After Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing, the disciples of Qiyun sect appeared one by one. Six men and one woman had been waiting for a long time.

"Well, I'll see what kind of temper you are

The thin young man at the head gave a cold hum, with a condescending appearance. He never put Lin Xuan in his eyes.

Then, he could not help but hold the silver sword in his hand, such as Jinghong swordsman, abruptly chopped at Lin Xuan!


Almost instantaneously, the wind and cloud between heaven and earth change. The sword's edge sounds, and the murderous spirit rushes to the sky. A sharp sword light cuts, just like a silver dragon. The dragon's voice shakes the sky!

He is the descendant of the elder of Qiyun sect. In the past, anyone who met him would have to be awed by him. Who expected that Lin Xuan didn't care about him at all. This made the thin young man feel that he lost face. At this moment, he suddenly wanted to kill Lin Xuan by the sword!

However, Lin Xuan is not able to let him handle!

"If you don't die today, I will not die here!"

He was often called a bumpkin, so insulted that there seemed to be a murderer roaring in Lin Xuan's chest!

I saw a black gold sword in his hand, showing black light. In an instant, it was split out by him, and the black light roared, incomparably gorgeous, and the void trembled, as if it was going to sweep the sky and the earth!


The clang of the sword is like thunder, shaking the world!

The light in the void is as dazzling as the scorching sun. The black light and the white light are interwoven, and the chaotic air is diffused, which completely submerges them!

Lin Xuan's strike seems to have passed through the ages, peerless and powerful. At the feet of the thin youth, even the earth collapsed, unable to withstand the shock of the war, revealing a deep hole!

How did the thin young man ever see such a scene? The sword in his hand was directly shaken away. His whole body seemed to be embedded in the earth, and his bones seemed to be broken, and his mouth was constantly gushing blood!


The sharp pain of the whole body made the young man's face a little distorted, and his eyes were full of horror!

Lin Xuan just a knife to split, there is such a huge momentum, this scene thoroughly looked at not far away qiyunzong people, all take a breath!

On weekdays, they are outstanding people in Qiyun sect, otherwise they would not have the courage to step on the road of God.

In particular, the skinny young people get a true biography from a supreme elder. They are really not weak and have many means.

Unfortunately, he miscalculated Lin Xuan's strength and wanted to cut off Lin Xuan's head, but he didn't want to hurt himself.

In the face of absolute strength, it is futile to allow you to change everything.

I have a knife that can break the sun, moon and stars!

However, even if Lin Xuan's strike was strong enough, he still couldn't destroy the silver white sword. It was still shining and lying on the ground, intact.

"Good weapon!"

Lin Xuan nodded with approval and swept out his big hand like a cloud. He photographed the extraordinary silver white sword and put it into Xumi's ring.

Then, with a sneer, Lin Xuan swept the thin man who wanted to run away from his feet. His intention to kill suddenly rose in his heart!

He didn't give him a chance at all, but he cut out again. The black light flashed. There was a gorgeous blood flower blooming in the sky. The thin young man's body was completely exploded, and only one spirit escaped from the blood light!

But Lin Xuan's method was too overbearing. He never stopped. Instead, he stepped on the dragon's Footwork and ascended the sky. Even the escaping spirit wanted to be killed!

At this moment, not far away, the people in Qiyun sect were finally flustered. They quickly drank to stop Lin Xuan!

"Stop it

"Do you know what you are doing? Younger martial brother Zhou is the descendant of the supreme elder. Do you want to be the enemy of our qiyunzong?"

At this time, the young master in white, who had never made any action, also spoke. He was also respected. It seemed that several people in Qiyun sect were looking forward to him!

"Brother, you have to forgive others. Don't do anything absolutely. Then there will be no room to turn around!"

"It's up to me today. As long as you hand over the silver dragon sword, I promise to let you live!"

"It's a treasure given by the elder of our sect. If you keep it in your hands, you will be in great trouble!"

However, when Lin Xuan heard this man's words, he couldn't help laughing.

"Ha ha ha... What are you talking about? How can we forgive others? I don't know who has been forcing me to stay here and want my life! "

"Even at this moment, you still look down on us. Ha ha, don't you think it's qiyunzong?"

"With the protection of the clan, no one can do anything to you. Do you have to be afraid of forbearance?"

The young master in white frowned and said in a low voice, "what do you mean, brother? Do you want to live with me forever?"

"I admit we underestimated you before, but don't forget that we seem to have more people here!"

"He who knows current affairs is a hero. Since I promise to let you go, I will not break my promise. You should never destroy yourself. You'd better consider it clearly!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan sneered. These people really treat him as a soft persimmon!

His response was just one word, and he angrily said, "get out of here!"

"Don't mistake yourself, brother. If you insist on your own way, you will be the one who will suffer the loss at last."

The young master in White's face was cold, as if he was showing his strength. There was a gilded pagoda on his head, shining with brilliance and yellow air, as if the sun and the moon were shining.

"As I said, he will not die today, and I will not die here!"

"If you want to do it, you'll all stay!"

However, Lin Xuan is really too strong. He has an invincible spirit and swallows thousands of Li!

Then, he clapped it with one hand, as if the great mountain was falling, and the spirit that wanted to escape turned into powder in a flash, completely obliterated, and nothing was left!

This scene seems to have angered the young master in white. He said angrily, "I'll give you a chance, but you will do it absolutely. In this case, I have to send you on the road myself!"

"Even if you have good fighting power, how many of us can you resist?"

"Together, kill him for me!"

At the command of the young master in white, all the disciples of qiyunzong on his side turned into rainbow, like a meteor, and went to kill Lin Xuan!

But then, Shen MuQing also made a move, and the ancient sword of Qing Jin was sacrificed by her, just like a flying sword, crossing the heaven and earth, tearing the sky!

Just a few seconds later, the ancient sword with light golden light was stained with blood, and the sword Qi ran thousands of miles, cutting off a man's head!

Then, Lin Xuan suddenly shot out the white jade tripod. It was brilliant and fell down heavily, shaking the other person into a blood fog!

In the hands of Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing, several disciples of qiyunzong were not rivals at all. They were killed like chopping melons and vegetables!

Even if he was as strong as a young master in white, he could not resist Lin Xuan's long sword!

"How is that possible? How can you defeat me when you just break into the realm of Lingshi? "

Even now, he still has a kind of confidence. He thinks that Lin Xuan's cultivation will not be his opponent. He seems to stay in the past glory and never see a broader world!

The young master in white was beaten and had no power to fight. Several of them came down and were ruthlessly split by Lin Xuan!

He finally realized that Lin Xuan in front of him was not what he could fight against. He was absolutely as outstanding as elder martial brother Lin, and his fighting power was unparalleled!

However, he understood too late, the spirit was broken, and the vitality was destroyed!

The war ended quickly without any waves. Several disciples of Qiyun sect were swept away by Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing.

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