Silver White Lightning across the sky, only to see the unparalleled thunder, like a colorful Python in general, through Lu Lin's body, straight down to the ground, to death, eyes are wide open!

turn in one's grave!

At the same time, Lin Xuan's tight nerves suddenly relaxed, and he collapsed on the ground, his body was full of sweat. He gasped heavily, and his mood could not be calmed down for a long time!

I thought it was just a journey of hunting monsters, but I didn't expect that the final task would be completed, but there were some bandits who wanted his life!

Yes, robber!

In Lin Xuan's eyes, these people are robbers!

In his previous life, he grew up under the red flag. He never killed anyone. Even if he had fought with others before, he had to keep his hands. At most, he was seriously injured. It would be good to cultivate for a month. However, he didn't expect that these people were so vicious that they would kill him for the sake of a snake gall!

If it wasn't for Lin Xuan's upgrade system, he had learned a lot of magical skills, and he had the bonus of magical powers. If it wasn't for this, he would not be spared today!

"Fortunately, the magic power of system reward is Juli. If it's anything else, I don't know if it's so useful!"

Lin Xuan was lying on the soft grass. His body seemed to be falling apart. He was very sore everywhere!

This fierce war almost cost him half his life and hurt him in many places!

But at this time, Lin Xuan's mind suddenly appeared a silent hint.

"Congratulations to the host for killing Lu Lin, the Ninth Section of spiritual cultivation. You will be rewarded with 500 experience points and one dahuandan."

"Di, congratulations to the host for killing Lu Shuang, the Ninth Section of spiritual cultivation. You will be rewarded with 500 experience points and one dahuandan."


"Di, congratulations on the host's achievement of" xiaoxiniudao ", gaining 10% permanent power bonus."

Looking at the hints in his mind, Lin Xuan suddenly felt a little confused. He suddenly felt that his previous path seemed to be narrowed!

"What the hell? There are experience points in killing people, lying trough! "

"There are not only experience points, but also special achievements and special rewards. Is this to force me to become a murderer?"

"Forget it, this abyss forest is not a place to stay for a long time. In case there is too much noise just now, which will lead to powerful monsters, I will be miserable. I'd better clean up the battlefield and run away!"

Lin Xuan didn't continue to think about it. He stood up and took a reward Da Huan Dan. Suddenly he was full of blood again!

"It's too strong. What else can Da huandan use to save? It's just for the sake of recovery!"

Lin Xuan seemed to understand the usage of the Da Huan Dan. He collected the remaining four and began to clean the battlefield!

The first thing that came into view was Lu Lin's silver sword. It was a low-level weapon, much better than Lin Xuan's iron sword. He immediately found a place to throw it away and put on new equipment!

After all, now he has no storage space, too many things to take!

Then, he found a spirit deed and a small bag of spirit stones on Lu Lin's body. There were forty of them!

Next, they searched the other four people and managed to scrape together 50 spirit stones, which are the size of fingernails and are packed in brocade bags!

The so-called spirit deed is the stub of spirit stone, because many people don't have the magic weapon to store things. If such valuable spirit stone is stolen, what can we do? So it can only be stored in the chamber of Commerce, and then it can be collected when necessary!

It's a bit like a bank in a previous life, but there's no such name in the world.

"Wocao, this guy is really rich. He even saved 2000 spirit stones. Now I'm developed!"

Seeing this, Lin Xuan burst into laughter. Sure enough, risks and opportunities coexisted. As the final winner, Lin Xuan gained a lot!

Of course, although he was excited, he didn't get carried away. After packing up, he left directly!

As Lu Lin said, it's not normal for a few people to die in such a dangerous place as the abyss forest.

I believe that before long, the bodies of several people will be eaten by wandering wild animals, and there will be no proof of death at that time!

The only trouble is the silver sword in Lin Xuan's hand. Someone in the Lu family must be able to recognize it.

"Ha ha, what does the Lu family care about me? I don't want to walk around their house. I don't believe it's just the death of a family child. Does the Lu family want to search all over the city for the murderer?"

"Who can prove it without seeing it?"

Lin Xuan was thick skinned and had no sense of guilt at all. He knew that if he lost today, his death would be very miserable. These people would never pity him!

In fact, up to now, Lin Xuan is really aware of the world where the strong are respected!

"In this world of monks, weak urination is the original sin, and only the strong have the right to speak!"

Lin Xuan through this battle, see through a lot of things, and more firm belief!

"Now that I have come to this world, if I can't be the most powerful person, what's the meaning of my rebirth?"

Along the way, Lin Xuan either thought or sighed, but he finally dared to enter the city before dark!

After he returned to the Lin family, he went straight to the replacement hall without going anywhere. Now Lin Xuan knows more about the importance of strength than anyone else. Without strength, even if there is a system, he will die!

Therefore, it is urgent to exchange the immortal Sutra!

But when Lin Xuan came to the replacement hall with a big bag of things on his back, he ran into Lin Feng, who was gambling with him that day.

"What... Lin Xuan... Didn't you go to the abyss forest for a mission? Why did you come back so soon?"

"Ha ha, can't you find that you can't deal with monsters and give up?"

"Ha ha ha, it's OK. Even if you give up the task, it's no shame. After all, this kind of thing happens from time to time. It's good to have self-knowledge!"

"It's just that you're going to be wronged. Ah, steward Lin is famous for not being able to talk. Now that you're disappointed, you have to fulfill your promise. Not only did you lose 500 contributions to me, but also you have to kneel down to steward Lin in front of everyone..."

"Well, actually, if you want me to tell you, this man, what's wrong with kneeling? It's better than losing his life, right?"

Lin Feng said.

Yesterday, he was a little worried about this, but seeing that Lin Xuan came back so soon, he immediately felt that he had given up the task. Of course, he would not miss this opportunity and sneer at him!

However, Lin Xuan didn't say anything more to him. Instead, he went directly into the replacement hall, and then threw the package on his back onto the floor of the main hall.

The next moment, the terrible ape head in the package immediately rolled out, so that all the people on the scene were scared!

And another pile of alligator skin is even more shocking, even with blood!

"This... How can it be? He just went to the abyss forest earlier. How can he finish the task in one day?"

"No... I don't believe... Lin is in charge. I want to report Lin Xuan. He must have cheated!"

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