"What? Is that ok? "

This time, it was Lin Xuan's turn to be surprised. Originally, this woman had so many means that he found it difficult. Who knew that the magic weapon to protect her life was also emerging one after another!

The origin of this woman is not just the disciple of Mingyue college. I'm afraid there are other origins. Otherwise, there would never be so many treasures!

However, at this moment, the scroll of mountains and rivers actually bloomed, with the roar of the beast and the wings of the Kunpeng. Now it seems that it has come to life and emerged with the great spiritual power!

The dark and terrible beast devoured everything like a glutton in the myth. He opened his mouth to eat Lin Xuan!

Hundreds of millions of miles of rivers and mountains, many famous mountains and rivers are like endless fierce beasts, but also like lions and tigers, giant beasts flying with cloud wings come and roar in the mountains!

At the same time, there is a Kunpeng rising, soaring up to 90000 Li, the huge Dharma phase that blocks the sky and the sun is vast, the golden plume is like gold casting, eternal immortal, whistling to move the sky!

There are flamingos flying out around the flame, burning a prairie fire for thousands of miles!

This scene, let Lin Xuan some not to live, even if he does not destroy the gold body operation to the extreme, but all of a sudden so many fierce beast form, also difficult to sweep.

"I have to say that I underestimate you. Fairies are really extraordinary. There are so many babies!"

Lin XuanZhen was convinced. The picture in front of him was even higher than the grade of the green jade sword. At least it was a magic weapon of high grade and low grade!

If it wasn't for the low level of the woman in green, it would be hard to really activate this magic weapon. I'm afraid Lin Xuan would be killed by Ge in the first time!

"I can't imagine how powerful it would be if it was completely activated!"

Lin Xuan sighed. He fought with those fierce beasts who were born of spiritual power. It was hard to reach the woman in green.

Such a magic weapon can be attacked and defended. It's just for fighting.

Far more powerful than the white jade heaven and earth cauldron he used for alchemy!

"Well, I didn't expect that there was such a monster as you in Tianxing University!"

When Lin Xuan was convinced, the woman in green also felt that she was convinced. She played all the cards, and it was just unreasonable to play with Lin Xuan.

You know, her cultivation has been promoted to the third stage of Lingshi. It should be easy to deal with a waste who has not been promoted to Lingshi, but now she is in a stalemate!

It's hard to imagine the spiritual power consumed between them every breath, especially the woman in green. She urges such a powerful magic weapon. The spiritual power consumed is as deep as the sea. If it wasn't for her cultivation, it would be the holy rank, and it really can't keep up with the consumption!

Lin xuanwan, like the God of war, waved his fists. He beat out his infinite strength, and finally defeated a fierce beast virtual shadow. There are three such virtual shadows!

"Forget it, I said fairy girl, how about we all stop fighting? It's really meaningless to fight like this!"

Lin Xuan was helpless. He really felt powerless. Originally, he wanted to take advantage of his advantages to win people, but now it seems that it's really unrealistic!

After a great war, his fighting power has been maintained at the peak, which is the result of huge consumption. Now he is also very hard and does not want to fight.

"Who knows if this man has any other means to save his life? He's tired to death, and no one has hurt anyone!"

This is the real back and forth, equal!

"Ha ha, you were very angry just now. You want to kill me. Why do you want to stop now?"

Smell speech, green dress woman light smile, slightly some satire way.

It's just that there is too much noise in the war between the two. Even if they are in a remote place, in a mountain range, not in the former site of xuanming sect, they still attract a lot of people.

Most of these people were dressed in black, but they seemed to have been exposed. There were more than a dozen people who wanted to kill Lin Xuan!

The number of people who had gathered together before was relatively small, and they did not show it. Now the number of people is increasing, and their courage is also growing. They all shout out: "elder martial sister, I'll help you!"

"Yes, I dare to be disrespectful to my elder martial sister. Damn it

"If you want to kill elder martial sister, ask me if I agree!"

They yelled, offering their own magic weapons in their hands. They wanted to surround and kill Lin Xuan.

"I'm special!"

Lin Xuan couldn't help but scold him. He had already had a hard time dealing with a woman in green, but now he had more than ten helpers. Even if he was reincarnated, he couldn't deal with it!

"Don't hide, there should be no expert ambush here, or I would have died early. Let's do it together and cut off the rubbish first!"

Lin Xuan let out a loud drink, and the voice was transmitted to Hong Hao and others who were hidden in the dark. In terms of the number of people, they were really quite a lot.

Almost in a blink of an eye, more than a dozen rainbow lights gushed out behind the cliff behind Lin Xuan. The stone broke through the sky and rushed into the crowd!

"Hahaha, I can't help it for a long time to see you playing so well here. I can finally move my muscles and bones!"

He laughed, holding a painting halberd, also very extraordinary, overflowing with black light, like some kind of divine iron!

"And me, the scum of Mingyue Dynasty, die for me!" Honghao was wearing armor, shining and brilliant, which was also a good defense magic weapon.

He is fierce, but also directly into the crowd, palm like thunder, in a flash will be a person patted into meat mud, hand ruthless!


Little master Daoyuan's head is shining, like a treasure fetus, with a solemn look. However, he turns the bowl in his hand into a terrible God of killing, and there is no one to stop him in the battlefield!

After that, the rest of the people took part in the war. In other words, there were more people on Lin Xuan's side. The group war broke out!


"Elder martial sister, help me!"

"You are the waste of Tianxing University. If you dare to kill us, you will surely bear the anger of the Ming Yue dynasty!"

"Hateful, the real arrogant people are not here, otherwise they would be arrogant!"

"Hum, you are going to die after all. Now this secret place has been sealed by the elders of our university. If you want to go out, you can't get out!"

In the crowd, the comer, who was just in high spirits, was killed by several killing gods. His corpses were everywhere, and his blood was flowing everywhere!

"Hey, there's someone behind you. You think there's no one behind me. I'll catch you today. I want to see how many treasures there are!"

At this moment, Lin Xuan also burst out laughing, his magic fist is brilliant, brilliant, and the figure is elegant. He goes through the fierce beasts from time to time. In a moment, he smashes the last false shadow of the fierce beast, turns it into thousands of light and rain, and dissipates between heaven and earth!

Then, like a dragon, he killed the woman in green. His footwork was mysterious, and he touched the sky. Under his feet, the Golden Lotus blossomed, and the vision continued!

At this moment, the woman in green also realized that it was not good, and she didn't want to fight any more. She put away the strange and mysterious picture of the world and turned it into a rainbow. She broke the suppression of Taoism for a short time and wanted to escape here!

"Hey, hey, I want to leave now, isn't it a little late?" However, Lin Xuan was just like a wild animal on the ground, shining with gold all over his body. He walked through the mountains like a strong wind and pursued him closely!

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