The frightening voice became more and more clear. At this moment, not only did Lin Xuan have a sense of fear in his heart, but many people noticed the abnormality, and even fear sprouted in his heart!

It's like the natural suppression of blood, which makes many people feel the tremor from the deep of blood!

Before, they talked and laughed, and no one noticed that they came to a silent area.


What does it stand for?

Here, there is an unimaginable enemy!

The reason why monsters have a sense of territory is that they are afraid of the strong in their blood.

And can feel the presence of the strong.

There are no other monsters here. There must be a reason!

Shen MuQing is also dignified. She and Lin Xuan almost find the problem at the same time. Now there is a green gold sword in her hand!

At this moment, the blood in Lin Xuan's heart seemed to have solidified, and everything in the world seemed to have no sound. His heart beat was so slow and quiet.

"Don't waste your energy, run quickly!"

Lin Xuan suddenly grabbed Shen MuQing's arm and roared without turning his head back. Then he stepped on the moon shadow step and ran at top speed!

However, the moment they moved, their feet suddenly moved

This is the real shaking of the earth, the towering ancient trees are collapsing, the vines are torn off in an instant, and a huge shadow jumps out from the ground!

It is like a pangolin, covered with scales, blood red eyes as huge as lanterns.

Just like the prehistoric dragon, it is such a giant!

It's mouth, even holding a body like an old cow, red blood down the corner of his mouth!

The body shaking in the mouth is a magic wolf!

Oh, my God!

Many people are completely dull when they see this scene, and even forget to run away. The powerful demon wolf is reduced to the blood food of a monster

How strong is this monster!

"We're in big trouble. Run!"

"This may be a monster that has opened its mind. It's extremely terrifying!"

Many people yelled and fled.

"Wearing Jialong..."

During the escape, the well-informed elder martial brother seemed to know the origin of the monster in front of him and cried out in fear.

"I've seen it in an ancient book of zongmen. It's a dragon wearing armor... God, I thought it was a legend, but it was true?"

"According to legend, this dragon is the descendant of a real dragon. There is a thin blood in its body. It is very powerful at birth and has a long life span. It can resist the aging of years by sleeping."

Someone said aloud and ran away in a hurry. No one dared to fight with the dragon.

Shen MuQing, who was beside Lin Xuan, was also shocked. Seeing the shadow's real body, he seemed to witness a miracle.

Even people like her exclaim, you can imagine how amazing the origin of wearing Jialong is.

"How can it be... Haven't the high-level monsters in the shadow mountains died?"

"What's more, it has something to do with that clan... Is it a seed left deliberately ten thousand years ago..."

Shen MuQing murmurs to herself, she is pulled by Lin Xuan to flee quickly, this thing is not what they can deal with.

"What did you say? Is that monster really a descendant of a real dragon

Lin Xuan also was Shen MuQing's words to the whole hair, dare not set channel.

"Yes... And no!"

"Is that true or not?"

Lin Xuan felt dizzy, but he did not stop, far ahead, running in the front!

Behind them, several elder martial brothers ran out successfully. The monster didn't seem to want to chase them!

"There is dragon's blood in the body of the dragon, but it doesn't come from the real dragon..."

"The real dragon is not visible. It has been buried in the years!"

"There should be a trace of Jialong blood in its body..."

Shen MuQing looked back with a serious look.

"Jialong? I've never heard of it

"You'll see it sooner or later in the forbidden area of the ancient forest."

Shen MuQing seems to recall a lot of memory, unwilling to say more, but a few words, still amazing!

"What? This has something to do with ancient forbidden areas? "

Lin Xuan was so stupid that he always felt the fog in front of him.

"It's coming."

"The prophecy is true."

Shen MuQing sighed. Looking to the west, it was the direction of the ancient forest.

"Coming? Crouching trough, why do you all say that it's so mysterious? What's coming? Can you explain it in one breath? "

Lin Xuanfu, this kind of riddle is the most boring, but it makes him scratch his ears!

"And what is your prophecy?"

In Lin Xuan's mind, the only thing that can be connected with the ancient forest is the original dutianzun. In his words, there is a saying that those ancient races will make a comeback.

Is that what Shen MuQing said?

"Do you mean that ancient races will come out of the forbidden area?"

"Then you can beat them back. You can do it before, and you can do it today."

Lin Xuan stopped. There was no danger behind him. There was no monster chasing him.

"Yes and no, recovery, to be exact."

However, Shen MuQing shakes his head and nods, some of which are beyond understanding.

"Cough, I can't understand if you can explain it in one breath!"

Lin Xuan was depressed.

"Can't say, can't say."

Shen MuQing shakes her head. At this moment, she looks confused and her eyes are blurred.

"That's all right. Whatever. Come on. The sky is falling. There's a tall one on top of it. Don't worry so much!"

Lin Xuan sighed. Since Shen MuQing didn't want to say more, he couldn't continue to ask more.

If according to the words of the dutianzun, those ancient races will come back in a thousand years, it will be a long time, and there is no need to panic!

At that time, even if he was not a saint, he would be at least a venerable one, right?

Self insurance is still no problem.

"You don't understand."

Shen MuQing shakes his head. It's rare for her to have such ups and downs after seeing the dragon.

"I don't understand, but you say, how can I understand if you don't?"

"No way."

Well, Lin Xuan is also convinced. He swore that he would never ask again.

At this time, Shen MuQing turned around and said to him seriously, "Lin Xuan, if one day, the world will be in conflict, what will you do?"

Hearing the words, Lin Xuan looked at Shen MuQing's serious expression on her beautiful cheek, as if he felt something in his heart. He said softly, "no matter how hard the world is, there will be a way to live."

"If others can live, so can I. if others die, I don't feel any loss when I die."

Lin Xuan ha ha a smile, don't think of way.

All of a sudden, Shen MuQing wanted to say something, but he wanted to say it again. Finally, he sighed gently.

She shook her head, face is still, but not the bright smile of the past.

"Let's go, the wind devil wolf doesn't have to waste any more time searching in the shadow forest. It's better to go to the periphery of Hengduan Mountain range!"

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