"What... He didn't die?"

"How is that possible?"

"A little monk in the realm of spirit, even blocked the strike of the alien race?"

At this moment, not only the alien people feel incredible, but also the strong spirit Master who just just ignored Lin Xuan.

The woman in white, who once reminded Lin Xuan, was also a face of happiness at this time.

"OK, OK, OK."

However, such a worried expression in the eyes of others, but make them feel jealous.

Someone sneered: "ha ha, younger martial sister, this man is just relying on a good magic weapon. Otherwise, he would have been in a different place."

"However, even if we block a blow, we don't know the strength of the alien race. We will be defeated in the end!"

"Yes, younger martial sister, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. There's too much noise. I'm afraid it will attract other people of different races. If it's too late, even we will be trapped here."

"Yes, three younger martial sisters, let's go first!"

One of the elder martial brothers in Qingyi, who was the leader, looked calmly and said to the three younger martial sisters around him.

"Elder martial brother... How can we leave now? That man is in such a dangerous situation for us. We can't leave him alone!"

The younger martial sister in white has tears in her eyes. She has never seen such a scene before. It's bloody and cruel. She was a little flustered when she saw the pictures of the dead.

I'm really calm now.

His talent is intelligent, and his practice speed in the door is very fast, which is deeply liked by the elders.

"Younger martial sister, don't hesitate. We just passed by here. We have already killed several foreigners and achieved what we can do!"

"And now this alien powerful you and I have just been fighting with him. We are not rivals at all. It's better to save our lives for the future than to die in vain!"

"Yes, now we are all selected by Tianxing University. As long as we survive this disaster, our future is limitless. How can we waste our lives here?"

All of them are Tianjiao of Yuzhou mansion. They were going to Tianxing mansion when they passed by, but unfortunately, they met such a disaster on the way.

In the city, they also met with danger, and fought with three alien races. However, they had to admit that these alien races were really strong. Even if they had not been promoted to Lingshi, they had to make great efforts to kill three alien races!

Then I met the real alien spirit Master. They were all seriously injured. Even if seven people tried their best, they were still swept away!

This kind of attack is very hard on them, but it is not unacceptable. After all, since ancient times, alien race has been synonymous with power. So many of our ancestors were buried in the years and in those turbulent times.

They are not rivals, they can do this step, has been extraordinary.

Under such self consolation, they were hiding and did not dare to show up. The only war was because they could not hide and had to stand up.

If not, they would not have done it at all.

However, the younger martial sister in white didn't want to leave at all. She shook her head and said, "elder martial brothers, you and elder martial sisters go first. I can't go. I'm going to help him. Even if I'm defeated, I'll try my best!"

She has a good heart. She is the Pearl of all the stars in the sect. She has always grown up in the care of the sect. Although she has also experienced the tempering of the battle, she has never witnessed such a miserable scene of human purgatory.

Like Lin Xuan and others, many of the so-called disturbances recorded in ancient history have always thought that they were far away from them and never cared about them.

But to this day.

The reappearance of the alien race made her understand that the original turmoil was so cruel. It was only a small amount of turmoil that affected a city. How cruel should the turmoil that had affected the whole Daqian Dynasty several times in ancient history be?

How many heroes will fall?

How many innocent people died?

What kind of purgatory scene should it be, even like the great calamity ten thousand years ago, which not only affected the emperor's reign?

Every time I think of this, I feel a little heartache in the girl in white. She was innocent before and didn't know the danger of the world. Now she finally saw it.

She is the daughter of heaven in the clan. She is the seed of high hopes. If people like her retreat, they are afraid to fight.

Who else can end this?

As Lin Xuan had thought, although the light of the firefly is dim, if it comes together, it can compete with the bright moon!

This short moment is just a few breaths, the words are short, and in front of Lin Xuan and the alien race fight together again, very fierce.

The girl in white is biting her teeth, enduring the sharp pain on her arm, lifting her long silver sword and rising up to join the battlefield!

"Younger martial sister... What are you doing? No, come back quickly!"

"Younger martial sister, if something happens to you, how can we tell the elder?"

"Younger martial sister, how can you be so stupid? That person has never met. Even if you die, it has nothing to do with me. Where can I save him?"

"Besides, it's not that we don't save, it's that we can't!"

Seeing this scene, many elder martial brothers of the girl in white are calling her back. Someone sighs softly and doesn't know what to say.

The girl in white has extraordinary capital, because her grandfather is an elder in the clan.

She has been taught to practice since she was a child, and she has boundless resources. This makes her practice very fast. Now she is only in her twenties, and she has already broken through the realm of spiritual teacher.

In the eyes of the girl in white, she is stronger than Lin Xuan after all, and can help.

But she didn't expect that before she got close to her, she was drunk back by Lin Xuan: "just stand in the distance and watch. There's no need to do it. I'll do it myself!"

"Ah?" The girl in white doubted that she had heard wrong. She made up her mind to put life and death aside and wanted to help, but she didn't expect that others didn't use it at all.

However, she said to Lin Xuan with patience: "you can't compare the strength of the alien race. Don't try to be a hero. We'll fight together. Maybe we have a chance!"

However, at the next moment, Lin Xuan's whole body was full of fighting spirit. His spiritual power seemed to be boiling. His body turned into a golden light. It was extremely bright, like the sun, which made many people afraid.

That dark long knife has no idea where he lost it. It's empty in his hand. He chose the most savage way to fight and hit fiercely!


"Magic power, Juli!"

He can't destroy the golden body and gives up the black gold sword. Instead, he wants to use his absolute physical strength to kill the alien race and make a breakthrough again!


Like thunder, every time Lin Xuanquan was wielded, it was full of vigorous wind and empty trembling, all of which hit the alien.

Lin Xuan sneered: "it's not that I can only rely on the ancient sword. Now I'm fighting with you physically. Let me understand how strong the so-called same level invincible alien race is!"

In this short battle, the reason why Shen Qingfeng and others didn't come up to help was that Lin Xuan didn't let them do it, and wanted to make a breakthrough again to make his physical fighting more terrifying!

It was very rare for Lin Xuan that he had no interference with this kind of war.

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