Therefore, Lu Yan didn't want to give Lin Xuan any chance to fight back. He wanted to kill him directly to avoid future trouble!

"Well, you asked for it. Go to hell!"

All these are in the electric light and flint. With Lu Yan's idea falling, the red sun in front of him is like a meteorite. In an instant, he is killing Lin Xuan. His power is boundless and unstoppable!

What's more, the most terrifying thing is the boundless real fire in the scorching sun, which will explode directly in front of Lin Xuan.

In an instant, the overwhelming fire burst into the sky, and the terrible burning feeling made everyone present feel excited, as if the sun really fell down!

Lin Xuan also had a serious face. Even though he knew that the real fire of the sun in the sky was only evolved from the spirit power, he didn't dare to resist. He directly used the shadow step of the moon to avoid it!

But the real fire all over the sky seemed to block all his retreats, so that Lin Xuan had to change his mind and force the storm wave to blow out a gap like the wind rolling the residual cloud. Lin Xuan jumped out in an instant, but he was also burned by a real fire, which made him frown slightly!

He has also heard about the sun seal. It is said that the sun seal is a high-level spiritual skill created by the sages who were able to observe the power of the sun. There are many changes, but the Lu family's spiritual skill is not complete. There is only one change!

From this point, we can also see that the sun seal is powerful. Even if there is only one kind of change, it is also ranked in the low level of the best psychic skill!

It's higher than the most powerful dexterity palm Lei that Lin Xuan has learned!

However, in Lin Xuan's view, Lu Yan's sun seal was incomplete, and its power was not much stronger than the palm thunder!

"What... Let you escape?"

Sure enough, when Lin Xuan got out of trouble, Lu Yan was shocked again. Immediately, he said with a gloomy sneer: "how about once? You're still going to die today!"

Voice did not fall, see Lu Yan once again seal, a hand is the sun!

However, after having the experience, Lin Xuan didn't give him a chance at all. In the palm of his hand, there was a fierce thunder, mixed with electric arc, which caught Lu Yan off guard!

The latter couldn't dodge and was directly hit by the thunder, which made him suffer a heavy blow. He stepped back a few steps and looked ugly!

However, it's not over yet. With the help of immortal xuanjing, he can gather the thunder in his palm faster. Before Lu Yan's feet are settled, another thunder like a small snake shoots at him!

"Palm thunder!"

However, Lu Yan is still a character in the sky. He reacts very quickly and uses his body method directly to avoid Lin Xuan's attack!

Just this time, after being interrupted by Lin Xuan, Lu Yan is not making the seal!

Sun seal is strong, but it's not a common skill. It's a kind of seal born out of Buddhism. It needs continuous seal to show!

If interrupted, the sun seal will fail!

The palm thunder practiced by Lin Xuan is a pure spiritual skill. There is no such tedious means. You only need to learn the Dharma of palm thunder. If you have enough spiritual power in your body, you can gather a palm thunder at any time!

Therefore, Lu Yan has no chance to seal again, and he will be interrupted by Lin Xuan!

This is the only drawback of the sun seal. In this short period of time, he was caught by Lin Xuan and made Lu Yan fall into a passive situation for a moment!

"Why is Lin Xuan so strong? Lu Yan can't beat him in the physical duel. At the moment, he's not even an opponent in the spirit skill fight..."

"Yes, who could have thought that Lin Xuan had become stronger after a few days' absence?"

"As I said earlier, Lin Xuan is now practicing the immortal Sutra, and he has many spiritual skills. He has become the climate. Under the spirit, there are almost no rivals!"

"Hey, that's not necessarily. Don't forget that there is another demon in the Lu family who has the title of the first person under the spirit. Lin Xuan's realm is too low now. If he meets him, he must not be an opponent!"

"The second young generation of the Lu family vs the second young generation of the Lin family, hehe, I really want to see this kind of scene!"

"Ha ha, don't think too much. Lu Yan didn't use all his strength. For example, he had hidden a deep magic power, but he hadn't used it yet!"

"Don't forget, Lin Xuan is also a man with supernatural power. Who can be better, will fall on the top of the duel of supernatural power?"


Because the battle between Lin Xuan and Lu Yan lasted longer and longer, so many people gathered in front of the Lin family now, even people from other families in Star City!

Lu Yan thought that Lin Xuan had the same ability after eating the dark loss of his body for the first time, but he didn't expect that with the two men's fighting, he suddenly found that Lin Xuan was so strong in his dexterity that he couldn't take advantage of it!

Both of them are practicing powerful dexterity!

"Ha ha, Lin Xuan, I admit that I underestimate you a little... But let's stop fighting between us!"

Lu Yan looks at Lin Xuan not far away and sneers!

The next moment, only to see Lu Yan's eyes suddenly turned blood red, at the same time, his breath suddenly became extremely cold, as if something in his body resuscitated in general, there is a very terrible breath in the air!

Lin Xuanling has a keen sense of the change of Lu Yan. He can move the moon shadow step at any time. He is extremely cautious!

"Hum, Lin Xuan... It's useless. As soon as I have a magic power, I must see blood. Today, either you die or I die!"

Far away, Lu Yan's mouth with a bloodthirsty smile, as if the devil, the whole person has become very strange!

"Must see blood? What kind of magic power is this? Why does it sound so weird? "

Lin Xuan's heart suddenly gave birth to innumerable questions!

However, at this time, Lu Yan's suddenly moved, only to see him into a shadow, an instant toward Lin Xuan!

And Lin Xuan's reaction is also incomparably fast, because he doesn't know what Lu Yan's magic power is, he dare not hit hard, and quickly escape!

"Magic power - blood prohibition!"

However, Lu Yan is like a ghost. No matter how Lin Xuan dodges, he seems to be locked up and keeps on chasing!

But when Lin Xuan wanted to move sideways again, he heard the cold voice coming from hell behind him, without any emotion!

At the same time, a huge smell of blood suddenly poured into Lin Xuan's nose. At the moment when he looked back, he saw that Lu Yan had turned into a bloody man. His whole body seemed to be drenched with blood. It was very shocking!

At this moment, Lin Xuan knew that he couldn't get rid of Lu Yan, and he didn't move sideways any more. Instead, he directly cast his cloud falling palm and turned around to clap it!

This palm with the magic power is already Lin Xuan's strongest melee killing move. If it can't stop Lu Yan, no matter what Lin Xuan does, it's useless!

He can only make a bet!

"Die for me!"

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