The bronze mirror is also a treasure. It is no weaker than the white jade heaven and earth tripod. It is almost a magic weapon of the supreme.

At this age, you can have such a magic weapon, and only the young master of Shenyin can be rewarded by the elder of the school. Among ordinary monks, there are very few who can have a magic weapon at the peak of the spirit Master.

Under the urge, the boundless divine light from the bronze mirror came to Lin Xuan. These gods were as dense as rain. Lin Xuan turned his back to the bronze mirror and was facing the dragon in the sky. If he was not careful, he might be pierced!


Lin Xuan waved his fists. He knew the crisis behind him, but he finally met the Golden Dragon in front of him.

The giant dragon's eyes are as big as lanterns. They are quite frightening when they are opened and closed. The electric light inside them is extremely terrible!

This is different from the real form of the Dragon evolved from the divine power. The prince of the Xia Dynasty takes the earth vein and dragon Qi as the foundation. He has been nurtured for many years and has a unique secret skill. The dragon form formed by the combination is like the resurrection of a real dragon, which is difficult to deal with.

The body of the golden dragon is like a winding mountain, which fills the whole sky in the chaotic space. The whole space is shaking and unstable.

This is enough to show that this technique is terrible. Even Lin Xuan's magic fist is hard to shake, just like a towering mountain.


The roar of the dragon was deafening, and Lin Xuan's magic fist was fierce. But the Golden Dragon just trembled a little, and then stabilized itself. The dragon's tail swept away, and even he was hard to resist!

"Lin Xuan, force us to do our best, you only have to fall, this is your destiny!"

The prince of the summer laughs, and his Dragon Robe moves in the wind, hunting!

Before that, some of Lin Xuan's methods really shocked him and scared him, but now seeing Lin Xuan's inability to return to heaven, he finally put down his heart and made a mockery of him.

Behind Lin Xuan, the bronze mirror also came at him. The dazzling spirit was fierce and terrible!

"Fate? Oh, even if it's fate, my fate will kill you first! "

At this moment, Lin xuanqiang raised his spirit, biting his teeth and yelling angrily. He threw a white jade heaven and earth tripod again to block the bronze mirror from behind him and win him a moment's time.

Then, Lin Xuan soared up again. He was like a demon. His magic fist was as powerful as the sun. One fist was more terrible than the other. He was bombarded constantly.

To such a state now, the boxing techniques Lin Xuan had learned before were useless to him, not as powerful as his full fist.

It's just that the operation of the supernatural power consumes a lot, which makes his supernatural power pass quickly.


Lin Xuan roared angrily. He knew that he didn't have much time left for himself. The little master of Shenyin sect might come at any time with a bronze mirror. If he couldn't solve the huge dragon in front of him, he would be hard to get away!

"Go to hell!"

But the prince of Xia didn't want to give Lin Xuanji a meeting. He also roared and urged the dragon to fall towards him, just like the Milky way, weighing more than one hundred million.


Lin Xuan was biting his teeth. He looked very small. Compared with the dragon on his head, he was like a mole ant, and could not see any chance of winning.

In everyone's eyes, Lin Xuan's mouth was red. At this moment, he was like a beast on the verge of extinction. He kept roaring and tried his best to make an immortal mark.

That is the Kunpeng skill evolved by Wanhua holy skill. A big bird that blocks the sky and the sun rushes out from his mark and hisses through Jiuyou, as if running through the long river of time!


The wings that covered the sky and the sun swept by like a sword. The Golden Dragon on the top of Lin Xuan's head gave a roar of pain, and his abdomen was torn by the mark of Kun Peng.

This scene is a little shocking in Lin Xuan's eyes.

It's really strange. As long as those strange animal shapes evolved by divine power in the past break through their shapes, they will turn into light and rain and collapse by themselves!

But the dragon in front of him is not like that. The golden dragon is really like living. The pain and resentment in his eyes stare at Lin Xuan and rush to him!

"This... The secret of the great Xia Dynasty is terrible. The dragon is reborn. I've never heard of it before..."

"No, you're wrong. This dragon vein is where the pregnant spirit lies. In the ancient times, there was a peerless dragon vein that gave birth to terrible creatures, more powerful than saints..."

"The Dragon vessel is spiritual. The Dragon Qi, which has been cultivated, is also more or less spiritual. Now it is urged by the prince of the great Xia with secret methods, which is far stronger than some secret methods!"

The outside world, many monks have surprised mouth, also see strange.

"This Lin Xuan is also very terrible. It seems that the sun setting son died in his hands. They are not wronged at all!"

"It's really strong. I even think that if it's a fair fight, whether it's the Shaozhu of Shenyin sect or the prince of Daxia, it's not necessarily his opponent!"

"Don't forget that he has only three stages of cultivation of Lingshi. He can fight across the steps. He has persisted for such a long time and has such terrible fighting power. This kind of character is rare in ancient and modern times!"

"Yes, if such a person can grow up, he can really be invincible with his peers. Even if he is on the emperor's road, he must be no weaker than others!"

The fact that Lin Xuan has been able to survive up to now really surprised them. He fought against three of his strongest peers one after another, which is like the reappearance of a myth.

However, they all can see that Lin Xuan is at the end of his rope.

The reason why he didn't perform such a terrible Kunpeng skill at the beginning was that his divine power was almost exhausted, and Kunpeng skill, which evolved from Wanhua holy skill, consumed a lot.

If he did, Lin Xuan would have only one chance to fight, and then he would have no ability to resist.

Now, in the eyes of the public, Lin Xuan was forced to use Kunpeng's secret skill again, exhausted his last magic power, and was on a dead end.

"It's a pity that Lin Xuan is still a little worse. Now he's exhausted, and he's in a state of depression. He's under siege by two people. He can't hold on for a few breath, and he's going to fall in the end."

"Alas, he is too big to be like this. It's a pity that such pride will fall."

"What a pity

Inside the pavilion in the middle of the lake, many monks are feeling that the battle in the field is coming to an end.

Even situ xian'er, who was watching Lin Xuan go through all the way to kill the general, was trembling. She didn't know whether Lin Xuan was going to be defeated as those people said.

Watery eyes in the condensation of water mist, inexplicable some sad.

In front of her, situ Mingyue saw her younger sister's appearance, looked back at Lin Xuan, who was helpless in the picture, shook her head and said, "after all, we can't go against the sky."

On the Jiuchong tianque, some big figures also cast their eyes. This battle has affected many people's hearts. It can be regarded as the ultimate duel between the strongest Tianjiao in the fengxu world and the outside world's imperial road testers. We can see a lot of things.

"It seems to be over."

In the temple of heaven, an old man was smiling, from the original worry to calm down.

He is an elder of shenyinmen, which is exactly what he wants to see.

Although two against one is a little hard to win, it's Lin Xuan's own request. It can also be regarded as bringing back some face for their fengxu community. The guards on the emperor's road will have nothing to say.

Strange also blame Lin Xuan too arrogant, must say such big words, is doomed to die!

"Oh, I thought I really had something, but that's all!"

A middle-aged man with a purple gold crown and a boa Dragon Robe sneered. He was a great uncle in the great Xia Dynasty. He was also invited.

"Young people are young people. They can't settle down. It's their own fault to end up like this."

An old man of the Wang family in beizhou was gloomy and relieved to see that Lin Xuan was going to die.

Wang Zhan, the best son in his family, was born to fight. Wang Zhan, the strongest successor, died at the Tianjian mountain grand meeting. This is absolutely unacceptable to the Wang family.

But there was no way. At the moment, there was a protector of the emperor's road in the hall. He had to abide by the ancient maxim of the emperor's road, otherwise he would have clapped Lin Xuan into meat mud!

Although it's still unacceptable, I can at least give the owner an account when I go back.

All the people present were a male leader, and the worst one was also an elder with high status. But at this time, he was a little stiff and didn't dare to speak freely. He just looked at an old man with white hair at the top of the heavenly palace with tacit understanding.

The old man has a young face and ruddy hair. His skin is as white as a baby. He looks like an immortal. He looks unfathomable.

Beside him, there was also a grey robed old man sitting with him. Even the leader of tianjianshan had no such qualification.

But the old man in the grey robe is really old. In his old age, his eyes are muddy, his hair is dry, and his teeth are lost.

However, even so, no one dares to look directly at the old man in grey robes. These powerful masters from the outside world are sitting in rows like good babies, and they seldom speak.

"Taoist brother, do you want them to stop? After all, they are all the proud heroes of our human race. Maybe they will be useful in the future. It's a pity to die here now. " The old man in the grey robe smiles, and some of them are kind-hearted to the old man.

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the heavenly palace suddenly raised their ears, and they all listened attentively.

The old man in grey robe proposed to save Lin Xuan's life, which made many people unhappy. After all, Lin Xuan lost his face in the fengxu world. He wanted to die, but he didn't dare to say much now!

Even the old Wang family, who most wanted Lin Xuan dead, knew that this was not the time for him to intervene.

"No, as long as we don't violate the ancient maxim of the emperor's road established by the sages, we don't have to intervene in everything. We have life and death, and the strong are respected. This is the rule of the emperor's road."

"Even if you and I saved his life today, he will not go far in the future."

The white haired old man shook his head and said calmly.

"Moreover, the outcome is still unknown..."

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