Shen Qingfeng is still confident in his words. He thinks that his cultivation level is always higher than Lin Xuan. No matter what happens in the future, he has no reason to be higher than Lin Xuan in a month's time!

You know, he is also a top figure who can cross the fourth and fifth stage of the world war!

As soon as this remark came out, the disciples of the sect who had supported Shen Qingfeng seemed to have found the backbone. They also cried out one after another. They were not afraid of Lin Xuan!

"Although Lin Xuan's talent is rare in all ages, his realm can't catch up with Shen Qingfeng's, and he may win or lose."

"Yes, Shen Qingfeng is also a rare talent in the world. He still has a great advantage!"

"There's nothing to say. I'll see you in zongmen!"

Although Shen Qingfeng has always been confident, seeing Lin Xuan's current momentum, he is really worried. He can't be as sure as before.

Lin Xuan's supporters, however, had been beaten down so badly that they could not catch up with Shen Qingfeng, just as Shen Qingfeng said.

Therefore, the heart is not very bottomed.

However, even so, Lin Xuan almost leveled the prediction of the two men war in zongmen with his own adverse actions.

Once again the door of the quiet down, all suppressed, silently waiting.

Time passed like a tide, and in the twinkling of an eye, the 13th came.

This time, it's almost the same script as before. Lin Xuan's breakthrough is not unexpected, and it leads to a bigger thunder, but fortunately, he blocked it!

Lin Xuan's realm, also smoothly came to the spirit of six!

Although his whole body was a little black, Lin Xuan continued to practice in seclusion as if nothing had happened.

The silence of qixuezong came down, and many people held their breath.

On the tenth day after Lin Xuan's closure, news came from the seventh peak.

Shen Qingfeng's practice of seclusion directly exploded, and a figure like a demon came out of it. His hair fell like a waterfall, his body was tall and straight, and his breath swallowed thousands of miles like a tiger!

Invisible power gushed from his body, which made all the people concerned feel a kind of inexplicable pressure.

He really broke through!

"Shen Qingfeng has broken through. This man is so terrible. In more than a month, he has also broken through!"

"Yes, Shen Qingfeng of the spirit eight, Lin Xuan really needs to be careful!"

Even the company leaders are full of emotion.

"I don't know how many years it has been, but my blood weeping sect has reappeared the grand occasion of that year. The heroes are competing for the deer, and the talents are coming out in large numbers!"

"These two people, not to mention in the blood weeping sect, even those real holy places and immortal sects, are absolutely gifted figures!"

The rain is coming and the wind is blowing all over the building.

Since Shen Qingfeng broke through, many people couldn't sit still. They all came to the gate of Juqi hall to witness Lin Xuan's final glory.

Because it's only half a month away from zongmen Dabi!

However, no one thought that there seemed to be something wrong with Lin Xuan's breakthrough this time. On the 13th and 14th, there was no movement. The deep silence of Juqi hall was terrible.

"What's wrong with practicing too fast?"

"There are still some old wounds that have not been healed. The last time the thunder was robbed, but it really fell down completely. If there were no interwoven patterns in the air gathering room, I'm afraid it would burst open!"

"For such a long time, nothing happened. I'm afraid there's something wrong!"

Many people have speculated that many of the comments that had been declining are rampant again.

Such comments lasted for three days!

Because in the past three days, Lin Xuan seems to have fallen into a certain situation and failed to make a breakthrough. This time, it is the past 16 days since his last breakthrough!

However, it was also on this day that the people who were waiting in front of the hall suddenly felt that there was some pressure between heaven and earth.

"What's going on? Why do I always feel flustered, as if something unimaginable is going to happen! "

"Yes, I also have this feeling. I always feel a little different from usual!"

"Did you find that today's cloud peak is so quiet that even the crane and the spirit bird are gone?"

However, many people are guessing what happened.

Over the hall of Qi gathering, all of a sudden, there are flashes of lightning and thunder, and the atmosphere of destruction and vastness is filled with madness!


The thunder like sound resounded through the sky, and the thunderbolt fell down together, covering the sky, and all of them went to Juqi hall!

"It was... A vast ocean of lightning. There was more than one thunder..."

At this moment, the people in front of the hall of gathering Qi yelled one after another, and their eyes were shocked.

The lightning is blazing and surging, and the whole hall seems to be swallowed by the thunder!

The vast thunder sea seems to destroy all things. The thunder light is shocking and the purple light is like a tide!

"How is that possible?"

"Lin Xuan was able to trigger such a catastrophe. It's different from before!"

"Yes, this is the real natural calamity. Before, it could only be called thunder calamity, without the power of God!"

The change of Juqi hall shocked the whole blood weeping sect. Many elders and deacons came to see this amazing scene!

The purple thunder sea is boiling, like the Milky way of nine days, and the waterfall falls down, covering the whole hall!

This makes many deacons who run outside the hall of gathering Qi feel lucky one after another. Fortunately, they notice that it's not good and run very fast. Otherwise, they will be swallowed into the thunder sea like Lin Xuan!

"Lying trough, what's the matter? I just ran out and the whole hall was gone!"

Many of the disciples who were still practicing in Juqi hall had escaped one after another with warning signs!

"Against the sky, Lin Xuan won't die in the thunder sea, will he?"

"Maybe I'll die in it. The thunder sea is terrible!"

Even many deacons standing in the distance who just broke into the realm of the spirit Master secretly felt that even if they went in, they would be cut into ashes!

Under such a momentum, Juqi hall almost gathered all the eyes of the clan. Yunfeng was full of people. From a distance, the crowd seemed vast!

And under such a terrible thunder, Lin Xuan, who is located in the center of the thunderstorm, is also a little miserable. Those huge thunder even pierced the hall, let alone his body!

At the moment is already bloody, body scorched black, and even be blasted out of several blood holes!

If not for his immortal body, I'm afraid it will fall on the spot!

"What's this thunder robbery? It's killing people. Shit system. Come out and help!"

However, no matter how Lin Xuan shouts, there is no response in his mind!

Continuous lightning fell. After the initial panic, Lin xuandu found himself carrying it, as if he had adapted to it!

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