Shen MuQing didn't know what to say, and the voice in his mind no longer responded.

On the seventy-two peak, everything seems to have never happened. The sunset is beautiful. Clouds and smoke surround the long peak. The dense aura gushes out from the earth. It's a peaceful and holy scene.

Two days later, on the seventh peak, Shen Qingfeng was promoted again!

Such news, even if there had been a rumor before, and many people had been psychologically prepared, still shocked the family members in the blood crying sect!

As soon as the news came out, it seemed as if a bomb had been dropped on the originally calm lake surface, causing thousands of waves!

The original weak voice resounded through the clan again.

The situation, which was already one-sided, was like the last straw to crush the camel. In the blood weeping sect, almost no one was optimistic about Lin Xuan except his old friends.

Even Shen MuQing had no idea about Lin Xuan. She was completely silent.

"Ha ha ha, the sky is going to destroy Lin Xuan. What's the matter with the World War I of the ninth peak? It's not going to be defeated by Shen Qingfeng."

"In this blood weeping sect, it's not his turn to be respected by Lin Xuan. There are many peerless figures who can suppress him."

"I didn't expect that Shen Qingfeng was so strong that he broke through four small realms in a row in less than half a year. I've never heard of it before!"

"The wonder of the ages deserves its reputation."

"This kind of genius, not to mention our blood weeping sect, I'm afraid that even in the emperor Daqian's Dynasty, it can be regarded as a top talent?"


Most of the disciples in the sect praise Shen Qingfeng. Lin Xuan's previous engagement became a joke, and he himself was ridiculed as beyond his ability.

"Hey, I'm looking forward to how Lin Xuan will end."

"The end? Ha ha ha, it's good that he can keep his life. I'm afraid he will fall on the spot! "

"Lin Xuanshi is too arrogant. He really thinks that no one can cure him after the first battle of the ninth peak. He dares to fight Shen Qingfeng. What a joke!"

"Even if his talent is not much different from Shen Qingfeng's, it's still far from him to break through a small realm in two months. It's doomed to the end."

"It's a pity that Lin Xuan can't see any chance to turn the market around."

All kinds of sarcasm and sarcasm are rampant. In front of the gate of Juqi hall, it is lively again!

Some people even roared and sneered: "Lin Xuan, you don't have a chance. If you don't come out and kneel down to apologize and admit defeat, maybe Shen Qingfeng will be able to let you go and not pursue with you!"

"Haha, it's good. Even if you kneel down and admit defeat, it's nothing. It's better than losing your life, isn't it?"

"Yes, yes, there's always a chance to live. When you die, there's really nothing left. Lin Xuan, you are so smart that you can't pull down such a face, can you?"

Some of these people have different purposes, while others follow suit.

Those who are stronger have a greater chance of winning, and they will support and shout for those who are stronger.

Today's situation is almost clear at a glance, Lin Xuanling's three section strength, there is no chance!

Therefore, they naturally understand how to choose.

It is easier to add to the cake than to send charcoal in the snow.

The huge noise came and went one after another. What's more strange is that the elders of the clan didn't show up, and the deacons of Juqi hall also had the same reaction, as if they didn't hear it.

"Hey, hey, if they can make any noise, you should know Shen Qingfeng's master. The elder on the seventh peak is also unusual."

"Yes, the elder's backup is very high, even higher than that of elder Luo. Even elder Luo has to call him elder martial brother all his life."

"Now that the world is settled, Lin Xuan must lose, and no one will jump out to fight against the elder. It's not for death!"

However, just as many voices gathered in front of the hall, a large dark cloud suddenly gathered over the hall of Qi gathering!

Almost for a moment, there was a flash of lightning, and the roaring thunder shook the sky, which shocked everyone in front of the hall!

"Lying trough? What's the matter? "

"What's going on? Does that Lin Xuan really want to break through? "

"Even if it's a breakthrough, how can it lead to such a big movement and make the world feel each other? It's extraordinary!"

"I see. It's said that when a rare talent is promoted, it will lead to empathy between heaven and earth. If the realm is higher, it can even lead to thunder. The dark clouds and thunder are thick in front of us. Isn't it really a thunder disaster?"

"Oh, no? How could there be such a thing? "

"It can't be thunder robbery. Lin Xuan, a little monk of spirit, how can he lead to thunder robbery? It's pure nonsense!"

At this moment, all the people in front of Juqi hall looked up at the sky, and their eyes were full of shock!

Even the deacons in the hall of gathering Qi walked out together and looked at the sky in surprise. In the thick dark clouds, the thunder was rolling like a loud bell!

"Yes, it can't be thunder robbery. It must be something else!"

"It should be noted that thunder robbery starts from the promotion of the venerable realm. Both the physical body and the spirit have to undergo the baptism of thunder robbery and thus transform. This heaven robbery of the spiritual realm has never been seen or heard before."

At this moment, even several deacons were stunned and didn't know what to say. It was really shocking.

At this time, an old man with white hair and shawl came riding the rainbow. His face was a little surprised, but he was more calm than others.

This person is no other than elder Luo.

"I didn't expect Lin Xuan to have such potential. It's unimaginable!"

Almost at the same time, another elder in the medicine room also rushed to the side of elder Luo's body, and his eyes were magical.

He suddenly said: "as far as I know, there is only one person who can arouse thunder robbery in the territory of our Qingzhou government within ten thousand years. Is it hard to be true that Lin Xuan is the same as that one?"

"I searched my mind for the track of that young man. It's really similar to Lin Xuan."

"And this Lin Xuan is more than that. It should be noted that the supreme figure was also the first thunderbolt when he was promoted to Lingshi..."

"At the moment, he is just about to be promoted from the third section of the spirit to the fourth section. Can he make heaven and earth feel each other?"

"What kind of boy is this?"

The elder of yaolu was shocked. When he thought of that person, he really felt that Lin Xuan was very close to him, and his track was almost the same.

"Yes, the same youth is invincible, and the same rise is at the end of Qingping..."

"Is it true that another supreme figure is about to rise?"

I don't know when, the last elder in the medicine house also came, you you road.

They have always been very close to elder Luo. Naturally, they are also elders who support Lin Xuan, so they have been paying close attention to Lin Xuan secretly. At this moment, there is a change in the sky of Juqi hall. Naturally, they come together with elder Luo.

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