Therefore, they really didn't dare to possess any kind of power, and they would only verbally talk about the ten thousand beast sects, and they would not dare to condense any kind of spiritual power.

Now in the entire space, the power that has condensed crazily has spread one after another in the entire space nearby.

The speed at which they interacted with each other was extremely fast, and Lin Chuan had also detected something wrong in the entire space around here.

It seems that there are some particularly dramatic effects in the entire space today.

Moreover, the spirit power aura that can penetrate inside it has already spread wildly in the direction nearby.

At the beginning, Lin Chuan aimed at the spiritual aura in the entire space around them, and directly penetrated through it, and didn't care too much about it.

But suddenly, Lin Chuan realized that now he himself must be more cautious.

When the strong force swept out of the direction nearby, it had already caused a particularly strong spiritual power fluctuation.

Between them, the spiritual power aura directly raised in the palms of their hands suddenly seemed to increase.

At this time, Lin Chuan himself also quickly shot out, and the power that could be shot out in the entire space gradually appeared to increase.

Xia Ruoxue herself had already controlled a burst of powerful spiritual power, and it spread directly in the direction nearby.

The spiritual power aura that can be raised in their hands is already extremely intense.

In the surrounding space, the powerful spiritual power has also been spreading out in the entire space nearby.

The power that can be gathered in the palms of each other, one after another, seems more intense.

In the entire space around here, everything that can be shot, and the spiritual aura that penetrates, has changed more and more.

They shot each other as much as possible, and merged out more spiritual power, in order to be able to form violent fluctuations in the direction nearby.

After bursts of dangerous spiritual power aura, after the madness spread, the spiritual power aura that rose in their mutual palms had more changes.

Suddenly, Lin Chuan himself clearly judged something. It seemed that the spirit power aura that could be displayed in the surrounding direction had directly merged some more power.

Moreover, the spiritual power aura that they merged with each other seemed to increase.

Now the speed at which they move with each other is changing faster and faster.

And in the whole piece of air, some spiritual auras that existed were also changing more and more drastically.

The power that they can condense and exude from each other has been released in the entire space, one after another.

Some people in black in front of them still want to continue to shoot out some spiritual power aura, but it will not take long for them to withstand some spiritual power aura penetrating here.

Lin Chuan quickly merged some more powers out, and the directions around here directly caused spiritual penetration.

The spirit power aura that they can merge with each other has also changed more and more.

Now Lin Chuan continued to penetrate all the spiritual power in the palm of his hand.

Because Lin Chuan knew that in this entire space, the spiritual power that could be killed was changing more and more.

And in the direction near here, the spiritual power that can spread out is constantly improving, and it has indeed become more and more intense.

The spirit power aura that directly penetrated in the surrounding space also appeared to be more and more.

The spirit power aura that Lin Chuan suddenly fused, directly penetrated a certain strength in the direction nearby.

Then, in this entire space, the spiritual power aura that has been continuously improved appears to be increasing.

They constantly shot each other, exploding some spiritual energy aura along the directions around them.

Suddenly, Lin Chuan himself had clearly identified some of the problems.

In the palms of each other, the spiritual aura that can be raised directly merged into a violent power penetration.

Moreover, the power that can be fused into each other's palms has also changed more and more.

They both started to constantly shoot each other, just wanting to have more spiritual power aura at this time.

In the entire space, the directly fused forces are changing faster and faster.

Now Lin Chuan continues to detect some dangerous fluctuations in the directions around them.

Between them, they were all madly shooting, attacking more spiritual energy in the direction around them.

When Lin Chuan himself felt the direction around here and had some spiritual power fluctuations, Lin Chuan himself relaxed a lot.

After all, it was already this time, and Lin Chuan himself could clearly feel something wrong in the surrounding space.

Now in this entire space, the condensed spirit power aura is changing faster and faster.

It didn't take long for the spirit power aura that could be promoted in Lin Chuan's own palms, and they also got more power fusion.

Between them, they did everything possible to explode some power, and they all wanted to let themselves be able to take action at this time, and burst out more spiritual attacks.

In the direction near here, the forces swept out, one after another, suddenly radiated out.

The fierce aura that pierced through each other has also formed more spiritual power fluctuations in the direction nearby.

Now Lin Chuan himself has relaxed a lot, and the sharp aura spreading in the surrounding space has formed even more violent fluctuations around here.

The speed at which they shot each other started to get faster and faster.

Now Lin Chuan has clearly judged something. When the spiritual power aura that can be raised in his palm has a certain change, they have directly merged some more spiritual power with each other. come out.

In the entire nearby space, the spirit power aura spreading crazily had already penetrated.

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