Under this blow, the earth collapsed, and half of the mountains were flattened. The huge fluctuation made the beasts scattered and their hooves sounded like thunder.

And this kind of movement, also almost attracted the eyes of all people around, all toward here.

"It's really tricky. It seems that I'm going to be forced to take it seriously!"

Lin Xuan sighed secretly. The woman in front of him was like a Phoenix. She walked in the air like a fairy. She seemed to get rid of the shackles of this heaven and earth.

After the war, a lot of means came out. If he had been another opponent, he would have died under his fist.

But even at the moment, the women in green have not suffered too much trauma, but most of them are embarrassed.

Because Lin Xuan was too unreasonable, he fought with a woman and took advantage of her!

Similarly, the woman in green also knew that Lin Xuan's physical body was unique, and she did not dare to fight him. She never thought that Lin Xuan's physical body would be so strong

Her eyes were deep, and she said in her heart, "I never thought that there was such a strong man in the emperor Daqian's Dynasty. The cultivation of a half step spirit Master forced me to come here. If it wasn't for the inconvenience of using some secret methods, it would never be like this!"

The woman in Green's voice was dim, and she said in a soft voice: "little boy is really extraordinary, but this is just the beginning, not the end!"

Her tone is arrogant and she makes another move!

At this moment, heaven and earth as if set down a ban like, from a boundary, surrounded by two people, outsiders eyes can not see!

In front of Lin Xuan's eyes, the mountains and rivers turned upside down, and suddenly the petals were dancing all over the sky, as if he were in the peach grove, falling in a riot of splendor, like a fairyland on earth.

At this time, Lin Xuan's face finally changed. He did not expect that the woman in green could create a special "field"!

The so-called field is not an array. It doesn't need the interaction of Taoist and divine materials. It's just the transformation of spiritual power. It's a powerful secret skill!

If you envelop your opponent in your own field, a blade of grass or a grain of dust can all be turned into a killing move, which is completely mastered by the master of the field.

Just like now, in this field, every petal is a killing move. As long as the spirit power of the woman in green is enough, it will be endless!

"Ha ha, I am more and more interested in you now!"

Lin XuanZhen's fists are heavy.

"Well, then come on!"

The woman in green hummed coldly, as if she wanted to avenge herself.

In this area, she is the absolute master, just a thought, the petals all over the sky seem to become the sharpest blade, all rushed to Lin Xuan!

"What's that?"

When Lin Xuan fell into the realm of the woman in green, the outside world, such as Shi Shatian, showed a strange color, and his eyes were very confused.

In front of them, Lin Xuan and the woman in green all disappeared, hazy, like deep in another piece of heaven and earth!

But the wave from the void made them understand that Lin Xuan and Lin Xuan were there, just covered by a layer of mist.

"It's strange. If I read it correctly, it's a secret skill in the field at that time, which can trap people in it. There's no need to arrange the array in advance!"

"What, isn't Lin Xuan in danger?"

"Ha ha, brother Lin is so strong that he didn't fall behind before. Even if he is trapped in the field, he doesn't have to worry about it. He can defeat the enemy by himself!"

"It's us. The situation is not good. Just now there was a big stir in the war between the two. I'm afraid someone will come soon!"

Honghao and others murmured and hesitated to help Lin Xuan.

But when he read Lin Xuan's advice, he still chose to watch the change and did not come out. Instead, he hid himself in the dark with a secret method.

And when the outside world was shocked, Lin Xuan was not very comfortable in the peach blossom vision of the woman in green!

The petals all over the sky turned into sharp blades, colorful, but just like the God awn, twinkling with divine light.

In this field, all are the home court of women in green, Lin Xuan can't avoid it, only can resist it hard!

Thanks to his incomparable physical body, if it were for other people, he would have already had a grudge on the spot.

This seemingly small area has its own space, which is many times larger than what the outside world has seen.

The woman in green was obviously suffering from Lin Xuan's close combat. She didn't want to compete with him. Instead, she hid in it. The petals all over the sky turned into a curtain. For a moment, Lin Xuan couldn't help her!

"I said fairy girl, it's hard to maintain such a vast area. No matter how good your skill is, you can constantly absorb aura and transform it into pure aura, but it will always be useful."

"Since you don't want to show up, I don't want to look for you. Let's see who can beat who!"

Lin Xuan snorted coldly. He also began to sit in the field and mobilize his whole body's Qi and blood. His whole body's Qi and blood soared to the sky. His body was shining with gold, and his body was crystal clear, like a treasure.

The petals cut across his body like sharp blades, making a clang sound like gold and stone, but they could not break the defense of the body!

Lin Xuan sat in the room, and all the laws were inviolable.


This kind of intensive attack, the need for differentiation of the spirit power is too large, Lin Xuan predicted that the woman in green can not last long!

But at this time, Lin Xuan suddenly stood upright, and a warning sign appeared in his heart!

The next moment, behind him, a piece of petals gathered to make way for a passage, only to see a woman dressed in blue dust suddenly attacked.

"Broken jade palm!"

Her white jade palm is crystal clear and glowing, one palm claps into Lin Xuan's chest, the wisps of spiritual power penetrates his physical defense, invades his body, and makes his Qi and blood go against chaos!

"This is the moment!"

However, Lin Xuan, who should have retreated quickly, didn't move sideways. Instead, he showed a smile that the plot was successful. He fought hard to get a slap to lead the woman in green out, just for this moment!

Almost for a moment, Lin Xuan's body suddenly seemed like a torrent of fire, boiling completely. He forcibly grasped the two slender lotus arms of the woman in Qing Yi, like pliers, which made it difficult for her to break free.

Once close up, even in the field of women in Tsing Yi, it's also Lin Xuan's home!

Without any mercy, Lin xuansi seized the opportunity and hit it with one hand. The woman in green immediately snorted bitterly!

However, this is just the beginning. When Lin Xuan holds her arm, the woman in green can't even escape. She can only watch Lin Xuan, who is as fierce as a human beast, greet her with one punch after another and be beaten violently!

This makes the girl in green like a beautiful girl in heaven popular. She is not ashamed, but angry!

"No one has ever dared to do this to me... I remember you!"

Even if Lin Xuan held her for a short time, the woman in green was still proud, like a Phoenix, and never bowed her head.

But immediately, he was beaten by Lin Xuan and said, "hum, why do you want to revenge me?"

"Come on, I'm only a half step spirit master now. I can beat you. You don't have a chance. You'd better serve me tea and water as a maid!"

"Don't worry, you will not be alone, I will find a companion for you!"

Lin Xuan, with a smile, deliberately hit her.

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