I Can Collect Unlimited Monsters

Chapter 239: Cannibalism

"The power controlled by these monsters is too huge now, and we must try to avoid fighting with them." Shangguan Wuhen said seriously.

The two appointed people smiled bitterly, looking a little embarrassed.

They have been running around for a long time, and they have always been the vigil before, but now Shangguan Wuhen still wants them to continue the vigil, so that they don't have any time to rest, the two of them are naturally very upset.

But none of them dared to refute what Shangguan Wuhen said, so now they can only carefully observe the movement around them.

"These two people shouldn't kill them first, they are just the seventh heavenly realm of the spiritual guiding realm."

Lin Chuan said softly, took out the Azure Dragon Sword and pointed it in the direction of one of them.

King Kong Ape nodded. His original intention was that he didn't want these people to rest. Now that there are two night watchmen watching, the others will be able to sleep. Naturally, he doesn't want this situation to happen.

Suddenly, a group of King Kong apes lightly walked in another direction, and Lin Chuan also came to a night watchman, handed the knife down, and chopped off his head.

Both of them fell to the ground, and the **** aura on them was revealed, and Lin Chuan did not destroy these **** forces.

Two minutes passed, and groups of monster beasts chased from all directions.

In the night, the monster beasts are particularly sensitive to the **** breath, and they all want to come over to see if there is any fresh flesh and blood that can be swallowed.

There was a chewing sound, Shangguan Wuhen's face changed drastically, and he woke up and saw the group of monsters beside him. He quickly activated a defensive magic weapon to protect himself.

The others reacted, and their faces paled in fright as well.

Fortunately, the monster beasts that appeared around were not strong in combat power. When they discovered that the humans were awake, they had already left.

"Who did it? There are knife marks on this, there must be humans behind us in secret!"

Shangguan Wuhen said that he had already noticed the existence of Lin Chuan and others by instinct, but the other two elders shook their heads.

"How is it possible that besides people from our Shangguan family who will appear here, is there anyone else who will hide in secret and prepare to do it on us?"

"Yeah, this is simply impossible. It should be because some monster beasts have obtained our human weapons, so this is what happened."

Another elder also said that they felt that as a Shangguan family, no one would have the courage to target him, not to mention that this is the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, and no one else would enter.

Shangguan Wuhen was extremely embarrassed. He had clearly detected a trace of human aura on the corpse.

But when he came here seriously and wanted to judge the dangers released inside, the entire space had lost its human aura.

Lin Chuan hid in the dark and breathed a sigh of relief.

"This guy is so cunning, he still knows how to judge the dangerous aura from the sword aura."

Lin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief secretly, but fortunately, he responded in time and extracted the aura contained in it, otherwise he would have revealed his identity now.

Now there are only six people left in front, three are elders and three are disciples.

In the middle of the night, King Kong Ape also unexpectedly killed the three disciples.

Only Shangguan Wuhen and the two elders were left in front, and they both looked embarrassed.

"Shangguan Wuhen, otherwise we'd better go, hiding in the darkness is no way at all. Now that we have been hit by so many forces, should we continue to fight out?"

"We have only left for a day, so many people have already died, and we don't know who will die next."

The two elders kept persuading.

"Hehe, you two old bones, have you lost your fighting spirit until now, if that's the case, then you go, I will continue to look for inheritance alone."

"I hope you won't be jealous when I find the inheritance."

"And if you go back now, we will no longer be friends from now on."

Shangguan Wuhen said, and the two elders trembled.

If they can, they don't want to have any relationship between themselves and Shangguan Wuhen.

An elder gritted his teeth and turned to leave.

The other elder stayed in place, feeling that it would be safer to follow Shangguan Wuhen.

They have all reached halfway up the mountain. If they retreat now, they will only encounter more danger.

There are no disciples around, and they can use their lives to help them block the deadly power attack.

Now he is following Shangguan Wuhen's side, maybe he still has the possibility of living.

Shangguan Wuhen narrowed his eyes, looking at the elder walking away, suddenly took out a sword, killed him, and chopped off his neck!

The man's eyes widened and he couldn't catch his eyes.

"Since you want to leave, save the flame power in you. Without the breath of flame, I can't walk in it."

Shangguan Wuhen said softly, killing without blinking.

The other elder who was still alive smiled bitterly, and he had expected it to end like this.

When the elder left, if he had some precautions, he wouldn't have died so miserably.

But the elder was a kinder existence, he felt that Shangguan Wuhen would not do anything to him.

This elder was the man in red that Lin Chuan wanted to target before.

Shangguan Wuhen found a blood-red stone from the corpse, and transformed the blood-red stone into flames and absorbed it into his body.

This is a kind of strange fire of heaven and earth. Although it does not appear on the ranking list, it is very good to have such a kind of strange fire.

"Zijin Beast Fire, do you want to swallow the power of this flame?"

Lin Chuan asked softly.

Zi Ling jumped out quickly, nodding his head with a look of excitement.

He can't wait to absorb this flame.

For Zijin Beast Fire, as long as it is the power of the flame, he can absorb it into his body, and he can increase his strength.

"Come with me."

Lin Chuan said, lurking on the tree with Zi Ling.

Xia Ruoxue and King Kong Ape were still there, staring at Shangguan Wuhen's movements.

"You and the Geocentric Centipede King lurks down to the ground. The Geocentric Centipede King does not use the ground talisman, but it is easier if you have to lurch to the ground and have the ground talisman."

Lin Chuan said, walking to a distant place, quickly used the contents of his Wanbao bag to refine a terrain talisman and gave it to Zi Ling.

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