The boy in Xuanyi threw a heaven and earth bag to the stall owner and said in a low voice: "this is all my family. Do you have a look..."

Not far away, Lin Xuan changed his position and got closer.

He had been out of the crowd all the time, and he only saw a side face. Now he could see clearly the appearance of the boy in Xuan clothes!

Even Lin Xuan was surprised.

It has to be said that looking at the young man's face full of flesh pain at the moment, Lin Xuan felt that he was still a little handsome

It's just that this kind of handsome is not that kind of handsome, but some feminine

In other words, it was a kind of feminine beauty, which gave Lin Xuan a neutral feeling.

If this guy was born in the world of Lin Xuan in the previous life, those women guns would not be worthy of lifting shoes in front of him. This is the real feminine beauty of others!

Under the cover of a mysterious dress, she had a skin as white as jade, which could be broken by blowing. It was no need to let her go more than many beautiful women Lin Xuan had seen!

If it wasn't for the sharp throat, Lin Xuan would have guessed whether this guy was a woman disguised as a man!

"This young man must be practicing Taiyin related skills. There is no masculinity in him!"

Yan Chixiao also came by with a golden sword. He was tall and upright, and he was very big. When he stood in the crowd, it was like a human Taishan, which made people subconsciously avoid.

On the contrary to that young man, Yan Chixiao's practice is pure Yang, and his Qi and blood are as strong as the sea.

When they were close to each other, the friars around them could feel a little unusual. The aura of heaven and earth seemed to be fighting with each other, like water and fire could not tolerate each other.

The stall owner was afraid of change, so he reached out to take over the bag of heaven and earth, and made a mental exploration. After confirmation, his fat face was covered with a smile, and he replied, "no more, no less, just right."

"Little brother is a pleasant person. I won't say much about it. This Taiyin xuanjing is yours..."

Hearing this, Xuanyi boy's dispirited look suddenly revived, his eyes full of vitality!

He squatted down and his eyes were bright. The dark crystal of Taiyin in front of him was blue and purple. The quality was very high. However, the size of his head contained infinite power of Taiyin. For the boy in Xuanyi who needed it, it was an absolute treasure!

When he was addicted to his eyes, the boy in Xuanyi carefully put away the head sized Taiyin xuanjing, which was a good thing to help him practice!

Of course, also paid a very painful price!

He worked hard like a hamster to accumulate so long family, all of a sudden defeated!

You know, it's 4.4 million high-quality spirit stones, not ordinary goods, but rare exotic spirit stones.

Some people like to call it Shangpin Lingshi, while others are used to calling this kind of Lingshi heterogeneous in nature. In fact, they are all one kind of Lingshi, but they are different from each other.

Suddenly, Lin Xuan's face was strange, and a whisper that didn't belong to him came into his mind

That voice is vast, intermittent, like a long time across the ages, let Lin Xuan heart shock!

Lin Xuan was sure that the voice didn't come from his ears. It was in his mind and reflected directly in his heart

This is

"It's you. Are you... Defeated? You're on my way..."

In a flash, Lin Xuan had a headache, and his whole face suddenly became bloodless. His two pupils were crushed by an inexplicable force!

"Ah... Ah..."

Lin Xuan was like a fierce beast in a dilemma. Everything around him was destroyed. Many practitioners were swept away by the power he brought. They were full of horror and stared at him!

All of a sudden, everyone was unprepared. At this moment, Lin Xuan was like a demon. His violent power was no longer suppressed. His blood soared to the sky and his black hair danced wildly. All the monks gathered in the ten mile long dragon looked at him with a lot of confusion and examination!

It even startled the guards in the imperial pass!

"Lin Xuan... Are you ok?"

At this moment, Shen Qingfeng looked anxiously at Lin Xuan. They didn't know what happened to him. How could they suddenly run away

However, no matter what other people call, Lin Xuan is still venting fiercely, as if to destroy everything in his sight

This is unprecedented. Shen MuQing has never seen Lin Xuan in this state. He doesn't know what to do

"It can't go on like this. Although it's not in the imperial pass, it's also under the jurisdiction of the imperial pass. Lin Xuan's big trouble will lead to Emperor Lu's heavenly soldiers and patrolling generals!"

Yan Chixiao is also puzzled. He doesn't know why Lin Xuan, who just joked with him, became like this, but he undoubtedly prepared for the worst!

But fortunately, all the people present are practitioners. They have a sharper sense of smell than ordinary people. When they detect something bad, they can stay away for hundreds of meters!

A few unfortunate friars were shocked by Lin Xuan's power before they could run. They all felt incredible!

However, even though they were smart enough to give Lin Xuan enough vent space, no one gave him any more vent

The mighty force was going to burst his body, and endless murders sprang up from the void. Lin Xuan rushed madly to the nearest crowd


At this moment, the monks at the scene realized that this man was not suddenly ill, but possessed and crazy!

They all turned into a rainbow, and they didn't dare to stay. Lin Xuan's power just now made them scared. If they were caught, they would die!

In a short period of time, most of the bustling ten mile long dragon disappeared in an instant!

However, there are still some strong friars who don't move. They are just looking at Lin Xuan calmly. They seem to be eager to try and want to do it!

"Lin Xuan... Wake up!"

At this moment, Shen Qingfeng rushes forward without hesitation. He shouts and stops Lin Xuan's progress with his own body. He doesn't want to see him die!

It also made his attitude clear to others.

At this moment, only his own talent can stop him. If he is replaced by other strong people, he will never keep his hand, or if he has the ability to do it, Lin Xuan will die!

This is before the imperial pass, there will be no less people like that!

Sure enough, it seems that I heard the cry from Shen qingtui. Some of the elder strong men who came here didn't make a direct move, but stood not far away and watched silently!

But now Lin Xuanshi was too terrible. He broke two steps in succession. It was just when his momentum was like a rainbow, he was stimulated again, which can be said to stimulate the huge potential in his body.

Every punch is like to level mountains and rivers, every foot is like to level the sun and the moon, there is no secret method, there is just infinite fighting spirit, deep into the bone marrow of the cold!

Shen Qingfeng was no longer Lin Xuan's rival when he was still in qixuezong. Although he had several adventures later, he still had a big gap with Lin Xuan.

Even if he didn't keep his hand, he couldn't stop Lin Xuan. He was beaten and vomited blood!

not to recognize one 's own closest relatives!

Not far away, the strong men looked at each other and couldn't do anything. They seemed to want to control Lin Xuan. After all, it was before the emperor's pass. They always had to take some face into consideration!

They are not related to Lin Xuan. When they meet such a demon, they can control it. If they can't control it, it's nothing to kill them directly!

Can not wait for their hands, a roar, like a tiger back to the forest, void vibration!

Yan Chixiao also made a move. There is no doubt that his strength is strong, and he is majoring in physical body. He is extremely overbearing. Only he can bear Lin Xuan's attack with his physical body!

"Lin Xuan..." Yan Chixiao roared, as if God thunder came down, soul stirring!

On the other side, red sleeves flutter, Shen MuQing also join the battlefield, the three of them are horns of each other, blocking all the retreat of Lin Xuan!

"Lin Xuan, wake up..."

Shen MuQing's expression, which hasn't changed for a long time, can't be suppressed at the moment. He looks worried. His eyes are full of doubts!

However, in the face of his former best friends, Lin Xuan seemed to have really forgotten everything. He roared coldly: "kill..."

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