"The door has been opened. The spiritual power can't last long. There's no need to hesitate. There's no danger."

"Let's go in, let's go!"

Shen MuQing smiles and bears the brunt of it, stepping into the world full of birds and flowers.

After that, Lin Xuan and his three men all walked calmly without fear.

The next moment, they suddenly found that the door behind them had consumed the last spiritual power and could not maintain it. It dissipated slowly, and there was a slight fluctuation in the void.

Then, the gap was suddenly made up by mysterious forces, everything recovered as usual, and there was no sign of any existence.

When Lin Xuan looked around, he found that he was at the foot of a mountain with verdant vegetation, clear spring and flowing water, just like a paradise in the world.

"Is this a big mountain with great magic power?" Qin Feng looked around, some tongue.

On one side, Shen Qingfeng didn't know much about the small world. He said with a smile, "it's worthy of being the most prosperous Tianxing University in the reign of emperor Daqian. It has been handed down for a long time since ancient times, and there are so many heroes coming out in large numbers. How could it have such a foundation!"

"The aura here is several times stronger than that in Lingshan. I'm afraid it will catch up with the gas gathering room 20 times!"

Lin Xuan was also a little surprised, because since he entered here, he found that his experience of upgrading was increasing every minute, and the speed of passive cultivation was terrible.

Just then.

On the hillside not far away, suddenly several monks in Taoist robes came. They were men and women. They didn't look very old, and the oldest was only in their thirties.

However, all of these people have been promoted to the realm of spiritual master, which is terrible.

In the eyes of outsiders, it's hard to imagine.

If these people are in the blood weeping sect, they are absolutely proud and outstanding. We must know that Qin Feng is not much younger than them. At the moment, he has not been promoted completely.

Even if their talent is weaker than that of Qin Feng, it will not be worse!

"If it's really the place where Tianjiao gather, ha ha, it's really something to look forward to!"

In his heart, even Lin Xuan had to sigh that a line of men and women who came out of this place at random had such accomplishments. He didn't know how strong the real strongest pride would be!

All of them were selected from the top clans of the emperor Daqian. None of them was worldly, but the seeds of cultivation that the emperor should cultivate.

If we grow up in the future, the future is unimaginable.

"Ha ha, where do you come from? It's too rude to see us disrespectfully salute, isn't it?"

"Yes, I don't salute when I see my elder martial brother. Don't you think we should be treated in the eyes?"

At this time, several friars came to Lin Xuan and others, looked down at them from a high position, and gave them instructions as if they were children.

"Cluck, little brothers. These two elder martial brothers are not very good tempered. Please don't annoy them. Please be polite. We will be friends in the future."

A friar like a goblin, with a touch of cinnabar between her eyebrows, looks like a fox, and has a delicate face.

Dressed in brocade, but some thin, large incense shoulders are exposed, smiling.

Originally, Lin Xuan and others were still laughing. They wanted to ask some questions about entering the University.

But unexpectedly, before they speak, these people look down on them and call them country boys.

Why do you want them to salute?

"What did you say?"

Shen Qingfeng sneered. How could he have been so angry? He was almost invincible in his life except that he was defeated by Lin Xuan.

Although these people are in the realm of spiritual masters, Shen Qingfeng doesn't pay attention to them at all.

Now his cultivation is improving day by day, and he is only one step away from the realm of the spiritual master. He is not dead in the cross level war against the alien spiritual master, and he has won, not to mention the two little cats and dogs in front of him!

"Ha ha, good boy, what's your attitude?"

"Why do you want to be disrespectful to me?"

"You seem to be new here. You don't know the rules. I'll give you a chance to kneel down and admit your mistake. Hehe, maybe we can let you go, otherwise..."

"Hum, don't toast or drink

A group of four men and a woman are all in the realm of Lingshi. They speak in a strange way, and some people speak in a crazy way. Let them kneel down and apologize!

At this moment, not only Shen Qingfeng's anger, Lin Xuan's eyes were cold, and his face was silent.

"Tell us to kneel down and apologize?"

"Ha ha, I really don't understand what we've offended. As soon as we get there, we'll have to wait for me to come down!"

Qin Feng also sneers. They have not experienced anything all the way, and the spirit Master has not killed less. How can they look at the minions in front of them.

"Well, do you kneel or not? Do you really want me to help you in person? "

The head of a cold hum, high above, head up, do not treat them as people, arbitrary bullying.

"I thought that Tianxing University was the best selected by all the major schools. They should be the same heroes. Ha ha, but I didn't expect that no matter where they went, you would be indispensable!"

"It's a disgrace to the University!"

"You don't want to help us by yourself, so you're here to have a try!"

Lin Xuan sneered. He clenched his fist, and a bloodthirsty expression appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Hum, good. It seems that you really don't know the superiority of heaven and earth and have no respect for your superiors. Today, elder martial brother, I will teach you what are the rules in the University!"

"Haha, I'm not afraid of tigers. A group of little friars who don't know where they come from have no breakthrough in the realm of Lingshi. They dare to challenge us. They are really looking for death!"

"Cut the crap. It's just that my hands are itching these days. Teach them a lesson!"

Several elder martial brothers, in addition to the female goblin just giggle, a face to see the expression, unexpectedly all want to start!

At this time, a elder martial brother in a Taoist robe in green noticed Shen MuQing and said with a strange smile, "Hey, younger martial sister, you must not learn from them, otherwise your beautiful face will be bad if it is scratched."

"Come here, elder martial brother, and let me protect you. The sword has no eyes. Don't hurt it!"

He has a lusty expression and his mouth is full of frivolous words.

The reason why some people are upset with Lin Xuan and others is that they may not have the idea of showing their strength in front of Shen MuQing.

However, in Shen MuQing's eyes, his way of doing this is ridiculous to the extreme. He is looking for death.

At the moment, even if Shen MuQing is a newcomer and doesn't want to make trouble, he can't help but have the impulse to kill this person. The air between heaven and earth seems to be stagnant, and it becomes a little unnatural, with a faint sense of killing.

The elder martial brother, however, didn't notice these. Instead, he stretched out his hand and wanted to catch Shen MuQing with a bad smile!

This is no longer a groundbreaking event for Taisui, but a shitting event for Yama.

"If Tianxing university is full of scum like you, it's useless to keep them!"


The sound of a sword suddenly appeared, just like the sound of a dragon. No one thought that Shen MuQing couldn't help it before someone else did!

A green gold sword was held in her hand, showing a touch of golden luster, with an unpredictable power.

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