"I don't know. I heard a lot of noise in the city earlier today. I went to find out about it before I left the customs. I got such a reply, so I came to wake you up at the first time."

Shen MuQing shook his head.

At this time, Shen Qingfeng and Qin Feng also went out of the pass one after another, especially Shen Qingfeng. Now he is lively and dignified. He seems to be in good condition and has recovered.

Qin Feng's face has been ruddy, and most of his injuries have been recovered, and even the smaller scars have disappeared.

So many pills, even if it is deep into the bone marrow injury, can also be intact as before.

"Come on, go out and see what's going on!"

Lin Xuan was puzzled.

Several people walked out of the mansion side by side, and saw that the city had already been in chaos.

Obviously, almost everyone knows the news and can't get out of the city!

"Is it out of town or in town?"

Holding a passer-by, Lin xuanzhi asked.

That person is just a little monk, the realm is not high, just promoted spirit person.

At the moment, in front of Lin Xuan, he was just like a chicken. He didn't dare to resist at all. Just the breath they sent out scared him.

"It's outside the city... It's said that there is a suspected alien presence. The masters left by the main gates in the city have been distributed at the gates of every city. Go to guard!"


This person's words make Lin Xuan they immediately surprised.

Alien presence?

It's impossible, isn't it?

This is Yuzhou Prefecture, not Qingzhou Prefecture. It's 100000 miles away from the forbidden area in ancient times. Even if there is a foreign race, it should be Qingzhou Prefecture!

"You mean it? Where did you get the news? "

Lin Xuan said calmly.

"People in the city are spreading like this. We and other small characters can't help. We are going to take refuge in the zongmen chamber of Commerce."

Lingcheng is the largest city in Yuzhou Prefecture. There are numerous chambers of Commerce here, and many of them are opened by various large doors. It is extremely prosperous, but I didn't expect to encounter such a disaster today!

Lin Xuan knew that he couldn't ask anything about him, so he let him go.

"Lin Xuan, we haven't set foot on the road of blood and fire. Is it true that the alien race is born?"

Qin Feng looks worried. These days, they have heard the word "alien", but they have never seen a living alien.

Now, there are suspected alien species.

This is undoubtedly a big earthquake!

If you really walk out of the forbidden area, I'm afraid there will be a catastrophe.

They will not be given time to practice.

Shen Qingfeng is also a solemn face, alien haunt, throughout the ages, every time is a disaster, will die a lot of people.

"Go and have a look at the east gate!"

Lin Xuan looks to the east of the city and faces Shen Qingfeng.

In fact, their cultivation is really not high nowadays. They even have a hard time fighting an ordinary master of spirit Master. How can they deal with the alien race?

You know, according to the records of ancient history, those real aliens, even the weakest ones, have at least the strength of spirit masters, and can compete with high-level monsters.

Moreover, these alien races are the ones who open their minds. They can't be regarded as monsters. They are other races born in heaven and earth.

In terms of inheritance, the alien race is more distant than the human race!

The inside information is also more profound naturally!

Along the way like the wind, a few people such as snow and fly, although can not really Yukong and line, but has been able to borrow.

At the moment, the city is in chaos. Even the friars are scared when they are in a panic.

Because the opponent is not others, but in ancient history, the color of talk has become alien!

The forbidden area exists!

Blood and chaos!

When they came to the east gate, this place had already been surrounded by hundreds of experts from the major gates, the chamber of Commerce and the Lord's mansion, and no one was allowed to go in and out.

"What happened?"

Lin Xuanping came over quietly and asked one of the middle-aged spirit masters in blood red armor.

However, the spirit master just glanced at them casually and said, "don't ask too much. There's nothing wrong with you here. Leave quickly!"

"If there is any chaos, we can help too!" Lin Xuan released his goodwill.

"No need, leave quickly!"

However, the spirit Master in armor didn't even look at them. He turned around and said coldly.

At this moment, Lin Xuan had to hand out the identity card given by the elder of Tianxing University. To some extent, it was more useful than the identity of a disciple.

"Wait a minute, take a look at this!"

Lin Xuan stopped the man and showed the disciple of Tianxing University.

"What? Are you disciples of Tianxing university? "

The Lingshi master was a little surprised.

"Yes, now we should be entitled to know what happened?" Lin Xuan nodded and said with a smile.

At the moment, the armored spirit Master had some taboos, but he still said to them: "indeed, as it is said, there are alien races out of the city, and a lot of people have died miserably. This is the news that the people who fled back have brought back."

"The general of the town's wake city has already led people to kill. According to the guess, it's just a small group of alien people. They don't know where they came from. Even the Lord of the city and some elders of the major chambers of Commerce and sects have gone."

"We're just on guard here to prevent foreigners from entering the city in disorder!"

After the explanation, Lin Xuan and others were just relieved.

I don't know the origin of the small group of foreigners. Fortunately, it's less than the level of catastrophe.

However, they did not really leave. They also sat down in a tea shop not far from the gate of the city in case of any real accident and could help.

There are already some outstanding young people sitting here. They are tasting tea with a cool look.

It looks like the Tianjiao figures of the major branches of Yuzhou Prefecture are also trapped here.

"Maybe it was just a few hundred years ago when the small-scale turmoil ran out of the forbidden area, scattered to the major state capitals, lurked up, and now it's here."

Shen MuQing is like a fairy in the dust. As soon as they come, they attract the eyes of many people.

"Over the past few hundred years, this kind of thing has happened from time to time. It's not that chaos will happen!"

After hearing Shen MuQing's explanation, Lin Xuan knew that he was not so worried.

"But how many of these so-called small groups of aliens are there?" Qin Feng suddenly some curiosity way.

At the moment, a young man in white beside him said with a smile: "it is said that the information given by the man who escaped back is only a few dozens of different races, not many."

"The clan gate near Yuzhou prefecture has already made some moves. In addition, the city leader has gone to exterminate it with his elite. We can rest assured!"

Another smile, Hun does not care about the road.

"That's right. It's said that there is a supreme elder in the spirit city. He also went with him. There will be no strong enemy for a small group of foreign people. If so many strong people come out together, the foreign people will naturally fall apart!"

In the tea shop, several outstanding people with extraordinary demeanor were calm and calm without the slightest panic.

Hearing what they said, Lin Xuan was relieved.

But... Right now.

But suddenly there was a roar at the gate, and then there was the deafening sound of the horn, desolate and vast!

"No, everyone be on guard!"

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