Besides, who said that Lin Xuan would lose!

There are nearly four million spirit stones on him at the moment, of which two million are borrowed by Shen MuQing. Shen Yan hasn't had time to use them!

There are 230000 zongmen points, and the extra 20000 are the rewards given to him after the end of the year assessment.

Equivalent to 630000 points!

What does that mean?

This represents resources!

Shen Yan has been saving for this day!

As soon as he entered the sect, he knew the place like Juqi hall under the introduction of his elder martial brother!

But he has never been there!

It's not that there is no spirit stone and no points, but to save spirit stone and points, and also to refine alchemy, make notes and so on. There is no way to concentrate on the cultivation and upgrading.

At that time, Lin Xuan was not in a hurry. If he wanted to be stable, he had to improve in other aspects.

So there's no need to rush to the hall of gathering Qi!

But now it's different. People are going to kill him. Can he still live?

"Haha, no one believes me. It's the same. It's just two months to catch up with Shen Qingfeng. In other people's eyes, it's too frightening and terrible!"

"But how can they think of it? I'm dead!"

"If I can't even beat a genius, it's useless!"

Lin Xuan sighed in his heart: "you forced me. I wanted to keep a low profile, but why don't you let me keep a low profile?"

All kinds of humiliations that weak hour suffered, one scene after another came to Lin Xuan's mind, and even experienced Lin Yu's fall.

It was a tragedy in his life.

I still can't forget it.

At the moment, he really doesn't want to suppress himself!

However, at this moment, in front of him, suddenly came a white hair figure.

See Luo elder a face calm of walk, to him way: "you can think of good how to meet?"

"I think about it."


"Catch up with him, even surpass him!"

Lin Xuan smiles and makes elder Luo feel crazy!

"Lin Xuan, did you get too much stimulation..."

"Elder, thank you. Don't worry. I'm really OK, and I'm not lying."

"I never do anything I'm not sure about."

Lin Xuan smiles. He can say that he can't do it and that he is rubbish, but others can't.

At this moment, elder Luo was silent. After a long time, he sighed and said, "what help do you need?"

"No, I can handle it myself."

"Don't worry, elder."

Smell speech, Luo elder no longer say what, just nod, light sigh way: "if the last thing can't do, I will come forward to save your life."

"When you get to my age, you will know that the fight between spirit and spirit is really nothing. The long-term development is the foundation. Don't go astray for this war!"

Elder Luo teaches.

Smell speech, Lin Xuan although know Luo elder still don't believe him, but in the heart still feel warm.

After all, such a thing, too shocking, no one believes it is normal!

"Yes, elder, I will obey the instruction!"

Lin Xuan did not argue, but nodded.

Elder Luo was relieved to see this and took out a ring from his arms.

"There are 1000 pieces of Zhongpin Ningshen pills in it. Take them first."

However, Lin Xuan shook his head and said, "elder, I can't accept it. Don't worry. I have my own plan!"

Hearing the speech, elder Luo waved his hand and sighed, "it's just that. Then you can do it yourself. I'll give you the bottom, old man."

"Elder Xie!"

However, at this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly fell to the ground and made a big salute.

He has always been kind and vengeful.

People respect me, I respect people.

Elder Luo, you deserve his worship!

"Ah, silly child, get up quickly, it doesn't have to be like this!"

Elder Luo sighed and shook his head.

After elder Luo left, Lin Xuan put down all his thoughts. He's going to go to a higher level!

Since we want to do it, we should be the most shocking!

Lin Xuan walked out of the gate of Lingshan, and then walked all the way to the Juqi hall where he had passed.

Before long, the news that Lin Xuan appeared in the hall of gathering Qi came out immediately.

He was ridiculed by many people.

"Ha ha ha, I thought Lin Xuan had some powerful moves, but I didn't expect it was this one!"

"Hey, I'm afraid Lin Xuan is stupid. There are only two months left. What can he do even if he is practicing in Juqi hall?"

"Yes, although the aura in the hall is rich, it's not so easy to absorb and refine. I really can't understand his way of doing it!"

"Yes, he spent two months on points, but it's impossible for him to catch up with Shen Qingfeng. He will lose!"

"Haha, now there are several senior brothers in the clan who have already opened their business. Now they are all in custody. Lin Xuan loses, and Shen Qingfeng is left. Haha, I think Lin Xuan is really hanging this time!"

Lin Xuan had nothing to do with the outside disturbance. When he entered the hall of Juqi hall, a purple deacon said to him, "which one do you want to choose for practice?"

"Fifty times the chamber!"

However, Lin Xuan's words were amazing for a moment!

This 50 times strong Qi gathering room is only used by elders in their practice. Even deacons are rare. It's too wasteful to absorb such a huge Aura!

Not to mention the disciples in the clan!

Even if someone comes, it's just an experience. It's a waste of points!

"What? Did I hear you right? "

The deacon in purple looked surprised and moved.

"That's right. It's a 50 fold plenum!"

"Ha ha, Lin Xuan, don't blame me for not reminding you. This 50 times gas chamber has 350 points every hour, and 4200 points a day!"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan immediately want to smile.

At the beginning, the consumption of these points was very expensive for him.

But now, in his family's wooden card, there are 230000 points!

This kind of cost is nothing at all, drizzle!

He's been closed here for 60 days, only 250000 points!

It's not painful to spend it all!

"This is my wooden card. There are 230000 points in it. Is that enough?"

Lin Xuan smiles and doesn't argue. Instead, he takes out the wooden card and hands it to the Deacon.

"How many hours will it take you?"

"Used up!"

Seeing this, the purple deacon was surprised in his heart, but he didn't say anything more. He directly drew all the points in the wooden card for him!

"These points are only enough for you to practice here for 55 days. After 55 days, you will retire."

"I see."

Lin Xuan nodded, calmly, under the guidance of the purple deacon, step by step into a gas gathering room!

When he entered, he found that the aura in the air gathering room was as strong as rain, and the clouds were so bright that his clothes were soaked!

After the first minute, Lin Xuande had a hint of + 50 in his mind.

However, he has some doubts, how is + 50? Shouldn't it be + 350?

All of a sudden, he seemed to understand something. It turned out that the so-called Hall of fifty times gathering Qi was not compared with the inside of Qixue sect, but with the outside world. It was fifty times stronger!

"Even so, it's enough!"

Lin Xuan put down his mind. His current speed of passive cultivation is 50 experience per minute. One hour is 3000 experience. 24 hours a day is 72000 experience!

What is the experience value of 55 days?

3.96 million experience!

After Lin Xuan was promoted to spirit, the experience value required for each level has been changed to 1.2 million!

These experience points are enough for him to upgrade to the fourth level in a row, because Lin Xuan only needs more than 20000 experience to advance to the fourth level in the second stage of the spirit!

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