Lin Xuan's magic power is surging and moving like thunder. At this moment, the golden light in his hand is flourishing, and he is constantly forging a seal to destroy the man in black here!


The sound of the dragon is like a golden dragon diving down from the sky. It opens its mouth to swallow the escaping spirit!

"Beast, break it for me!"

However, even though Lin Xuan only had one spirit left after he was beaten, it had to be said that the leader in black was really strong, worthy of being the fourth peak strength of Lingshi. In less than a breath, the dragon's head exploded instantly.

The spirit is crystal clear, like a villain, and there is a kind of terrible Qi flow all over the body.

However, the white tiger roared, and its claws were comparable to the weapons of the magic weapon. In an instant, he rushed to the front to kill the spirit!


Another deafening sound came. After all, the dragon and tiger seal was weaker. It was not as sharp as Lin Xuan's magic fist!

His own realm is much worse.

However, even if he didn't kill the leader in black, he delayed for a moment. He was like a ghost, and no one knew when he would come.

When the leader in black wanted to leave, he found that there was another powerful magic fist coming.

With a single blow, the leader in black couldn't even utter a cry. The spirit burst open and turned into endless light and rain, which fell between heaven and earth. It was incomparably gorgeous, like the different scenes of heaven and earth!

This scene shocked several people in the distant war. Lin Xuan's power was so strong that many people were speechless.

"Without breaking through the spirit Master, he has such fighting power. Is he still a man?"

"I underestimated him before. I didn't expect to be so strong!"

"Ha ha, I don't know whether I'm happy or sad when I live with this kind of person. I'm destined to live behind the curtain of shadows!"

However, at this moment, some of the others in the dense soil were surprised and doubted: "that's a strong spirit Master with four peaks. How can I feel that he has been able to fight with ease up to now? It's as simple as chopping melons and cutting vegetables?"

"Hey, you guessed right. It's hard to guess Lin Xuan's real strength. He didn't really do his best. He still keeps everything!"

Someone answered him in the middle of the war, and he was also at ease!

At this moment of the war, several battlefields are coming to an end, especially Hong Hao and Shi Po Tian. They are so powerful that they have chased two or three men in black with unknown origins and killed them!

After that, but in a short period of ten minutes, Lin Xuan wandered around, his magic fist rumbled, and all of them were convinced.

More than a dozen people in black, in addition to the majority of people, Lin Xuan, they also deliberately left a few alive, to ask about their origins!

"Tell me, where are you from, what is your purpose, and why are you able to enter the secret territory?"

Lin Xuan looks at a man in black in front of him and uncovers the black veil, which makes Lin Xuan feel incredible.

Because his face is very young, but some indifference, eyes are also full of rebellious, like a young eagle, do everything possible to show their edge.

"Who are you? If you say it, maybe you can have a good time! "

Other people did not expect that this man should be so young. He didn't look older than them.

"Hum, if you want to kill, you can kill. There's so much nonsense!"

But, this person does not admit defeat at all, pouts the head, a face defiant!


At this moment, no one thought that Shi Shatian said that he would do it at once. He directly stabbed his heart and gave him a cool feeling. He was too lazy to say anything.

Then, the soul of the man in black glowed. He wanted to slip away, but he was caught by Honghao's quick eyes, just like holding a chicken. His eyes were cold and asked: "say it or not?"

"Even if I die here today, as long as you go out, you will be buried with me!"

However, this young man in black is still very tough. Even if he is really facing the threat of losing his spirit, he still refuses to admit defeat.

"I'm not afraid to tell you that some of my elder martial brothers are coming. They will kill you and take revenge for us!"

He stared and sneered.

The next moment, Honghao hands hard, even directly crushed the spirit, no more words!

There is no mercy to speak of. At this time, killing and cutting fruit is what they should do. It's impossible to let the people who are going to kill them go when they are young!

However, this man was a little tough, and the other men in black were much weaker. With a little threat, Shi Po Tian threw down two fists, and they were all obedient.

It's honest to tell them the origin!

"We are from the Ming Yue Dynasty. We are the disciples of Ming Yue University. We are here with the elders to hunt you and sharpen ourselves."

"There are no fewer top Tianjiao in the gate. We should prove the truth by killing and kill the whole world!"

Since ancient times, the Ming Yue Dynasty and the Da Qian Dynasty have been enemies. The two countries border on each other. The Ming Yue Dynasty is more powerful, and there are many heroes in the dynasty.

After learning the news, Lin Xuan and others find it hard to stay. They know that the outside world must have been in a mess and killed all of them. However, they go to find other disciples in the University together!

All the way, there is nothing hidden, just to show themselves, attract attention, so as to find people!

However, they didn't go far away. They heard something near a mountain range. Someone was fighting!

"Wait a minute, don't come out all at once. There may be changes. Be careful!"

Lin Xuan now has the right to speak, and no one else has moved.

In the mountains, I saw a woman in green chasing the disciples of Tianxing University. Her eyes were cold. Her eyes were like snow, like a witch. It was very frightening.

Lin Xuan gave a big drink and walked away with a big step: "stop it!"

But at this time, the woman's slender hand finally moved. A slender silver sword burst out of her body like a rainbow running through the sun.

In the face of walking Lin Xuan, she looks indifferent, a hand is to kill.

Lin Xuan didn't hesitate to turn his body. In a moment, he moved to a few steps away... The green rainbow silver sword was very fast. After being dodged by Lin Xuan, he rushed to the people behind him.

This thrilling scene let several people suddenly a chaos, are covered in cold sweat, fled.

"Run away..."

"How can it be!"

However, although the silver sword was brilliant, it didn't wait for it to break out of the big circle. It seemed to touch some prohibition. It directly hit into the void, causing ripples like water waves, and completely dissipated!

This is not a real object, but a means of the spiritual master friars. They can use the secret method to evolve the killing move based on the spiritual power.

And that's why only when you are promoted to a spiritual monk can you be regarded as a real practitioner. That way of fighting is no longer limited to physical confrontation, which is changeable.

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