"Well? Is that so? " Shuiqingxin is a little confused. She is a little simple. She doesn't know what her elder martial brothers are saying. She thinks that Lin Xuan really only likes one person.

However, at this moment, Lin Xuan shook his head and laughed, and said, "it's OK, one person doesn't mean anything. It's better to go with you to relieve the boredom."

Lin Xuan's words made the others speechless, and he was very sorry. He should have pretended to be invisible just now. Why did he come to recognize each other!

It's not boring to ask for it!

Now Lin Xuan agreed to go with him, but they didn't dare to block him. They were not only afraid that the younger martial sister would not like him, but also afraid of Lin Xuan himself.

You know, this is a killing God!

At the beginning, there was more than one alien who died in his hands. They were so powerful that they were desperate!

"In that case... Brother Lin, don't despise me for being noisy!"

One of them is a little older, with a beard and a royal robe. He looks like a elder martial brother in the door. Now he has a bitter face.

"Ha ha, of course not. This elder martial brother is really worried."

Lin Xuan burst out laughing. Seeing that he was old and not as arrogant as a master, he was very approachable, and was worthy of his elder martial brother.

In this way, a group of people strolled around the campus, enjoying the beautiful scenery and expressing their feelings from time to time.

"I really want to stay in such a treasure land forever. This is the real paradise!"

"Yes, all natural things turn into all kinds of smart and beautiful things. It's such a wonderland. It's wonderful!"

The stream is murmuring, and the sound of rustling water sounds like the sound of a piano. They hold the spring in their hands and drink it heartily, as sweet and clear as grape wine.

All the way down, Lin Xuan didn't have the airs of Tianjiao and Renjie, but also made them feel much more comfortable. He didn't have so much conflict in his heart.

However, the younger sister of the navy was always around Lin Xuan, and they had a good talk.

"Elder martial brother Lin, I didn't expect that you came from the blood weeping sect. I have heard that many outstanding people were born in your veins, and they were all famous for their blood in the turmoil of different races."

Water clear heart look quiet, eyes such as autumn water, sound some delicate way.

"I also admire those ancestors who have devoted their blood to their work and made great achievements for thousands of years." Lin Xuan nodded and looked up at the mountains and rivers in the distance.

However, on their way down the mountain along the stream, they met a group of people.

Several figures in a hurry passed by on the mountain road and said, "I heard that the elder of tomorrow's University will call all the disciples to preach in the school."

"Well, that's a good thing. You can't miss it."

"We can go with you then."

They were in a hurry, but they didn't seem to be faking. Someone in Lin Xuan's party stopped them and said curiously, "this man, what you don't know is true?"

"I haven't heard of this news for a few days when I've been in college?"

Wen Yan, the man who had planned to leave, looked back and said, "of course, it's true. It's said that this sermon can also be regarded as an introductory meeting for college students."

"Don't wait with you to say more, take care of yourself, I'll go!"

However, as soon as he left, some people in the crowd said: "ha ha, I'm just asking at will. I'm so proud!"

"Don't forget where this is. Tianxing university has always been a gathering place for the proud and talented people in the imperial dynasty since ancient times. Any disciple who came here used to be a leader in the major schools. It's reasonable to be proud."

The elder martial brother was able to understand and didn't say much.

After that, all the people lost their mind to continue to wander. Lin Xuan also said goodbye to the girl in white.

"Elder martial brother Lin, wait a moment. Where does elder martial brother Lin live?"

Just when Lin Xuan wanted to leave, he was stopped by Shuiqing's heart and asked curiously.

"Ha ha, if you have something to do, you can look for me on the misty peak!"

Hearing the words, Lin Xuan looked back and said with a smile.

Later, he turned into a streamer and disappeared from the public's eyes.

He didn't believe the news rashly. Instead, he asked a few more people to know it was true.

Back at the misty peak, Lin Xuan told Shen MuQing and others the news. The next morning, he went to the hall of the University together.

This place is also called the lecture hall. On weekdays, some elders may come here to explain and teach Taoism.

The blue and gold palace is just like the bronze casting. It is not very high, but not very wide. It can accommodate tens of thousands of people. It is just like the main hall. It is very beautiful.

At this moment, the hall has already been full of people. Almost all the heavenly pride of the emperor Daqian gathered here, all of them were dragons and phoenixes among the people.

Lin Xuan, Shen MuQing and others stand on the edge of the crowd and keep an abnormally low profile. Their accomplishments have never broken through the spiritual master. Compared with other people, they seem to be congenitally lower.

"Hey, hey, where are you from? You're not even a Lingshi. You're not worthy to be in the same school as me when you enter the university with a bad luck!"

"That's good. At least some people are at the bottom. We can be more comfortable and reduce a lot of competition!"

"Yes, ha ha ha!"

Lin Xuan listened quietly, but he didn't care.

If not for Shen MuQing's peerless appearance, like a fairy in the dust, I'm afraid he would be ridiculed.

But Shen Qingfeng's cold eyes swept the crowd, and an invincible momentum emerged from his body, which stopped them from sneering.

At this time, a highly respected elder in the University stood on the lectern. He was dressed in green clothes, with white hair like snow, and a tuft of goatee on his chin. He was very immortal.

Lin Xuan thought that he was here to preach, but he didn't expect that the elder didn't mention anything about Taoism. Instead, he had been expounding the so-called "road to the peak.".

"Have you ever known how difficult it is to embark on this road? Every time you reopen your university, only a few or two people can finally get the qualification and embark on the road to the summit."

"Even in the heyday of the University, it was no more than one hand."

Although the speech of the elder is short, the amount of information is huge, which surprised Lin Xuan and others.

The conditions for setting foot on this road are so cruel that there are only one or two people.

"The purpose of gathering you and others is not only to inspire you, but also to sharpen and test you, so as to cultivate the strongest Tianjiao. On behalf of our Tianxing University, on behalf of our great qianhuangchao, we will embark on the road of the supreme power."

"At a time when the foreign people are ready to move, there is no time to let them do more precipitation."

"For this reason, the secret place will be reopened. More than 50 people will be selected to go to the secret place to practice for three months!"

"Now, there is no time for the university to prepare for all kinds of contests, so you have to choose your own places to be expelled."

"Don't be a hero unless you are strong!"

The elder reminded him, and then he said in a loud voice: "so, who wants to move forward?"

"Step forward to the stage!"

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