
Shen Mu Qingyi Jue is floating, looking at Lin Xuan's eyes with a touch of tenderness, slightly jaw first.

After that, Shen Qingfeng and Qin Feng also came together. They just came here and were treated like this when they entered the small world, which delayed them for some time.

Many of the students in the University made way for them, and they all looked a little admired.

It seems that there is no night in this world. There is invisible light reflecting on the sky, and the sky is full of clouds.

Along the way, the earth at the foot of colorful, grass pleasant, vibrant, like a fairyland on earth.

Behind the flat field, it is like a mountain moving out of thin air, towering into the clouds, majestic and towering. Far away, it is covered by clouds, with dense aura. It seems that there is aurora in the sky.

This mountain is just like Zhengyang mountain. The peaks are scattered and connected.

There are clear pools and rivers on the mountain. The water and sky are the same color. The fresh and natural scenery makes Lin xuandu feel beautiful, and the air seems to have refreshing fragrance.

"It's really a wonderful place to practice here!"

Lin Xuan said with emotion.

Shen MuQing nodded to one side. Along the way, they walked leisurely, enjoying flowers and water.

For Lin Xuan, the experience value that is increasing all the time is just like the most beautiful note in the world, which makes his mood infinitely beautiful.

"Tianxing University!"

Along the mountain road, in the middle of the mountain, a wooden plaque is in front of you. On both sides are towering ancient trees, which are held up as high as umbrellas.

The gate of Tianxing university is not grand. There is a kind of ancient charm flowing back to the original. It's mysterious and mysterious. It's like seeing the four powerful, dragon flying and Phoenix dancing characters on the plaque, you can feel peaceful.

When they came here, they felt as if they had let go of the noise and noise in the world. There were cranes and birds singing in their ears. It was a peaceful scene.

When they came to such a strange and familiar new place, Lin Xuan's attitude was very peaceful. He found a passing student and asked with a smile: "Taoist brother, please wait a moment, ha ha, we are new here, and we don't understand some things. Please help us solve our puzzles!"

The man was dressed in gorgeous clothes, his hair was clear, and he looked like a modest gentleman.

Walking with people with folding fans.

At the moment, hearing Lin Xuan's words, he turned around and said calmly, "I think some of you are also outstanding people from the major state capitals. Ha ha, from now on, we will be the same family. If you have any doubts, it's OK to say it!"

That gorgeous gentleman smile, the verve in the eyes is awe inspiring, the careful contemplation Lin Xuan several people.

"How can we find a place to practice, Taoist brother?"

"I didn't see any elders and deacons in the university arrange this matter."

This is the most important thing for Lin Xuan's family. Different from the one who went to qixuezong at the beginning, the clan was arranged freely. This day, no one was in charge of the school. It made them confused.

"Ha ha, I see."

"You can go to the misty peak first, and you will be arranged by the deacons of the University."

"But you've come a little late. Now the outstanding people in the major prefectures and the lineages have already arrived, and most of the good places in the University have been arranged."

"But in addition, if you have the ability, you can change places with those people."

"Hehe, the elders in this university don't care much. They talk by their strength."

The words of the young man with a hint of obscurity, Lin Xuan is not the first time to experience this kind of thing, naturally understand his meaning.

As at the time of qixuezong, many good places have already been occupied. If you want to find a good place to live, it seems that it will take some effort.

"Thank you, Taoist brother."

Lin Xuanen had a clear sense of resentment and expressed his thanks to the young monk in front of him.

"Ha ha, don't be so polite."

The friar pointed out the location of the misty peak for Lin Xuan and then left.

When Lin Xuan came to the Miaomiao peak, he found that the flow of people on the peak was like a sea, all of them were from the major state capitals, and they were very busy.

It can be said that the pride of heaven is gathering, and the grand occasion is unprecedented.

However, they didn't do much. They just found a place to practice under the guidance of others and the arrangement of the deacon in the palace.

It's a cliff. The cut-off is very flat, like it was split by a sword with great power.

On the edge of the cliff, there are several neighboring thatched cottages, and Lin Xuan was alone. There was no big war. Everything was peaceful.

Although they are confident, even if they come to Tianxing University, they will certainly be able to beat most of their peers.

However, they never occupied other people's treasure land. Even if it was the place where the cliff was, the aura was strong enough for their daily practice.

Then, they understand why the pride of the big door are gathered here.

Even if it's not to step on the strongest road and get that kind of quota, just practicing in Tianxing University, it's really getting twice the result with half the effort.

This place has its own boundary. Although there is no spiritual vein underground, there are array patterns all over the earth. The infinite spirit stones excavated from the outside world are refined by the great array and become dense aura to feed the heaven and earth.

So that the aura of Tianxing university is always strong.

This place also has the hall of gathering Qi. The spirit stone refined by the array pattern in it is even more exotic spirit stone, such as amethyst, kyanite, hematite, etc., all of which come from the original mine.

It's not an ordinary pure white spirit stone. It has a high grade.

Moreover, as soon as Lin Xuan was a beginner, he got tens of thousands of monthly salary points, and could practice in Juqi hall for a long time.

For ten days in a row, Lin Xuan didn't go anywhere. He practiced honestly in the hall of gathering Qi. His accomplishments were so fast that his experience value also soared.

The reason for this is that the aura he absorbed came from a different kind of stone.

The hall of Qi gathering in Tianxing university is even more famous for its blood weeping sect. The refined exotic spirit stone is a qualitative change. The spirit contained in it is not only rich, but also more pure, with a high grade.

For example.

If Lin Xuan originally needed 10 million ordinary pure white spirit stones to be promoted, one million would be enough if he replaced them with these exotic spirit stones.

However, because of the scarcity of these exotic spirit stones, they are very rare and precious for practice.

It is necessary to know that in the whole Daqian Dynasty, there were only heterogeneous minerals in Hengduan Mountains. A large part of these minerals were separated by the big clans and powerful aristocratic clans for the cultivation of the elders and family experts.

After all, when the cultivation level is advanced, the common spirit stone can provide very little spirit, even if it wins by quantity, it doesn't have much significance.

At this time, we need a higher level of xenoliths.

Some of them were distributed by the imperial court to cultivate experts, and some of them were given to Tianxing University.

So that those gifted disciples who have not really reached a high level can also use the alien spirit stone to lay a solid foundation.

It's said that the real immortal families in the northern region and the outstanding disciples in the great religion are so powerful because they are fed by various kinds of exotic spirit stones and natural materials and local treasures!

To put it bluntly, there are so many resources to supplement the practice that even a pig can surely be superior to others.

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