Lin Xuan traveled all the way East, across thousands of miles of wasteland, and finally far away from the Star City area.

"The cangming mountain range should be in front of us. According to the book, the cangming mountain range stretches for hundreds of miles. There are many ancient trees and herbs in it, but there are many demons and beasts, which are extremely dangerous. Ordinary people dare not enter it."

Lin Xuan walked all day and night, looking at the dark outline of the mountains in the distance, comparing with the geographical information he had found on the ancient maps, he recognized that his current position was at the foot of cangming mountains.

"Further on, it's Yulin city!"

Lin Xuan whispered.

There are not only 36 big cities, but also 72 small cities. Yulin city is one of the 72 small cities!

On the dusty road, not far away from Lin Xuan's sight, there was a small tea shop for passers-by to have a rest.

Although Lin Xuan was still full of spiritual power and full of Qi and blood, his spirit was a little tired.

Now Lin Xuan's weakest point is his spirit, which can't be separated from the realm of mortals, and he also needs rest.

"I'm tired of driving all night, so I go to the tea shop in front to have a rest."

Along the way, although there are few people on both sides of the road, there are several small towns. Lin Xuan doesn't feel wrong about the tea shop which is built on the side of the road!

"In the past, there were a lot of businessmen, and these ordinary people could still earn tea money."

Along the way, Lin Xuan also met many caravans, and even many of them were escorted by practitioners.

Lin Xuan was different from other caravans on mules and horses. He walked on foot. Just before he arrived at the tea shop, a dark faced woman handed him a bowl of hot tea. He said simply, "young master, you must be tired all the way. Let's have a rest here, drink a bowl of hot tea, and then go on the road."

Lin Xuan nodded and looked into the tea shop. There was a pair of caravans walking here. They also sat in it to have a rest and drink tea.

"I don't know, but what do you want to eat? We are no better than in the city. There are no good dishes for you. Only a few catties of venison can fill your stomach. I don't know if you are satisfied? "

The simple woman continued to greet Lin Xuan.

At this time, Lin Xuan had found a place to sit down in the humble tea shop, but he also understood that there was a lack of materials here.

"Two catties of venison over there, and a bowl of hot tea."

Lin Xuan took out a pure white spirit stone from his pocket. He came here in a hurry, and there was no ordinary people's gold and silver.

But a stone the size of a fingernail is worth a hundred taels of gold.

"You can't..."

The old woman had seen the world. There were so many caravans here, and there were so many practitioners. Naturally, she recognized what Lin Xuan had taken out!

"Well, I'll give it to you."

"... thank you for your generosity, sir. Just a moment!"

The old woman's face was full of joy. She called the big black boy in the tea shop to pour another bowl of hot tea for Lin Xuan!

Later, I brought a plate of smoked venison. It didn't taste good, but it was the best food in this place!

Venison is just a common deer. It should be hunted from the mountains. Even this kind of game can't be obtained every day. It depends on luck.

In this world of friars and powerful monsters, the life of ordinary people can be said to be extremely difficult, but if they hit the fate of immortals, they can also soar up, and opportunities coexist.

Lin Xuan chewed and swallowed the deer meat, mixed with salt, but it was not hard for him to swallow!

During this period, all the caravan people in the tea shop were eating venison and drinking hot tea, and they kept talking about the anecdotes and anecdotes along the way.

Lin Xuan looked around and saw that there were about ten people in this group. The first one was a man and a woman, dressed like a rich family. The man in white was better than the snow, his hair was like a sword, and he looked like a graceful young man. He was also a real practitioner.

As Lin Xuan looked at him, he found that the cultivation of the man in white was the same as that of him.

The young girl with delicate face beside the man was dressed in a blue Ru skirt. They were like brothers and sisters, chattering incessantly.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that in this remote place, a girl had six sections of spiritual cultivation."

"The silent middle-aged man beside them has nine sections of spiritual cultivation. These people are from the family of spiritual cultivation, but they can't be compared with the four families of star city!"

In his heart, Lin Xuan had roughly figured out the ways of these people.

However, at this time, the beautiful girl with Danfeng eyes wrinkled slightly. She seemed to find that Lin Xuan had been staring at them all the time. She immediately patted the table and said coldly, "what are you looking at? Look again. Be careful, grandma digs your eyes!"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan immediately a Leng, didn't expect this little girl film temper so hot, others see two eyes will dig other people's eyes, also too overbearing?

However, just after Lin Xuan wanted to speak, the elder brother in white, who was opposite the girl, immediately yelled and said to the girl, "yue'er, don't be rude. Apologize to this elder brother quickly!"

"Hum... Brother... Why should I apologize? He has been staring at us all the time, and he is very upset at us!"

The girl snorted, turned her head like willfulness and refused to apologize!

Although the man in white was angry, the girl was his own sister after all, so she had to hold her nose to wipe her buttocks. She quickly got up and went to Lin Xuan and said to him, "I'm sorry, my sister has been spoiled since she was a child. She doesn't know how to behave. I'll make amends for you. I hope you don't agree with her."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan raised his head and looked at the young man in white. He was not so handsome. He even had an ordinary face, but his eyes were bright and his face was apologetic.

"Hehe, it's not in the way."

Lin Xuan shakes his head, too lazy to pursue with a wayward little girl.

"That's good. Hehe, but I don't know where you're going to come from a long way."

The young master in white sat on the opposite side of Lin Xuan and asked.

"Yulin city!"

Lin Xuan spared no words.

"Oh, my brother is going to Yulin City, too. Ha ha, we are from Yulin city. We have collected some herbs from the town, and we are just about to return. I think my brother is alone. It's inconvenient. Why don't you come with us? We can take care of him on the way."

The young master in white looks very kind. In Lin Xuan's words, you are a good man!

He seemed to see that Lin Xuan was still hesitant, and immediately continued to remind him: "ha ha, this brother is from a long distance. Maybe he didn't know that there are many bandits at the foot of cangming mountain. He is very selective. Although he has accomplishments, he still has a guarantee to go with us!"

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