It all happened so fast that it surprised all the onlookers.

"What... How could it be that a sword light broke through the defense of the clock?"

"My God, this is a magic weapon made by the elder himself. It can suppress the heroes in our realm. Now it is split by a woman in the realm of spirit?"

"The clock is broken. What a great force it is. What's the origin of this man? How can I have such a terrible feeling?"

In the sky, if the monks in the Taoist robes in green clothes avoid snakes and scorpions, they almost immediately start to speed up to avoid the deadly sword light!

However, the roaring sword light was too terrible. Even if he escaped quickly, there was a afterwave that cut his back and tore open a bloody mouth. The blood was pouring, and the pain was very severe.

"How could it be?"


"How dare you destroy my clock and hurt me! I'll kill you!"

At this moment, the monk in the Taoist robe in green had no idea of teasing Shen MuQing. He was so angry that he thought it was a shame that he was a master of the spiritual realm who was hurt by Shen MuQing.

In order to win back face, now unreservedly show their cards.

"The dragon of the yellow spring is on the way

The Taoist priest in green roared, and he had forgotten what pity was. In his eyes, he finally did not dare to underestimate Shen MuQing and tried his best.

At this moment, it is like the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky, galloping ceaselessly, turning into a huge yellow water dragon in the sky, which seems to be able to corrode everything, and where it passes, there is no grass!

"This woman is proud enough to force brother Zhao to use such a treasure as yellow spring water. Even if she dies, there's nothing to be unwilling to do!"

"Spring water? What is this? "

"You don't know the water of the yellow spring? This kind of thing is only available to those Jedi who have turned into a sea of blood and blood. It has been turned into blood and bones for tens of thousands of years. It's extremely Yin and evil. It's very terrifying. "

"If others get a trace of it, they will rot into white bones!"

"It happens that brother Zhao has learned a secret skill, which can be performed with the help of this yellow spring water. With only a little yellow spring water, he can evolve into a giant dragon. With half the effort, it's his trump card."

"Once when we went out, we met a high-level and middle-class monster, who almost couldn't come back. Brother Zhao used this skill to save me!"

Among them, some people are familiar with the man in the Taoist robe in green clothes, and speak up to him.

On the sky, the Yellow Water Dragon shed a dragon's birthday, and the lush flowers and plants on the earth withered and died in a flash, with a strong breath of death.

At this moment, even Lin Xuan and others were watching, but also aware of a crisis.

"I didn't expect that this person had such a strange card. Sure enough, there was no mediocre person who could enter Tianxing University!"

Qin Feng was a little surprised, and even made a sweat for Shen MuQing, some of whom wanted to make a move.

Although Shen Qingfeng and Lin Xuan were surprised, they were calm.

The so-called yellow spring water can be divided into three, six and nine grades. They have heard that if it is really the abscess of the bones of the most powerful, there is no need to fight at all. The strong at the peak of the spirit Master will turn into withered bones in an instant, which is very evil.

The so-called yellow spring water in front of him is at most the residue from the change of the strong spirit Master. Although it's also abnormal, it's not a doomed situation.

With Shen MuQing's mystery and terror, there are also many cards.

Many of the strong, after death, the spirit of decay, the body has not changed the way, there will be terrible changes, the spring water is just one of them.

Just like the great power of the venerable, this kind of character will transform himself into Tao before he dies, that is to say, he will melt away his body like ashes, and the dust will return to the earth.

In this way, it will not leave any trouble and change for later generations, and it can also ensure that his body will not be desecrated.

Such a corpse is unimaginable in the event of some strange accident.

For he was the most powerful in his life, and he should not be deceived after his death. The body is still in that realm.

If the realm of practice is higher, like the realm of kings, the bones will not perish in the past.

Just like the original dutianzun, although he did not take that step, he has become a jade bone and can live forever in the world.

Some people even use the bones of the strong to refine magic weapons. How terrible it is is is unimaginable.

If you are promoted to a saintly state that has never been seen before, it will be the real transcendence of heaven and earth, just like the Saint Lin Xuan once saw. I don't know how many years later, the corpse is still alive, and it has unpredictable power, and others will be crushed directly by that power!

Just then.

The two sides in the war were in an increasingly fierce posture. The Dragon roared and spewed the stagnant water with the smell of corrosion and death.

And Shen MuQing has been avoiding.

This kind of spring water is not fatal to her, but it's very evil. She doesn't want to be infected.

Women love beauty, even friars are no exception.

Just think about it. If the skin is corroded by the evil water, and it can't be refined and cleaned, I'm afraid a beautiful woman will turn ugly in an instant.

Shen MuQing doesn't want the dragon to get close to him.

She urged the green gold sword to roar like the sound of breaking the air.

At this moment, the void is shaking. The golden lotus grows out of the sky. The earth is full of milk. The void is full of lotus. The sky is full of auspiciousness!

Such a spectacle really surprised many people. The sacred scene seemed to be the interaction and praise of heaven and earth.

It is recorded in ancient history that if a person becomes a saint, heaven and earth will have a mutual feeling, and there will be all kinds of abnormal phenomena, such as earthmilk and golden lotus. They are rare precious medicines, which are gifts from heaven and earth, and can live and die.

Infinite utility!

At present, Shen MuQing's methods are like visions, but they are just a cover up. In other words, they are visions of swordsmanship, not real objects.

Tens of thousands of Golden Lotus have sprung up together. They are so bright that they merge with the sky and become one. They are like a green Golden Lotus symbiotic with heaven and earth, connecting the sky and the earth!

Many people in Tianxing University feel that the vision of the green Golden Lotus has turned into a rainbow. They want to have a look!

"What happened? Can't someone invade? "

"That's brother Zhao. At the moment, he's fighting with a woman. Well, she's terrible. Why do I feel familiar with such visions?"

"Green lotus sword formula?"

"It's a secret skill in Qinglian's sword formula. My God, it's hard to find such a sword formula in the world. How can a woman have it? What's the origin of it?"

They were all shocked and looked at the scene from a distance.

The next moment, the green lotus seems to break through the heaven and earth, and even devour the huge huangquan dragon. Then it turns into endless light and rain, which flows down from the sky with the wind and moistens all things.

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