At this moment, time and space seemed to freeze. Shi wa jumped into the air. The head of the silver wolf under him was pierced by the edge of the sword. The blood gushing from his dignified face made him look very miserable!


A cry of despair, like the end of life.

At this moment, the silver light shines through the body, shining to the extreme. The terrible arc is like thunder and lightning, which makes the hair of the silver wolf stand up and look terrible!

The infinite electric light annihilated the silver wolf, also annihilated the stone baby, in the void sends out the explosion thunder like huge sound, just like the thunderstorm is raging!

Such a terrible strike has become the last song of silver moon electric wolf!

It never thought that the weak prey in its eyes could hurt him, and after being enraged, it still wanted to tear the stone baby, instead of releasing the power of lightning in its body!

Wrong step by step, wrong step by step, he buried his own life.

Although the monster has a unique life of God, but in terms of wisdom, after all, there is a huge gap with the human race!

If at the beginning, the silver moon electric wolf will release his own life thunder magic, stone baby absolutely has no chance to kill it!

At the next moment, the magic array with dense divine patterns disintegrates naturally. In the divine light of thunder and lightning, a silver wolf falls heavily from the air and stirs up dust all over the ground.

Then a thin figure fell from the air. His whole body was covered with bloodstains, his clothes were broken, his skin was black and cracked. He was badly hurt by the power of thunder and lightning, and fell on the side of the silver wolf's body!

Lin Xuan took a step, and in an instant, he crossed the distance of 100 meters and came to Shi Wa's body.

Under his feet, Shiwa struggled, opened his muddy eyes and said to Lin Xuan: "master... I did it..."

"Keke... Shifu... My bones seem to split. It hurts... Am I going to die..."

Stone baby's mouth spits out black blood, obviously hurt by the power of lightning viscera, already life hanging line!

However, Lin Xuan had expected that in front of him, how could Shi wa be allowed to die like this.

Lin Xuan said in a low voice: "silence!"

Then, Lin Xuan helped Shiwa up and took out the leiling pill from Xumi's ring!

Lei Ling Dan, the size of longan, is very magical when it is pinched in Lin Xuan's fingers. It not only has a strong fragrance, but also is filled with Hongmeng purple Qi!

This is the thunder elixir refined by Lin Xuan in Tianjie when he broke through the realm of Lingshi. In the past, this elixir helped him a lot, but now his level of alchemy has improved a lot, and the efficacy of this elixir has also improved a lot!

What's more, the main medicine of this pill is not the ordinary best medicine, but the king of medicine that Lin Xuan collected from the secret place of xuanming!

This drug king is a rare drug king of ten thousand years. It can be regarded as the king of Chinese medicine. It can last 800 years!

To irrigate and baptize the source of thunder in the sky, to extract the essence of life that is born in the thunder and lightning, and to add a few strains of the best medicine, the Lei Lingdan made of it can almost die and flesh and bones, and then the heavy injury, as long as there is still one breath, can recover, and it is hard to die.

Lin Xuan can only make three or five pills in one pot, each of which is extremely precious. The precious medicine that can save lives at the critical moment will not be changed!

If Lin Xuan had not moved his mind, he would not have been so extravagant. This elixir is not only intended to repair Shi Wa's injury, but also to use it to break the cultivation orifices and acupoints in his body!

"Don't say anything, don't think about anything, Shiwa. You have done a good job in this test, which is beyond my expectation. I will treat you as half of my disciples for the time being."

Lin Xuan feeds Lei Ling Dan into Shi Wa's mouth, and the entrance of this Dan turns into countless warm currents, carrying infinite life essence to swim in Shi Wa's four limbs and hundreds of bones, repairing the injured body independently, without guidance.

However, although it is said that, it is a waste to let the power of the pill distribute in Shiwa's body.

Lin Xuan continued: "Shiwa, I'm going to pass you a formula. This is the key to repair the injured body. Listen carefully!"

"The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency while the surplus is damaged..."

This formula is a part of the immortal Sutra. It is extremely mysterious in the name of immortal.

You know, such a formula, even Shen MuQing, Lin Xuan did not take the initiative to mention.

In the face of Shiwa, Lin Xuan didn't hide his secrets. Although he had known each other for a short time, he really liked the boy in front of him. He was just like him when he was young.

Moreover, Shiwa was more competitive than Lin Xuan's imagination and passed his test.

In his eyes, it doesn't matter what kind of natural waste body, he just wants to tell others that his apprentice, even if it is natural waste body, can also beat his peers!

And want to waste body training into invincible talent, that difficulty is no different from ascend the sky, therefore, Lin Xuan has a startling idea, can be called crazy!

"Shiwa, my second test for you is to follow the formula I just passed to you. It's not only to repair the injured body, but also to break the closed orifices in your body with great power!"

"If you want to complete this second test, you can't do it with your weak channels at present!"

"So, I want you to guide those medicinal powers, to burst all the meridians in your body, and then to reshape the meridians with the essence of Dan medicine!"

"This process will be very long and painful, life is not like death, but only in this way, you can really break and then stand up!"

It's not that Lin Xuan is crazy, but that he understands that even if he is a waste body, if he has a fearless heart and immortal will, he will not be weaker than those who have special physique and talent!

At the moment, in front of Lin Xuan's eyes, Shi wa closed her eyes and sat, not responding to Lin Xuan, but immersed in the mysterious formula.

Although he looks silly, his understanding of the formula is frightening.

Lin xuandu had to feel that this insight alone, if not for her lack of physique, Shi wa would be an outstanding person on her way to practice!

In just half an hour, he was able to nourish and repair his injured body with his own will, drawing countless warm currents in his body.

However, at this moment, not far away suddenly several long rainbow swept, fast, standing in the sky!

In the huge colossal animal farm, Lin Xuan just blocked it with a Dharma array, but he didn't make much noise.

However, when the Falun naturally disintegrated, the last blow of the silver moon electric wolf was revealed, shaking the sky like thunder, attracting many people in the settlement!

"Who are you? How dare you come to our Teng people's animal farm

The visitor was a middle-aged man in grey robes. He was tall, powerful, and fierce. He yelled in front of Lin Xuan, as if he would fight against him if he didn't agree with him!

Behind him, several rainbow came to the ground, dressed in animal skin and armor, revealing their true bodies. All of them had bad looks.

Among these people, the middle-aged man in grey robe, who is the first of them, is already a spiritual master. In such a settlement, he is absolutely a strong man!

The other people's accomplishments in this settlement are also very good, all around the fourth section of Lingshi!

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