Lin Xuan had already practiced the immortal Sutra. The medicine God was useless to him. The first half of it was passed to Shi wa without reservation.

The reason why he didn't teach them all was not because Lin Xuan was reluctant to give up, but because of the special characteristics of Shi wa.

Before his physical condition, as long as he broke through the orifices and acupoints, there would be no more problems.

The level of the God of medicine is high enough to use.

Besides, the method of medicine divine resolution is mild, not as overbearing as the immortal xuanjing. It was originally born for alchemy. Shiwa's meridians are weak. This method is suitable for building a foundation and laying a foundation for practice!

In ancient times, so many waste bodies, even if they break the shackles, also stop here. Few people can go further and go against the sky.

That's because the ordinary method doesn't work for the waste body, and it can't sense the existence of Tao method.

Maybe only the skills created by the emperor Tianyan, who became an emperor with the body of waste, can work.

Tianyan holy land as the lifeblood of the handed down emperor's Sutra - Tianyan emperor's Sutra!

Lin Xuan, as Shiwa's master, must make preparations for him. Maybe he will try every means to get a volume of Tianyan emperor's Sutra in the future!

It is undoubtedly the best choice for Shiwa to practice medicine and other ancient scriptures in the future.

After all, Lin Xuan can't get the Tianyan Sutra directly for him. Even in the Tianyan holy land, only a few disciples can practice it.

In fact, many friars are like this. They don't have complete ancient scriptures. They are all pieced together.

In this world, only the emperor's Scripture is complete, but the emperor's Scripture is only available in those transcendent holy places and immortal sects. They are the lifeblood of the great holy places and are easily hidden from people.

Similarly, Lin Xuan's immortal Sutra is not suitable for Shi wa.

Although this xuanjing is extraordinary, it has fatal defects.

Those who practice this sutra can't transfer to other practices.

The immortal Sutra excludes all ancient sutras.

The only way to transfer to other ancient classics is to cut off your own realm cultivation, and practice again!

This xuanjing is still incomplete. Even if Lin Xuan can find a complete method in the future, he is only practicing to the saint state.

After all, if you can't practice other skills, it means that you have cut off the road ahead.

Therefore, Lin Xuancai did not choose to teach the immortal Sutra to Shi wa.


On the boulder, the tip of stone baby's nose moves back and forth, and her closed eyes suddenly open.

A white rainbow flies from the sky with the momentum of penetrating the sun and the moon. It is like an immortal sword penetrating the earth. The aura of heaven and earth is furious, and the immortal fog is surging.

The next moment, Lin Xuan strode out of the fairy fog. He was dressed in white, and his black hair was like a waterfall!


Shiwa jumped from the boulder and exclaimed with surprise.

"You broke through?"

Feeling Lin Xuan's power at the moment, situ xian'er, not far away, was surprised.

Before closing, Lin Xuan said that she would take care of Shiwa for two days. She casually responded.

Who knows that Lin Xuan has already broken through in two days, which is really amazing.

Lin Xuan nodded and said casually, "it's not difficult to break through because it's just a step away from the gate. Before, he had been suppressing cultivation and consolidating the realm, but now it's just a matter of course!"

He didn't tell situ xian'er that this time he not only broke through, but also broke through two small realms. Now he is the cultivation of the fifth section of Lingshi!

It's really shocking to say that!

"Master, are you going to leave?"

Shi Wa is very clever and guesses Lin Xuan's intention. He knows that sooner or later, it's not sudden, but he doesn't give up.

"Well, Shiwa, I've already said hello to your 11 elder brother and left you in Tianjian mountain for cultivation. He will take care of you."

In the past few days, there has been turmoil in Tianjian mountain. The son who was seriously injured and dying in Tianjian mountain is still alive. He uses divine medicine to continue his life and reluctantly rescued him.

However, it also suffered a heavy blow. I'm afraid it will never return to its peak state, and its future achievements will be very limited.

Yao Xi is very active these days. He shows himself in front of the elders.

Originally, he had no chance. There was such a brilliant son on his head. He would be short after all.

However, if today the son of God in Jianshan is half abolished, and the name of the son of God is dead, it is not certain that one day it will change.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Yao Xi. If he can get the approval of Tianjian mountain and become a holy Son, Tianjian mountain will try its best to cultivate him. After thousands of years, he may not have the chance to go further and become a saint!

If there had been no such accident, Yao Xi might have chosen to step on the road of God, go ahead and compete with others!

But now he can't leave in a short time, at least he has to work harder.

Few of his peers are able to compete with him, and there is still a great chance.

To this end, Yao Shiyi took advantage of the end of the grand gathering to make friends with several Saint son level figures, and even to become brothers with Lin Xuan to show his ability.

Lin Xuan entrusted to him, naturally no second words, readily agreed down.

In addition, he and Shiwa out of the Yao family, will not let Shiwa be bullied, Lin Xuan can rest assured.

"I don't know when I will come back. When no one is around to urge you to practice, don't neglect it!"

Lin Xuan still attached great importance to his disciple and told him.

"Well, Shiwa remembered it!"

Shiwa nodded hard, showing a firm look on her tender cheek!

Lin Xuan laughed, touched the boy's forehead, looked at situ xian'er not far away and said, "we're leaving. I don't know when we'll see you again. Take care of yourself..."

It seemed that there was something wrong with it. Lin Xuan said, "there was something wrong with it before. Don't worry about it..."

The girl's eyes seemed to be misty and moist. Her cheeks were delicate and her lips were clenched.


"You don't have to apologize to me. I was bad before..."

Situ xian'er stopped for a moment. He didn't seem to know how to say it. After thinking about it, he said, "if Shiwa doesn't want to stay in Tianjian mountain, can you come back to Tianyun sect with me?"

Lin Xuan's face was surprised, but he quickly replied, "of course, as long as he wants to."

"Shifu, I'd like to. Sister xian'er is very kind to me..." when Shiwa mentioned him, she interjected.

The next moment, Lin Xuan and situ xian'er looked at each other and laughed.

"Ha ha ha!"

"See you later. Take care!" What Lin Xuan should have explained had been explained in advance, and there was no need to say anything more.

The girl's pretty face showed a shallow pear vortex. She pretended to wave her hand and said: "the road ahead is dangerous. Take care of yourself."


Under the brilliant sunset, Lin Xuan nodded calmly, then turned around. He looked down at the foot of Yunfeng. His golden eyes penetrated the thick clouds, where there were several figures waiting for him.

Suddenly, a girl's voice came from behind: "Lin Xuan, you must come back alive for me. You haven't settled my account with you yet..."

"Ha ha ha, don't worry. A bad man like me is doomed to bring disaster for thousands of years. It's hard to die!"

Lin Xuan didn't stop this time. He jumped into a rainbow and jumped down the cloud peak. Behind him, only the magnificent laughter reverberated in the valley!

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