"Are you really OK?"

Aware of Lin Xuan's short absence, situ xian'er looks at him a few times and doubts.

Lin Xuan stopped thinking, nodded slightly and said nothing.

"That's great. If you were absent from the emperor's road, you would lose a lot of glory."

There was a smile on the girl's beautiful face, like the melting snow. She was happy for Lin Xuan.

She didn't tell Lin Xuan how worried situ xian'er was when the outside world hadn't heard from him for a long time.

But at this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly got up and looked at the clouds in the sky.

A breath of destruction, brewing in silence!

"What's the matter?"

Situ xian'er also felt a sense of oppression, as if there were some monsters above the clouds.

"It's time to come. I can't help it. It's time for disaster!"

Lin Xuan grinned as if he had been looking forward to it for a long time.

Situ xian'er didn't know what to say.

Although she had known that Lin Xuan would experience the baptism of natural calamity, she had never seen it with her own eyes.

Since ancient times, ordinary friars have only broken through the realm of the venerable to open the natural calamity, and the natural calamity of the spiritual master realm is extremely rare.

Only those eternal pride can be aroused, which is not only a kind of tempering, but also a kind of balance!

On weekdays, even her elder brother did not bring disaster, but it was common for Lin Xuan.

"Are you a disaster for the promotion of the fourth section of lingshijing?" It's not surprising that situ xian'er was confused. Even she couldn't find out Lin Xuan's true state.

Who made Lin Xuan's fighting power and realm completely unmatched in the eyes of ordinary people?

"No, this disaster will be different. Let's go. Don't destroy this place."

Lin Xuan shakes his head. Thanks to the gift of that mark, Lin Xuan's accomplishments soar to the peak of Lingshi realm like a rocket. This time, I'm afraid it will be unprecedented terror!

After all, he has crossed almost six small realms, which is impossible in the eyes of ordinary people!

We must know that it will be more and more difficult to seek a breakthrough in the later stage of practice. The gap between each small realm is much bigger than before!

If Lin Xuan wanted to achieve what he is today, he would have to work hard for one or two years at the fastest

But because of the imprint, the time was shortened to the extreme, which was equal to his two years of hard work!


Without warning, there was a piercing thunder over the clouds.

Lin Xuan knew in his heart that he could not delay any longer. His figure turned into a rainbow, and situ xian'er followed him closely

The danger in the clouds also moved with Lin Xuan. Soon after, their figures appeared in a desolate daze.

"Stay away, don't hurt you!"

No one knows better than Lin Xuan how abnormal his natural disaster is. When he was promoted to the realm of Lingshi, even he almost didn't survive.

"Well, be careful yourself!"

Although situ xian'er was worried, she knew that she couldn't help at all, so she had to find a safe place to stay in the distance.


All of a sudden, there was another thunder, and the sky disaster covered by the clouds finally showed a corner!

Endless thunder condenses out of the void and forms a vast ocean, in which the blue and purple thunder is like a small dragon rolling around, with great momentum!

A breath that seemed to destroy the world filled the sky and the earth, and all the birds and animals scattered around!


All of a sudden, thunder and vibration, resounding through the sky, a road as thick as the trunk of the thunder, like runaway Mustang, fell from the disaster, straight from the forest!

At this moment, when the disaster came, the earth was split and the void was broken down by electricity!

The vast sky of electricity as rain, bright as day, fierce, like the end of the world scene!

Lin Xuan was completely submerged by the thunder. His nearly invincible body was bleeding under such punishment, and was pierced by the terrible dragon shaped electricity!

In the center of Leihai, Lin Xuan's appearance looks very miserable. His clothes are all broken and his whole body is bleeding!

Such a terrible calamity could not be concealed at all. The powerful monks who were closer to each other felt it and came one after another!

"Oh, my God, who was the master who caused such a great disaster? Is there another great master in fengxu?"

"It's a terrible disaster. Even if it's so far away, it makes my heart palpitate. If it's me, I'm afraid it will turn into ashes in an instant!"

"There seems to be something wrong..."

Among the monks who came, some of them practiced the divine skill of heavenly eye. Through the fierce thunder, they saw Lin Xuan's real body!

"That's a boy!"

Someone exclaimed that he also practiced this kind of divine skill, and his cultivation was higher, and his view was more true!

"What, it's impossible!"

After hearing this, some people think it is too absurd.

Everyone knows that the gap between the spiritual master and the venerable realm is like the gap between heaven and earth, one heaven and one earth.

Ordinary monks, who have been practicing hard for a hundred years, may not be able to break through the realm of venerable without potential, opportunity and even understanding.

Even those saints and children who want to break into the venerable realm can not be promoted without ten or eight years of hard work.

Now a young man is here to rob, how can they not be surprised!

"It's true. There is a young man in the thunder sea

At this time, even some senior figures were attracted by thunder robbers. Most of them were elders of the major sects. Although they had never broken into the realm of the venerable, they were well-informed and knew many secrets.

The one who opened his mouth was an elder in the nearby clan. If he was over 100 years old, he was only one step away from the venerable realm, but he could not enter.

Today, I learned that someone was here to save my life, so I came here to observe and learn the Dharma, accumulate experience, and hope that I can take that step in the future.

However, this trip let him down.

Others can't see it because they haven't been in touch with the real thunder robbers. Most of them are just hearsay.

However, this elder was different. He had watched several scenes of the emperor's great ability to survive the robbery, and soon found that some of them were wrong.

Although the robbery seems fierce, it seems that it is far from the real one, and its power is weak.

"If I expected it to be true, this young man's natural disaster is not the one from the venerable, but the one from the spiritual master!"

"Look at this kind of power, it's close to the robbery of the venerable. I think it's the robbery of the supreme realm of the spirit Master!"

More and more friars came, and many elders gave such an answer. It's hard for others not to believe it.


"Is that true? This is not a robbery by the venerable, but a robbery by the spiritual master? "

Many friars feel numb, even more shocked than before!

Venerable robbers are not rare. If you come from a large family, you still have a chance to see them.

But it's not the same with Lingshi robbery!

If you are not a proud person, you can hardly lead to the disaster of Lingshi. Throughout fengxu, for thousands of years, even among the outstanding people of Shengzi level, only a few can lead to the disaster of Lingshi!

If these prodigious talents don't fall too early, they will all become masters in the future!

How can we not be surprised that there is such a wizard in front of us now?

"I didn't expect that there were still some outstanding people of Saint son level who had never stepped on the road of God..."

Many monks expressed their feelings.

"Eh, why do I feel familiar with this person? It seems that I have seen him somewhere?"

At this moment, someone suddenly recognized Lin Xuan's identity and couldn't help exclaiming: "Lin Xuan... It's him..."

"He is still alive, not dead. Now his cultivation is more and more refined!"


The crowd was boiling!

"The man who has been silent for a year has come back..."

"I thought he had already died, but I didn't expect that he would come back in this way today!"

"Ha ha ha, I knew it. I knew it was impossible for him to die..."

"I don't know if it's our luck or misfortune for such a person to live in this world?"


Lin Xuan didn't know the shock of the monks outside. Two hours later, he carried a lot of thunder in the thunder sea, but it still didn't go out.

Lin Xuan could feel that the thunder was getting weaker and weaker, and it was hard to hurt him.

The top of the head of the robbery seems to have entered the end, to the end.

But just as Lin Xuangang relaxed, the clouds suddenly exploded again.

Far more fierce than before, the fiery thunder poured down like a rain curtain and shocked everyone!

It's not over... It's just the beginning!

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