If it wasn't for the noise outside the hall of Qi gathering, Lin Xuan didn't know that he had been robbed by thunder, which made him jump!

But fortunately, the thunder disaster finally disappeared, which made Lin Xuan feel relieved for a while, and he could continue to practice in peace of mind.

"How can I not carry down the road that the predecessors have gone through?"

This is the reason why Lin Xuan can calm down quickly. Since someone can survive the thunder, Lin Xuan can do the same!

This is not so much a punishment from heaven as a sharpening of the seeds of genius. Only the most gifted talents can lead to thunder robberies in the realm of the venerable.

This kind of thing is rare, but it is not without.

"I haven't seen any big waves all the way. Only when I'm strong enough, I'm really strong. Even if it's a disaster, it's nothing at all!"

Under such a psychological hint, Lin Xuan's mood became more and more peaceful for several days. He didn't worry about anything and completely calmed down!

His cultivation is as fast as a flying sword!

The outside world has not been able to stop. All kinds of rumors are flying all over the world. Some people say that the one who closed the seventh peak didn't look surprised when he got the news. On the contrary, he confidently told the people around him that he wanted to defeat Lin Xuan in the clan competition and achieve his supreme prestige!

As time goes by, the smell of gunpowder hidden under the shadow curtain becomes stronger and stronger, and the undercurrent is surging. Many people with good intentions are intervening!

At the beginning, Lin Xuan once killed song Tiancheng. Now the people of the Song family have come to qixuezong. They want to take Lin Xuan for a crime!

But he was blocked by the sect. Elder Luo came out to protect Lin Xuan!

This makes the Song family have no way to start. They are not as arrogant as they were when they came here!

Originally, their song family is the top family in Qingzhou Prefecture, which has been handed down for thousands of years, and the inside information is unimaginable!

On weekdays, even qixuezong would give him some thin noodles.

But this time, the person they want to target is not ordinary people, but Lin Xuan, who has great potential and will naturally be blocked.

Another legend like elder Luo came forward, which basically represented the attitude of the blood weeping sect.

The Song family certainly can't do it,

Therefore, only soft can be used.

They enter the seventh peak and meet with Shen Qingfeng. They don't know what they have talked about, but people with clear eyes can see that the Song family is going to kill people with a knife!

"Well, since you qixuezong stopped us, the Song family will not come forward in person and give full support to Shen Qingfeng. The first battle of the clan competition is inevitable, and we will definitely divide up!"

And their purpose is to make Shen Qingfeng die!

However, just after that, the Song family found many outstanding people in the sect's ranking list, and even called out a sky high price reward. Who can kill Lin Xuan in the sect's competition will get three million spirit stones!

"What's going on? Isn't it that the Song family has already found Shen Qingfeng? Why did they find other people and offer such a reward? Isn't it unnecessary? "

"Yes, Shen Qingfeng has already represented the extreme power of the outer gate. The others who can match him have entered the inner gate early. They can't understand what the Song family wants to do!"

Many people make confused voices. At this time, the seventh peak sends news that Shen Qingfeng didn't agree to the Song family's request!

At this moment, the disciples in the sect were a little confused.

Lin Xuan and Shen Qingfeng have already split their skin to fight for life and death. Why do they refuse such benefits?

"I think it's the elder of the clan who has come forward. I don't want to let any of the two great talents fall down. I'm afraid that when the clan is big, there will be no real difference between life and death. There will be elder in charge!"

There are still some smart people in the clan. They seem to have penetrated the clan's attitude and mind.

"However, even if the real life and death will not be separated, this battle will certainly be very wonderful, and the time is really not far away, there is only more than one month left!"

"Ha ha, the second twelfth day is coming. I don't know if Lin Xuan can create another miracle this time."

"Lin Xuan is really an expectant person."

Just like the voice of the clan, there are less than three days left from the second twelve days.

Many eyes turned to the hall of Qi gathering again and waited silently. Many people were excited, hoping to witness the miracle again!

Two days passed slowly. On the third day, a lot of people gathered in front of Juqi hall as usual. They were all disciples of the sect who came here to wait for the first-hand information. They were extremely looking forward to it.

It was a long day, and it was very quiet. Deep in the hall of Qi gathering, it was as quiet as night, without any sound.

This makes the people waiting outside the Juqi hall feel strange.

"What's the matter? Why hasn't there been any movement? Is Lin Xuan's road against heaven coming to an end? "

"Yes, today is coming to an end. Is Lin Xuan going to die?"

"Wait, maybe I'm too anxious and sensitive!"

Many disciples of the sect have complex faces and stare at the deep of Juqi hall.

It's been several hours. However, it's really quiet today. Many people hold their breath for fear that they will miss something unusual!

Dusk is dim, the sun has already set, and a bright moon rises slowly.

Day and night circulation, this night, many people did not even leave, has been waiting.

However, there is still no movement!

"Well, it seems that the last time was just an accident. Lin Xuan can't create another miracle any more. Let's go!"

"Let's go. The news we have to wait for won't happen. I'm really blind. I don't look forward to him very much."

"Yes, it seems that some people really guessed it. Before that, Lin Xuan was just hiding his strength. This time, he showed his true colors and had no capital against heaven!"

The crowd was busy again. The sun rose in the East and the sky was clear.

Under the blue sky, white clouds floating, cranes flying together, a school of natural and smart.

This is the 13th day. Even several elders who came here to wait sighed and turned their heads. They have been here for a long time and are leaving.

Elder Luo looked a little sorry, and then said with relief: "such a feat is accidental. How many such talents are there in ancient times?"

"I can't find much of the ancient history of the human race."

He also turned around and took a gentle step, like a rainbow, and then left.


But in this instant, over the clear sky, a deafening thunder suddenly appeared, roaring!

Huge lightning like a tree stump was shown in the sky, like a bolt from the blue. A breath of destruction was spreading and condensing rapidly, which shocked all the people present!

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