Between the two chatting, they had come all the way to the depths of the shadow forest.

According to the instructions on the task board, Lin Xuan found the activity area of the golden lion without any difficulty.

This is the most difficult bone to chew in all tasks, because Jinyan holy lion can almost be regarded as the overlord level monster in the shadow forest, and has a strong sense of territory.

Wherever you go, all the creatures will tremble.

Within ten li of its territory, no other monster dares to intrude.

All the way calm, and even the birds did not call, suddenly stopped, quiet to make people panic.

In front of us are towering ancient trees and green vines, just like green snakes.

Lin Xuan and his wife were walking leisurely in the woods. At this moment, suddenly, the sound of the leaves came from the grass not far away, like someone stepping on the leaves.

Shen MuQing calmly said, "here we are."

"I heard it."

Lin Xuan smile, his hands suddenly appeared a black gold sword, emitting a faint luster, especially mysterious.

The origin of this ancient Dao is very extraordinary. Even if you don't need to urge it, you can cut iron like mud if you just wave it at will.

On one side, Shen MuQing also had a long sword in his hand, which slightly reflected a little bit of cyan gold luster. It was simple and vicissitudes, as if it had been left behind from a long time.

Although two people have absolute assurance, but also all take out their strongest state to meet the enemy.

They have two sections of one spirit and five sections of one spirit. That's right. During the time when Lin Xuan left, Shen MuQing sublimated and really broke through!

Her strength is far stronger than that when she used to chop the dragon with her sword!

All of a sudden, there was a roar from the grass.


At this moment, the earth seemed to be shaking, and the towering ancient trees all around seemed to be shaken by the sound wave!

Then, a golden animal came from the grass. It was four meters high. It jumped up with sharp claws and opened its mouth!

However, Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing had already realized that they had already been prepared in their hearts. This blow could not hurt them at all.

"Let's make a quick decision. We still have more than 30 tasks."

Lin Xuan burst out laughing. He stepped on the moon shadow step to hide the cold claws.

Then, he jumped up from the sky and took the initiative to face the back of the golden lion!

"Cut the mountain!"

Under the impetus of the cross cutting Sabre technique, the black gold ancient Sabre seemed to be summoned. Those strange and mysterious patterns lit up one after another and poured in one after another to form a unique light!

Can split the sun and the moon, sweeping the world!


The huge roar was like thunder. Under the attack of the black gold sword in Lin Xuan's hand, the golden lion was furious, roaring mountains and rivers, making the sun and the moon dim!

Behind it, under the golden hair burning like fire, there is a big bloody hole, which is bleeding out!


Even though the golden lion roars, he still can't get close to Lin Xuan. He runs too fast and doesn't attack the golden lion.

This golden lion's defense is too strong. Even if he is holding a black golden sword, he can't be seriously injured, just leave a hole.

"Sure enough, the demon beast with such a high score in the clan hasn't received the task for a long time, which is enough to explain the difficulty."

But at this time, Shen MuQing in the distance also moved. She seemed to be transformed into a woman Sword Fairy. Her skin was as delicate as jade, and her slender figure was dancing slightly, as if she were dancing.

But it was in this charming scene that a green golden sword was waved out of her hand. It seemed that the sword containing the spirit of Geng Jin trembled slightly and made a deafening sound!

This is the sword feeling, caused by the cross Ming!

Like the Milky way in the sky, Shen MuQing, dressed in white, comes rolling with his feet on the Milky way.

The sword is strong!


The swords waved down like raindrops, killing the golden lion.

The golden hair on the body was as bright and smooth as fire, which was destroyed by the swords. At one time, dozens of small blood holes were shot out, and the thick golden blood oozed slightly!

This is definitely a different species among monsters. I'm afraid it has a great origin, even the blood is so strange!

The Golden Lion screams and shakes the world, but it can't scare Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing.


The sound of the sword is like a sonic boom. The cyan gold sword turns into a fatal kill and stabs at the head of the golden lion!

The next moment, Lin Xuan also came. The black gold sword in his hand seemed to be revived. The deep light was as bright as stars. It was incomparably mysterious!

"Split the ground!"

This is Lin Xuan's cross cutting sword technique. He and Shen MuQing have a tacit understanding. One is retreating, and the other is attacking. Both of them have terrible strength. Anyone can hurt the golden lion!

Under such tactics, even if it is very strong, it will still be defeated!

Lin Xuan seized the opportunity and waved the knife again. The knife Qi was ten thousand li long. The light of black and gold was shining, and he split on the head of the Golden Lion again!


This seems to be a despairing roar, the golden lion's forehead bone is split by Lin Xuan, it slightly swings its tail, want to sweep two people!

However, when a sword fell, the tail as thick as a python was divided into two parts!

Two people didn't waste too much time, kill move out, invincible spirit skill all heap kill to have come to the end of the golden Yan lion!

Finally, the last sword light fell down and pierced the front chest of Jinyan holy lion. Even though it was extremely powerful, it was still unwilling to crawl to the ground at the moment and could not move any more!

Lin Xuan coldly mends the sword, fearing that something might happen. He cuts off the huge and ferocious head of the golden lion, and his blood is boiling, like the golden water melted from gold. It's unbelievable!

He quietly put the animal corpse into the heaven and earth bag, and then calmly and calmly headed for the next task with Shen MuQing!

In the world of the law of the jungle, there is no mercy to speak of. Once the human race was as weak as a slave and became the blood food of a monster. Now it is rising, naturally it will not let those tragedies happen again!

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