"God, never before. Is Shen Qingfeng really going to be invincible?"

"Qixuezong has a profound foundation. It's worthy of being the first large number in Qingzhou Prefecture. It's so strong!"

"Shen Qingfeng is just a demon. After a series of wars, he just suffered a little injury. Others were badly hurt by him!"

"It's terrible. Such people are destined to rise up!"

The disciples from different schools gathered in front of the martial arts platform. They spoke one after another and were shocked.

However, the disciples of Qixue sect thought differently.

"Shen Qingfeng is so strong that I don't know how strong Lin Xuan is?"

"I haven't been born for many days. I've heard that I've been closed all the time. I don't know if I'm going to be promoted again!"

"Yes, I don't know if there will be any calamities. If I can cross them in front of all the comers, I don't know how they will react!"

Some people are looking forward to whispering. Around them, some disciples from other prefectures asked curiously, "who is Lin Xuan? Is it really worse than Shen Qingfeng? "

"Ha ha, of course, he's invincible. He's a rare talent I've never met in my family!"

"Hey hey, why do you tell them so much? When Lin Xuan is born, you will naturally know his power!"

At this time, another man stepped on the stage and did not believe in evil!

"I have nothing to do with them, ha ha, but I want to understand your means!"

This is what the visitor said.

He is very ordinary. No matter his appearance or temperament, no one will notice him when he is thrown into the crowd.

But at the moment, Shen Qingfeng did not dare to underestimate the visitors, frowning tightly!

"Who are you?"

"Chiyang sect disciple, Zhao Fusheng!"


Many disciples who only heard his name but didn't see him all looked surprised. They didn't expect that he was Zhao Fusheng of Chiyang sect!

"Chiyang sect is the top sect of Xiaoyao sect, and Zhao Fusheng is the top three in the sect. Shen Qingfeng is in danger!"

"Yes, if he is in a good state, he can still fight. Now he is in a roulette. His body is empty. Besides, he has a great loss of spirit and his face is tired. I don't think he can continue to win in a row!"

"Zhao Fusheng really took advantage of the danger of others. At the beginning, he didn't take the stage. He wanted to take advantage of this time. He just wanted to step on Shen Qingfeng's body and become famous!"

"I didn't expect that his mind was so deep!"

As if he had never heard it, Zhao Fusheng looked at Shen Qingfeng with great interest and said defiantly, "do you dare to fight?"

At this moment, Shen Qingfeng seems to be grilled on the fire. If he doesn't agree, he will admit it. But if he is allowed to fight against such a top talent, it's really a fierce battle!

One of these people is stronger than the other. Who can beat several of them in a row on weekdays?

However, even in such a situation, Shen Qingfeng doesn't want to quit easily. He doesn't have no chance. He still has a card to play. What about the exhaustion of spiritual power and the loss of spirit?

His physical skill hasn't been used yet, and his life power hasn't been used. It can reproduce the peak combat power. It's so powerful that it may not be impossible to fight!

However, his only fear is that if the cards are revealed too early, they will be targeted at at the selection meeting.

At this moment, a beautiful woman in red like fire floats on the stage.

She is as beautiful as a Phoenix.

The eyes are more like the vast stars, beautiful, smiling.

"Shen MuQing, a disciple of Qixue sect, is willing to ask for advice from the young master."

She looks at Zhao Fusheng of chiyangzong and holds a confrontation with him, instead of Shen Qingfeng, to help him out.

Shen Qingfeng looks at her with complicated eyes, and then smiles naturally: "beat him for me!"

He stepped on the air and jumped off the stage, leaving a straight back.

A lot of people are speechless!

"No mistake, isn't qixuezong really nobody? The hundreds of elder martial brothers who were born in the inner gate, ha ha, they don't want to fight. Why can't they see any of them now? Instead, they let a weak woman stand up!"

"If I'm not wrong, her cultivation is only seven paragraphs of the spirit?"

"How can such a person be the opponent of Zhao Fusheng, the Chiyang sect? Isn't that a death wish?"

Not only was there a lot of sarcasm and ridicule under the stage, but also Zhao Fusheng on the martial arts stage felt that way.

"Ha ha, even if he doesn't want to fight with me, he has to come up with a decent one."

"How can you let a little girl come up with no eyes on her hands and feet? If you spend your skin, I'm really guilty!"

"Hey, hey, why don't a beauty like you play with swords and guns? Why don't you marry me and have fun together..."

Zhao Fusheng's Yin and yang are strange.

Wen Yan, Shen MuQing did not get angry, but also a smile.


But the next moment, a blue gold sword suddenly flew out from behind her, as if to cut through all the vanity in the world, shining like a meteor!

In a flash, nuota's martial arts platform was covered with divine patterns, and the prohibition like a bronze bell revealed its true shape!

Zhao Fusheng's eyes suddenly changed. He was extremely shocked, and even gave birth to the absurd idea of fear and escape!

The unparalleled long sword is so powerful that it triggers the ban on the martial arts stage.

Zhao Fusheng was in a hurry to sacrifice his magic weapon from the storage space. He wanted to stop it, but he was ruthlessly chopped by a sword!

This is just the beginning. One sword after another cuts itself out and turns into a huge green and golden lotus flower, pressing down on Zhao Fusheng!

At the last moment, Shen MuQing stopped, and the simple green gold sword turned back to hide in the scabbard behind him.

However, the thousands of swords could not be retrieved and fell down like arrows.

Zhao Fusheng, who is located in the center of the sword array, can't even catch this move. His clothes are all broken, and his muscles and flesh are cut into countless holes!

The sword Qi invades the body and spits out a few mouthfuls of blood. The whole person is like an old man in his twilight years, and like a lamp that is about to go out. His breath is very weak!

There's not much money left!

No one would have thought that Shen MuQing's imperial sword was so powerful. There is no doubt that Qinglian's sword formula is powerful, and the origin of Qingjin's ancient sword is mysterious, which has greatly improved her combat power, and even not weakened Shen Qingfeng.

This short but shocking scene stunned everyone, and then there was a loud cry!

"How is that possible? I was defeated in one move. I was about to die. My God, I had a hunch that something big might happen! "

"Dead... The disciple of Chiyang sect really fell down!"

Almost at the same time, someone yelled, the original duel, at this moment, someone really fell, so that people's hearts were scared!

The woman dressed in red is like a phoenix lady, standing on the stage silently without any worry.

She had left her hand in the end, but she didn't expect that the other party was so useless that she couldn't resist and fell down completely!

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