Just at the time of arrangement, the man in black who had escaped returned. As expected, he followed more than ten people in black, all of them in the realm of spiritual masters.

"Damn it, they hid in the dense soil!"

The man in black, the leader, roared angrily. The long gun in blood red was glittering. At first sight, it was made of some kind of divine iron. It was powerful and hit heavily on the golden light curtain.


The void shakes violently, and waves sweep across the light curtain one after another. The tadpole like divine lines are all alive. There is inexplicable power to bless the gate of dense earth!

"Break this prohibition, kill in, and leave none!"

People in black roared and took the lead. During the opening and closing, the bloody spear waved like a giant pillar stirring the mountains and rivers. It was as powerful as a dragon!

The ten or so people in black behind them are also very strong. Most of them are at the peak of the first section of Lingshi, and some of them are masters of the second section of Lingshi!

At this moment, we all join hands. It's like the sky is falling apart. The hall is constantly shaking, as if it is about to collapse. The ancient bronze hall will be destroyed from now on.

In this world, Taoism and Dharma will be suppressed to a certain extent as long as they are promoted to the realm of spiritual master. If they have higher accomplishments, they will also be suppressed to a greater extent.

This is the self-regulation of the small world. As long as we don't allow the strong characters to enter, the damage will not be so great.

And the first man in black was even more suppressed to the peak of the second section of Lingshi.


There are endless magic weapons being sacrificed, including ancient gold pagodas and black clocks, which are all not ordinary products and shine brilliantly!

"Break it for me!"

The man in black roared and tried his best. The hall, which was already on the verge of collapse, fell from the dome, and the earth seemed to sink down. It was terrible!


A clear sound came out, and there was a striking crack on the original brilliant and glittering light curtain, like a cobweb, cracking all around!


It's also a magic weapon. The light curtain is broken in a moment, like light rain. A strong aura comes out of it, like tide, and water drops condense in the air.

"Ha ha ha, I didn't expect it to be such a treasure land. No wonder those wastes are reluctant to leave. This time, they will die!"

The leader in black laughed. He didn't seem to notice anything unusual. With a wave of his hand, he broke into the secret earth like a shadow!

Many people in black followed behind.

And almost in an instant, the sky in a number of God mang sweep, like the sword light whistling, angry, fierce!


Black dress person Mou son one coagulates, brow tight wrinkly, facial expression some doubts.

But the next moment, the surrounding landscape changes, they seem to be in a desert, thousands of dust into sharp arrow feathers, sweeping.

All of us were surprised by this change, and there was a trace of fear in our hearts.


"I never thought of it!"

The man in black murmured and then said, "don't panic. This battle must be hastily laid. It's nothing. Break the battle with me!"

Just when everyone fell into the array, Lin Xuan enjoyed himself and swallowed more than a dozen fragrant top-grade miraculous drugs. In addition to his systematic passive practice, he himself was refining those miraculous drugs and converting them into experience value.

The man in black and others could not have imagined that Lin Xuan's method of setting up the array was so strong. Even the first array had trapped them for half a day before they could break it!

In this way, most of the people are exhausted. They can only sit and recover for a while and can't move forward.

However, even on the edge of prohibition, aura is incredibly strong.

"This kind of place is really the holy land of practice. Instead of continuing to break through the battle, I can't wait to practice here and wait for them to come out!"

Among the people in black, some can't help but praise and give advice.

"That's right. There's almost no suppression of Taoism and Dharma in this dense soil. Our cultivation is almost restored to the peak state. When they come out, it's not the same big killing!"

However, he was denied by the man in Black: "the secret soil is full of elixirs. If they stay in it for a month, do we have to wait so long?"

"Can't wait at all!"

"No more than three months, people will come to Tianxing University, and sooner or later they will find us!"

"Don't forget the purpose of our trip!"

He scanned the nihilistic area in front of him. Under the careful induction, there must be a heavy array with the fluctuation of the rules of Daofa!

"First restore the divine power, and then continue to break the battle!"

"I'd like to see what these wastes can do and how long they can stop us from waiting."

However, the man in black didn't expect that Lin Xuan was crazy to set up nine major formations here, and one of them was more dangerous than the other.

It took seven days to break through the eight great battles. The angry people in black are going to vomit blood!

During this period, Lin Xuan's experience value also soared, only a few hundred thousand less than ten million!

Another hour, Lin Xuan must break through!

At this time, not far from the top of the mountain, thunder like roar resounded through the sky!

Thousands of rays are as brilliant as eternity, and hundreds of millions of rays of ruicai fall from the sky.

A figure like a demon came out of the medicine field. His long hair was dark and thick. He looked like a god of killing. His eyes were dazzling and his body was big and magnificent!

That is from xiaoyaozong's stone to break the sky, originally is the talent extremely outstanding person, in such treasure land, he can break through, does not let Lin Xuan accident!

In addition, as early as yesterday, Honghao made a breakthrough at one stroke, and now he is guarding in front of the last array to fight for more opportunities for others!

At this moment, Shi chuantian is also coming, sitting with Honghao, and acting as a pioneer for all!

His momentum is extraordinary, even if he does not show any prestige, people still dare not underestimate him.

"Congratulations on brother Shi's breakthrough. Ha ha, wait a little longer and we can leave here!"

Hong Hao ha ha a smile, Mou Guang is calm and calm, don't put those people who are breaking the battle in the eye at all.

Now seven days later, I don't know what kind of chaos the outside world has become.

In this long wait, monk Daoyuan and the two disciples in the university all broke through the realm, and their fighting power went up to a higher level.

Lin Xuan didn't fall behind others and was promoted to a spiritual master. It's just strange that Lin Xuan didn't lead to any disaster this time. He didn't even gather his spirit except that he felt strong and reborn!

This is obviously extremely unreasonable, and the experience value in my mind is no longer growing, like some shackles, just to enhance the physical strength!

"Yes, there is not a complete Taoist method in this dense earth. Anyone who breaks through the realm of spiritual master must have an understanding of the Taoist methods of heaven and earth, and condense the spirit. Now I am only half a spiritual master, not complete!"

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