When the bigwigs in the palace frown, the young heroes in the outside world feel very complicated.

Today, they are not only here for the Tianjian mountain grand gathering, but also for fame.

But who knows, before they can make any action in front of the public, there will be a person named Zhu Yu. They can't catch up with their brilliant achievements.

On top of the Jade Pool, there are colorful glass pavilions. All the people standing in the pavilions are young heroes, and there are some direct descendants of big forces.

They are the youngest and most outstanding of the arrogant, usually arrogant, underestimate the world's heroes.

But what we see today makes these young people thrilled. They understand that there is a day outside and there are people outside.

Lin Xuan!

This guy is just like a young devil, but his three-stage cultivation is lower than that of all of them, but he has made a great achievement in the world!

Wang zhanti, Shaozhu of shenyinmen and Prince of Daxia were all the top-ranking Tianjiao in fengxu, but they were killed by Lin Xuan, and their fighting power was extremely powerful!

I don't know how many years I haven't seen such scenes.

When Lin Xuangang came out of the Xuanwu battle platform, he was led into the glass pavilion in the heart of the pool. He had already put on a new robe. His white clothes were better than snow. He was indifferent and seemed harmless to people and animals.

But everyone felt like they were on pins and needles. Lin Xuan just said hello to them casually, which gave them an unfathomable sense of oppression!

Just now, the scene of Lin Xuan's cutting three top arrogants is still fresh in my mind. No one dares to touch his brow, for fear that he will offend the young man.

"Brother Lin, with his own strength, has killed three of the most outstanding people in succession, which is rare in ancient times. This kind of fighting power is really an eye opener for us, and we have to admire it!"

The Holy Son of Lingyun sect had a bright smile. He was very glad that he didn't show any disrespect to Lin Xuan just now. Otherwise, according to this man's temper, he would have to share life and death with him.

"Brother Lin's attitude of heaven's uprightness is sure to be famous all over the world after today. I hope brother Lin will take care of him in the future."

Taiyijiao Saint son smile, he changed the previous light cloud, is very warm to say hello to Lin Xuan.

Before, he didn't care about Lin Xuan at all. But now, seeing Lin Xuan's power, how could he get into trouble with him.

For him, he has pride in his heart. Although Lin Xuan has great fighting power, he is not much better than him in the eyes of the Holy Son of Taiyi religion. He is just regarded as the pride of the same level.

At the same time, the holy girl of Bixia palace gave her head to Lin Xuan. At the moment, she dispelled the secret and did not cover her face with clouds. She showed a beautiful appearance, like a fairy coming out of the painting.

Situ xian'er's eyes looked at Lin Xuan with some complexity, and his heart trembled. He didn't know what to say, but he just sat on the stone bench depressed.

Beside her, situ Mingyue, who is as romantic as a jade childe, is in contact with Lin Xuan for the first time. She smiles and bows her hand to Lin Xuan and says, "brother Lin is incomparable and admirable. I'm situ Mingyue."

"My younger sister has offended me a lot before. My elder brother made amends for her to elder brother Lin. I hope elder brother Lin can forget the past..."

Lin Xuan's white clothes were flying and his hair was flying lightly. He waved his hand and said, "brother situ doesn't have to be like this. My sister and I don't know each other. It's all in the past."

Then Lin Xuan took a funny look at situ xian'er.

Before, when he confronted Wang Zhan and others, even though he didn't devote any energy to other people, when he reached this realm of cultivation, his physical body had already transcended the common customs. It's not too much to say that he had a thousand li ear. Naturally, he heard the words of situ xian'er's protection.

He is also strange. He really can't figure out what she is thinking. He doesn't hate him because she has been suppressed for so long, and he has a lot of protection

Originally, Lin Xuan was worried that after entering the Tianjian mountain, the girl would go to complain to him, causing the destruction of the Lord of Tianyun sect.

But now it seems that we don't have to worry too much.

"Maybe this is the legendary Stockholm syndrome?"

Thinking in his heart, Lin Xuan's sight shifted and looked at the woman in red who was watching him silently.

"Hey, hey, why are you so nervous? Even the green gold sword has come out of its sheath. How can those fish threaten me? I'm so nervous. Put it away quickly!"

Lin Xuan is indifferent to other people. When he faces Shen MuQing, he shows a smile from his heart. They have a tacit understanding all the way. Naturally, there is no need to say more.

"You're fine."

Shen MuQing nodded and put away the ancient sword. Just as Lin Xuan said, when Lin Xuan was in crisis, she couldn't help it

As Lin Xuan entered the pavilion, all the people who had been silent suddenly became lively and chatting.

Not long after, two more Saint son figures took their seats and joined them.

They didn't come too late, and they also saw Lin Xuan's superb style, but they didn't show up before.

At the moment, who doesn't understand Lin Xuan's strong Jue?

Even though some of the people who had thought about it before, they all changed into a smiling face and were quite polite to Lin Xuan.

Talking and laughing, Lin Xuan naturally becomes the focus. Several holy sons are quite curious about him. They are shocked by his invincible fighting power and whether he came from the outside world.

Lin Xuan didn't hide anything and shook his head. He didn't value his family background.

"It's not what you think. I come from the frontier and have nothing to do with the immortal sect and the holy land."

"It's like this. Ha ha, even if brother Lin was not born in Xianzong or holy land, we are ashamed of his elegant demeanor!"

Hearing this, everyone was relieved.

The name of immortal sect and holy land in the outside world is too big. In front of these transcendent forces, the so-called arrogant people from the small world have great pressure in their hearts.

In fengxu, they still dare to call themselves holy sons, but if they set foot on the road ahead, their names will not be with them.

It's not immortal sect or holy land. I dare not call it Saint son or saint daughter.

However, just when they were shocked, a piece of news from Tiangong was like a big stone, which made them feel dizzy. Everyone was in a trance!

Then the whole Tianjian mountain was boiling, and Tianjiao was stunned for many years.

"The Taoist priest came to me personally. Now I'm sitting in the heavenly palace. Just now I saw Lin Xuan's battle and said that Lin Xuan had the" posture of a God King! "

This news is too strong, the sky can see pity, no less than a storm!

Born in fengxu, they naturally know that the world they live in is only a node on the road to the emperor.

The road protection envoys of the emperor's road, holding the road protection orders and controlling all the "official" forces on the road, bear great righteousness, and have the endorsement of those transcendent holy places and immortal sects from the outside world. There is no more noble person on the road than them!

Why didn't they get any news before they came to fengxu and took part in the Tianjian mountain Festival?

What's more, such a character should value Lin Xuan so much!

When the news came, even Sima Mingyue was shocked, and they all looked at the figure sitting with them in the glass pavilion. Their eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

The posture of God King, what is this concept?

It's amazing!

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