I Can Collect Unlimited Monsters

Chapter 215: Suzerain's painstaking efforts

"Let the worm enter your body, including all the monsters under your hand, kill them all, turning you into a puppet completely."

The old man thought gloomily. He waited till the night and Lin Chuan looked at the sky. During the day, he had relaxed for a whole day. At night, Lin Chuan also knew what the opponent must be doing, and he was twelve minutes away.

In Lin Chuan's palm, a dozen or so huge sword energy hovered, and the Azure Dragon Sword behind him was also ready.

His body was hidden in the darkness. In the darkness, only the sword aura jumped from time to time.

Lin Chuan's ghost bloodline has been disturbed in this canyon, making his body unable to shuttle into the void, otherwise, Lin Chuan can now use the power of the void to harass the old man from time to time.

"Bai Gui Wushuang, you guys are ready, this time, the battle we need to face is not that simple." Lin Chuan said, making them both hidden in the dark.

Both of them nodded and understood what Lin Chuan meant. From the daytime looking at the old man's expression, they already knew that there must be a fierce battle now.

They were able to detain all the worms through the formation, part of the reason was relying on the power of the formation, and the more reason was that they had already taken action when they detected the presence of the worm.

The other insects didn't use the power of the formation, so they were cleaned up. The Mo Yu Qilin and them all guarded the surroundings, watching the position of the exit with vigilance.

The old man has appeared in the front, sneaky, still underestimating something, "This time, I don't believe that there is no way to solve that kid."

"There is such an arrogant person in front of me, but no one can survive now." The old man said, and began to summon the worm.

A strip of worms appeared in the air, and under the guidance of the old man, they began to walk along the location of the cave.

Some worms just wandered in the air, cowering, trying to escape from the old man's control, they realized that the old man had not left those marks on them.

Suddenly, some insects wanted to escape, but it was a pity that they were killed by the old man before they ran out. Seeing the remaining insects, they could only carefully obey the old man's arrangements and began to walk forward.

The worms began to enter the cave ahead, and the old man stood on the ground with a smile, waiting for the good news from inside.

"I thought this old man would use what kind of power, but now it seems like that, let's do it! Grab all these achievements and feed them to the Insect Gu King."

"I don't know what the old guy's expression was when he knew that I had two slave Gu Kings in my hand." Lin Chuan laughed and ordered to go down.

Bai Gui Wushuang and the others nodded, learning from Lin Chuan, and started to move their hands in a manner.

As long as they touch the sealed bugs in their hands, they will instantly be received into a basin.

"What's going on? Why is there no movement after such a long time?" The old man murmured outside.

There was no cry for help he wanted to hear from the entrance of the cave, all the worms seemed to have disconnected from him in an instant, disappearing without a trace.

"Should these worms run away? How could they have the guts to leave?" The old man kept thinking, but never thought that it was because Lin Chuan had solved all the worms.

"Old man, are you just such a few bugs? It made me think that tonight you were so aggressive and guarded here in advance." Lin Chuan laughed.

The old man's face was furious, and when he saw Lin Chuan appear safe and sound in front with a few worms in his hand, he already realized that he might have all those worms caught by Lin Chuan tonight.

The old man vomited blood with anger, gave Lin Chuan a gloomy look, and hid himself into the darkness again. This time he ignored all Lin Chuan's taunts.

"The big thing is not good, this guy will probably keep hiding in the dark and staring at us, and won't come out to fight us." Lin Chuan shook his head.

After more than ten days, the old man was still hiding in the dark and reluctant to come out, Lin Chuan's spiritual power was very abundant.

He could feel that he could break through the cultivation base at any time, but the last barrier, the last opportunity, never appeared, making him very uncomfortable.

"You continue to guard here. I will go out to check if there is any danger. Perhaps this time, my breakthrough must rely on the old man's battle to be able to break through." Lin Chuan said.

"This is too dangerous, right? What if you can't beat him and the old man has no time to escape? The old man must have hated us very much now, so it's better to wait."

"Don't be too anxious, there is no way to force your breakthrough cultivation level, not to mention, your breakthrough speed is already fast enough." Xia Ruoxue said from the side, her expression a little helpless.

He still wanted to dissuade Lin Chuan from taking action, Xia Ruoxue was considering whether to send this news to the Supreme Elder, and let the Supreme Elder come to fight.

If Lin Chuan went out now and encountered danger, even if he called the elder too, there shouldn't be much way to deal with it.

"Don't worry, I always hold the token to leave here. I will definitely not encounter any accidents. In case I really can't fight, I will leave directly if it is too big."

"When the time comes, you can tell the Supreme Elder not to do it? I believe that if the Supreme Elder takes action, no matter who the other party is, there is no way to stop the Supreme Elder." Lin Chuan said with a smile.

Holding the Azure Dragon Sword in one hand and the teleportation treasure in the other, he was ready to leave.

"Then you must be more careful. Leave at any time when you encounter danger. Don't fight aggressively and break through the cultivation base. If you look back, I will help you find two pills and come back."

Xia Ruoxue said, watching Lin Chuan leave. The two Baigui Wushuang watched Lin Chuan leave and wanted to follow by, but they were stopped by Lin Chuan.

"You two continue to guard Xia Ruoxue here. If I have an accident, you must protect her." Lin Chuan said.

The two nodded, and then they did not continue to follow up. From the beginning, they looked down on Lin Chuan's sneak attack, and now they are very familiar with Lin Chuan, and they don't want Lin Chuan to have any accidents.

Although Lin Chuan said that he had planted marks in their bodies, in fact, Lin Chuan treated them very well when they were normal, and would not really treat them as servants.

Lin Chuan walked out of the entrance of the cave and focused on exploring the monsters that appeared in the distance.

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