others, do you think those who have been run away will really give up?"

"That person is not a good person. If you want to find someone, it's not so easy. If you don't say it well, you will be insulted and suppressed!"

"That man is quite overbearing!"

In front of him, elder martial brother Qingjun talks. He has a calm face. He is right and has no fear at all.

Lin Xuan sensed silently, and found that this person was not simple either. He was already the sixth cultivation of the spirit.

"Thank you very much."

However, Lin Xuan still thanks a, if have no this person's answer, he still really don't know so clear.

"But I don't know where song Tiancheng lives."

The next moment, Lin Xuanang's head, eyes seem to be able to penetrate 33 heavy days, Jingguang Zhanzhan, fearless asked!

"Ha ha ha, younger martial brother Lin, are you really going to have a meeting with song Tiancheng?"

At this moment, elder martial brother Qingjun couldn't help laughing, as if he was laughing at Lin Xuan's ignorance and self-reliance.

"No matter what the road ahead is, whether it's a sea of blood or not, Lin Yu and I are in the same vein. How can I not help?"

Lin Xuan's spirit is awe inspiring, his figure is tall and straight, and his voice is like Huang Zhong Da Lu, shaking the sky!

"Well, you have seed, elder martial brother, I appreciate you!"

At this time, elder martial brother Qingjun began to laugh again. He immediately said, "in that case, it's OK for me to tell you."

"Then song Tiancheng is at the top of the ninth peak. Younger martial brother Lin, go ahead."

The ninth peak?

It's a good place to live in. It's green and lush. It's stronger than other cloud peaks. It's close to the center.

Lin Xuan thought silently in his heart, and suddenly he laughed: "yes, I should have thought of it!"

As soon as his voice fell, he no longer looked at the people behind him. Instead, he turned the whole person into a shadow and dived towards the foot of the mountain. If he were an ordinary person, he would be scared to death if he went down at such a high speed!

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