The great wave seems to destroy the world. The eternal sword light falls from the sky like an earthshaking divine light. Everywhere it goes, everything is cut to pieces!

Lin Xuan's face was calm, and his expression was indifferent. He was like a murderer who came back from hell. He wanted to kill a middle-aged spirit Master!

It's like a myth!

Since ancient times, only a few people have been able to kill real masters in the realm of spirit. The gap between the two is too big to be compared.

But at the moment, Lin Xuan was really going to succeed. He saw that the middle-aged Lingshi master was pouring a blood column out of his chest at this time. The light of the sword was matchless. Even as a Lingshi master, he was seriously injured by this blow.

Half of his body will be split, which makes the middle-aged spiritual master not only shocked, but also angry.

When he was very angry, the spirit that had been pregnant and raised in the Lingtai rushed out in a flash, and a broken ancient flag was spit out from the small blue population!

There are traces of years flowing on it, red with blood, and now it's a little black, showing a magical luster, which makes people feel extremely terrifying.

The broken black flag came to suppress Lin Xuan. Although he was serious, he didn't avoid it. Instead, he wielded a knife again, fearless at all.

"Kill the sky!"

Such a powerful blow would consume Lin Xuan's great spiritual power every time. Even if he was carrying the immortal Sutra, the spiritual power consumed at the moment could not be recovered in a short time.

But fortunately, Lin Xuan's spiritual power was as strong as the sea, such as the waves and the tides, which had not really dried up.

The black flag was really miraculous. I don't know the origin. It didn't break under Lin Xuan's terrible knife.

Although it seems to be broken or even decayed, it is still the most powerful magic weapon, otherwise it would not be kept in the platform by the middle-aged spiritual master.

"Hum, go to hell. This flag was used by our ancestors during the forbidden area war hundreds of years ago. They once killed an alien!"

"Even if it's broken now, it's more than enough to deal with a younger generation like you!"

The next moment, I saw the middle-aged Lingshi give a big drink. The blue little man holding the black flag went up to heaven and earth, waving the black flag, like a soldier.

The black blood drops fell down, and turned into one ghost soldier after another, fighting against Lin Xuan.

At this moment, Rao is a well-informed Lin Xuan, did not expect that the black flag should have such a magical place!

However, although there were many ghost soldiers holding swords, they were not vulnerable in Lin Xuande's eyes. They were all swept by him with black gold ancient swords.

"Damn, it's just a spirit. It hasn't reached the peak yet. It's so difficult!"

"It seems that what the elder said is quite right. You must not save your life. You must kill me today, that's all!"

Although he was meditating, his spirit held the black flag and fought with Lin Xuan again.

Although the green villain was young, his magic power seemed infinite, and he kept fighting with Lin Xuan.

In the distance, Qin Feng's battlefield is really bad. He is already full of blood. If he drags on, he will be separated forever!

At this moment, Lin Xuan was completely crazy and had nothing to reserve. Even if he exhausted all his strength, he would destroy the middle-aged spirit Master who was in the way in front of him!

"Return to one!"

The invisible sword light suddenly cut out, the crackling sound makes the void shaking, want to crack a hole in such a strong battle!

"Ziqi comes from the East!"

It's not over yet. Lin Xuan's top skills come out together. He really doesn't want to reserve them.

A huge thunder fell, and the little blue man looked as if a mouse had met a cat. At the moment, he was shocked.


The huge roar is like a huge wave, the afterwave is rolling, the rocks are all broken, all over the sky.

Even the earth will crack, there is a long crack, I don't know where to spread.


At this moment, Lin Xuan gave up his weapon, but waved his most powerful fist, just like the supreme god killed in the sun. His whole body was scattered with dazzling light. His fist style was hunting, and he fiercely hit the blue little man who was fighting with him in the air!

Although the black flag of the middle-aged spirit Master was powerful, it was still decayed in the original war. At the moment, Lin Xuan's violent hard regret directly disintegrated!

Lin Xuan is just like a cat with a fishy smell. Naturally, he doesn't want to miss this opportunity. He's afraid that the middle-aged spirit Master Yukong will escape, and then he won't be able to catch up with him.

"Return to one!"

This is the third Sabre he wielded. In fact, the spiritual power in his body is about to see the bottom, but there is no way. Lin Xuan can only hold on strongly. With a mouthful of genuine Qi, he wants to kill this man here, and he will never be allowed to leave!


The sound wave is vast, the light of the sword is as dark as the wind and snow, which makes the middle-aged spirit Master feel cold.

He was cut by Lin Xuan, and half of his body was completely cut off. The scene was bloody. He dragged his deformity, endured the pain, and ran away in a hurry!

However, Lin xuangen didn't give him a chance!

"Kill the sky!"

Another light like a magic sword fell. The middle-aged spirit Master who wanted to escape under the starry night in the distance seemed to have reached the limit. He was like a adobe and disintegrated!

However, the middle-aged spiritual master did not perish. At this stage of his practice, the spirit has been condensed. As long as the spirit does not die, it is not really dead!

Lin Xuan was so angry that he couldn't let the middle-aged spirit Master run away like this. He chased him hard, jumped up high, and waved a knife again under the starry night!

"Return to one!"


"I hate it, how can it be!"

A fierce howl resounded through the air, and the blue spirit was cut by Lin Xuan's knife light, and it was directly broken!

At this moment, the middle-aged spiritual master was completely destroyed. Lin Xuan created a myth in this realm, just like the strongest in ancient times!

"My God, that's not my opponent... Dead!"

"No way!"

"It's just a spirit generation. How can it be like this?"

Below, several battlefields were exclaimed, their eyes full of horror.

You know, the middle-aged spiritual master is the strongest one among them. With him, it was a very stable situation to destroy Lin Xuan.

But the current scene is hard for them to accept!

"It's over. I have a hunch that something is wrong. I'll do my best. Don't hesitate!"

There is a great fear in the heart of the master of spirit.

Lin Xuan was able to kill the middle-aged spirit Master who was stronger than them. Naturally, he could also kill them!

"Well, now I want to do my best, but it's too late!"

Lin Xuan snorted coldly. His figure was like a ghost. On a moonlit night, he was like a reaper of death. He killed Qin Feng for the first time and stopped the spirit Master for him!

The horizontal knife is like a demon!

"Go to hell, too!"

All the Qi and blood in Lin Xuan's body were roaring, as if he could not suppress the riot!

"Keep burning blood!"

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