"Crouching trough... Is this the legendary airdrop smashing face?"

Lin Xuan's mind was a little confused. He thought of a game he had played in his previous life. It was a sky blue petal, clear and shining!

At the same time, the refreshing fragrance made Lin Xuan indulge in it. His body didn't feel swaying and nearly exposed his whereabouts!

At the next moment, Lin Xuan came back to himself and looked at the petal which was less than a few meters away from him. He finally moved it. He took the moon shadow step and used the extreme speed to put the petal into his palm in an instant!

Lin Xuan felt that his palm was slightly hot, so he put the petal into the portable space of the system without hesitation!

This is not the heaven and earth bag and storage ring used by friars. It's visible and can be followed. It's the only dimensional space of Lin Xuan's own. The petals are hidden in his personal space. It's the safest and won't be found!

The four monsters were extremely powerful and could not be underestimated!

Like the end of the world, it was the first time for Lin Xuan to see the confrontation of the spiritual realm. He really had the great power like a God. Not to mention moving mountains and seas, hundreds of towering trees had fallen down in the aftermath of the battle. The aftermath of the battle even affected the surrounding three kilometers!

"Never stay here for a long time..."

Lin Xuan, in the light and Firestone room, took the moon shadow step and started to speed up. Before several people in the war had time to pay attention to him, he put another purple petal which was closer to him into his pocket!

Then he stopped thinking and knew that he had to leave!

"By the way, the black stone that gave birth to the king of medicine doesn't seem to be an ordinary product. We'll take it with us!"

Lin Xuan did not dare to risk his life to pick up other petals under the gaze of Yu Guang, but at the moment, the neglected black stone Lin Xuan had a chance to take away!

He didn't stop at his feet. He directly put the black stone into his personal space, and then ran towards the abyss forest without looking back. He was afraid that he would be swept by the big man's light!

However, the more he was afraid of something, the more it would happen. What Lin Xuan didn't expect was that because of the long delay, he was noticed by Lu Dingtian

"Little thief... Where to run... Hateful!"

However, just when Lu Dingtian wanted to drive Changhong to chase Lin Xuan, he saw Lu Chengzhu on the other side in the air. He was slapped into flesh and mud by the ape who was in a violent state, and suddenly lost his vitality!

The next moment, the giant ape got rid of his opponent and immediately released his hand to grab the remaining five petals

Between the two films and the five films, Lu Dingtian could only let Lin Xuan leave as soon as he could. He got rid of the bondage of mangniu with an angry face, and fought with the great ape, not letting him succeed!

"Brother Lu... I'll help you!"

At this time, the last spiritual master in Tianxing City, Yang Ruhai, the owner of the Yang family, arrived at last and directly joined the battlefield of the looting

Because Lin Xuan chose the other side of the road, he didn't meet him. Fortunately, he escaped, otherwise he would never escape!

On the other hand, Lin Xuan almost did everything he could to add the power of the moon shadow step to the power of the gods. In a short period of ten minutes, he moved ten miles away, and temporarily asked for a little crisis!

"Oh... Shit, it's really scary. The spirit Master's realm is really terrible. In that kind of fierce battle, there is still spare force to pay attention to the field, and they found me..."

"If I hadn't been entangled by the great ape, I might have been here today..."

Along the way, Lin Xuan deliberately hid his own breath. Before long, he got out of the deep forest and entered the surrounding area!

At this time, although Lin Xuan had been prepared, he was still a little tongue tied. Because of the changes in the abyss forest, the whole star city was shocked. At present, hundreds of people gathered outside the abyss forest, and there were some experts in the realm of spirit!

Lin Xuan hides his own breath and sneaks into the Lin family's team. However, such a trick can deceive his peers in the spiritual realm, but it can't deceive the eyes of the old Lin Yue people!

Only Lin Yue clan old just lightly looked at Lin Xuan one eye, then moved the vision!

"Oops... Found out..."

Lin Xuan thought he would be questioned, but he didn't think that Lin Yue didn't say anything, as if he didn't realize

In an instant, Lin Xuan suddenly understood the intention of the old Lin Yue people. He kept a low profile and followed the team at the end like a transparent man. He pretended that he had been following the team all the time and had not entered the abyss forest. He continued to move towards the deep

However, they didn't go on for long, but they encountered a large-scale tide of beasts. Although they were only impacted by some low-level monsters, they also made the army like a big enemy!

Then, even the demons and beasts in the middle terrace seemed to be driven out, and they came to the periphery, blocking the way of the people!


And the deep roar made many people shudder. They all stopped and did not dare to move on!

"Clan elder... What's that voice? Why does it make me want to kneel down?"

"Yes, clan elder, it can't be a wild beast. It's terrible..."

"Listen to the voice is very strong, I don't know if they have encountered such monsters!"

In the team, many people are talking, Lin Xuan quietly moved his body, came to Lin Yumo's side!



Because Lin Xuan's appearance is too abrupt, Lin Yumo has no defense. He screams subconsciously and attracts many eyes!

Although waiting for Lin Yumo to see clearly Lin Xuan's appearance, he covered his mouth, but still let many people's eyes sweep from Lin Xuan's body!

"What's the matter?"

"That... Clan elder, there seems to be a poisonous snake on that tree. I was startled..."

Lin Yumo did not know for what purpose, did not tell the truth, but subconsciously prevaricated a reason!

Seeing this, many people sneered, looked away, and said sarcastically, "ha ha, why did the Lin family even bring a girl, and even a poisonous snake? If they are really in trouble, it is not only not helpful, but also cumbersome!"

"Yes, you little dolls, you'd better go home as soon as possible. You shouldn't come to such dangerous places as the abyss forest!"

Lin Yumo wanted to retort, but suddenly he was held by Lin Xuan and said in a low voice: "don't be angry with them!"

"Hum... It's all your fault. When did you catch up with me? I didn't find it. It scared me!"

Lin Yumo was so angry that he blamed Lin Xuan for all his sins!

It's just that anyone who hears it is just like flirting, not really!

Lin Xuan naturally would not think that this is Lin Yumo blaming himself, ha ha.

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