"Brother Teng is still in a daze. Please do it."

Yao Shiyi smiles. He is very kind from the beginning to the end and makes a gesture of inviting.

"Brother Jing also came to drink tea. This is the Shenyu tea I picked from Tianjian mountain. I can't bear to take it out on weekdays."

"It's just that I'm very happy to meet two old friends today. It's not too impolite if we don't have good tea."

Shenyu tea, what's that?

When Lin Xuan was puzzled, someone answered for others in the crowd: "God, it's Shenyu tea. Brother eleven is really generous."

"You must know that this Shenyu tea is the leaves of Shenyu tea tree. Even if brother Xi has a high position in Tianjian mountain, he can only get more than ten leaves, which is extremely rare."

"Yes, I've heard about it. It's the root of a magic medicine. It's regarded as a treasure by Tianjian mountain. No one dares to touch it. The condensed tea is as crystal clear as a magic jade, so it's named after it."

"It's said that it only matures once in three hundred years. Every time it matures, there are only thousands of leaves on the tea tree. Many strong and poor people can't taste them all their lives."

"However, the reason why Shenyu tea is regarded as immortal tea is that it is branded with the road of heaven and earth. If you drink this tea often, you will have a great chance to understand the Tao. That's an unimaginable beauty."

In the crowd, many people are whispering, very hot eyed.

At this time, Jingsheng, who was riding on the lion dragon, lost Yao Shiyi's face, and invited him to drink the immortal tea. He would not refuse. He laughed and said: "in that case, we must have a taste of the Shenyu tea on Tianjian mountain. Whether it has such magical effect or not."

In the distance, Teng Zijing snorted coldly. Although he was strong, he didn't want to miss such an opportunity. He sat down in a dull voice, and his face was still ugly.

"Ha ha ha, that's right, Xiao Yu. I'd like to help you two old friends with something you're good at."

Yao 11 laughs.

"Yes, the little girl made a fool of herself."

The maid in green leaned slightly and said with a smile.

"That's all right, girl. She has a heart." Jingsheng waved his hand, but he didn't like it.

The maid in green is hanging beside the tea table. In front of her, there is a guqin, which has a long history.

They are all masters in the realm of Lingshi. They have already broken away from the common customs and can stand in the air.

Now in the sky, the maid in green plays the zither. Her skill is startling. The music of the zither is graceful, just like fairy music. Suddenly, there are fairy e dancing and silkworms flying. It's like being in a fairyland.

"Good song, good song!"

"This song should only be in the sky. How many times can we hear it in the world?"

"This girl really has a deep secret. Her piano skills are so advanced that I have to forget everything. I have a feeling that I want to become an immortal!"

This song is not only appreciated by a few proud people, but also heard by Yao and Teng people who gathered here. It's amazing, and they can't help but praise it!

"Hehe, where did Yao Shiyi find such an excellent maid? If I hadn't known it beforehand, I would have thought it was a lady of high rank!"

Lin Xuan exclaimed to himself, these people are really full of style.

Before the tea case, Teng Zijing said little. He was not so keen on Qinyin. He just tasted the tea silently. The Shenyu tea was also very helpful to him. After tasting it carefully, he calmed down his anger and his face gradually eased.

On one side, Jing Sheng even closed his eyes. For him, no matter how beautiful the immortal sound is, there is no fragrance of tea in his mouth that makes him intoxicated. A few traces of the road follow the tea into his body. These are rare opportunities.

"Good tea, good tea indeed."

"It's worthy of the name of divine tea, but a cup of entrance will let me touch the traces of the road, for practice, further."

Jingsheng was full of admiration. The spiritual realm was the beginning of the road to heaven and earth, and it was also the ladder to the sacred. Drinking this tea was equivalent to that he had not taken many detours, his body and mind were empty, and his understanding was improved unconsciously.

"Hahaha, in this way, I will become a beautiful person. If brother Jing can make a breakthrough, it will be a blessing for me in fengxu."

Yao Shiyi laughed and poured tea for King Jingtian himself.

At this moment, King Jing, who was originally partial to the young master of Teng nationality, looked at Yao Xi with a look of joy.

It's hard for king jingtianwang to continue to help Teng Zijing. For Yao Shiyi, Shencha is precious, but if he can make a friend, it's a real big profit!

"If brother Yao is really grand, then I won't refuse. Ha ha!"

Jing Tianwang drinks a cup of tea again. This time, he obviously feels that the traces of the road in his body are more clear and flow in his body. It seems that he can get rid of the fog and get a glimpse of the origin of the road.

This God jade tea claims to be able to brand heaven and earth Avenue, if there is no fake, it really has such a wonderful effect.

On the one hand, Yao Shiyi did not neglect the young master of Teng, and added a cup of new tea to him.

After all, Yao Xi did not want to stir up the slaughter, otherwise he would never have peace.

As the saying goes, the young master of the Teng family, who had a short hand and a short mouth, wanted to kill all sides, was embarrassed to continue to force the Yao family.

He waved his hand to let the fighting drums rumble behind him, and the people with axe and halberd put down their swords first.

"Brother Yao, I respect you for being a hero. Before that, you and I were still in harmony. There was never any big dispute. At most, it was the fighting among the younger generation."

"But today, eight of our Teng people died, one of them was my cousin, and the murderer was hidden in the Yao people!"

"As far as I know, it seems that the man is not a member of Yao nationality. He is just an outsider, staying here."

"I hope brother Yao can hand over the people and let me take them to the Hui people. Otherwise, Teng Zijing will have no face to face the eight dead people!"

Teng minority young Lord calm mouth, he explained the reason, let Yao eleven to make a decision.

"Oh? How could such a thing happen? "

Yao Shiyi was surprised when he heard that he thought it was a conflict between his own clan and the Teng clan. He didn't expect that he was an outsider.

Teng family is very strong, even the overall strength is stronger than Yao family. He does not want to establish such a big enemy, so he will treat each other with courtesy at the beginning.

At present, hearing that it was an outsider who caused the disaster, Yao Shiyi didn't have too much scruples and said, "brother Teng, don't worry, we Yao people won't cover up such a fierce murderer."

"But I don't know if brother Teng knows who that man is?"

Yao eleven asked with a smile.

The next moment, Tengchong stood out from the crowd, his eyes tearful, loud voice: "I know!"

"That's him, that's him!"

"I saw with my own eyes that he killed my father!"

Teng Chong points at Lin Xuan. He doesn't want to hide his hatred. He yells to let him pay for his life!

At this moment, almost all eyes fell on Lin Xuan. They were all looking at what kind of people could kill so many Teng masters with their own power!

However, even if he was pointed out by thousands of people, countless eyes staring at him, Lin Xuan was very calm. He calmly said: "yes, I killed him!"

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