I Can Collect Unlimited Monsters

Chapter 245: Xia Ruoxue breaks through

Didn't you guys still be arrogant just now? Why are you stopping now? "

"Lin Chuan said with a smile.

"Are you the Lin Chuan in the legend?"

The black-faced man said, looking at Lin Chuan suspiciously.

He thought that this time he was just an ordinary person, and he didn't need to worry about anything.

But now he realized his danger.

Relying on Lin Chuan's power, it must be able to break the power of this formation directly.

"Hurry up and delay him, call the Shangguan family, don't let him have a chance to leave!"

The black-faced man already had a judgment in his heart and said quickly.

The thin monkey on the side reacted extremely fast, already knowing the meaning of the black-faced man, and quickly shot.

However, he did not directly use the power to attack it, but wandered around, trying to see if he could stop the power released by Lin Chuan.

In his impression, Lin Chuan possesses particularly powerful power.

The spiritual power of both of them was also consumed a lot by Xia Ruoxue, and now they are targeting Lin Chuan with all harms but no benefit.

The black-faced man next to him had already spread the news, his face remained unchanged, but he was already ready to fight.

The black lines on his face also turned into a pure power, which poured into his own palm. After using the power of the lines on his face, his face became a little pale.

He stepped forward, and the huge aura in his hand had already attacked fiercely, aiming at Lin Chuan.

"The two of you seem to have breathed a sigh of relief, thinking about it because you feel that you have spread the news, so you can relax a little, don't worry about me teaching you to kill, right."

"There are members of the Shangguan family everywhere around here. Your news spreads, I am afraid that the person waiting to die is me."

"But it's a pity, the soul ideas you released just now have been intercepted by me."

Lin Chuan smiled slightly and said, directly releasing a thought into the air. Then it disintegrated cleanly.

"Unexpectedly, you still have this hand. It seems that I underestimated your methods."

The black-faced man continued, preparing to use the treasure to transmit the message. He felt that his soul had failed to transmit the message, and he could still use the treasure to spread the message without accidents.

But his treasure was just taken out by Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan shook his head and looked at each other.

"You still can't do this, what tattered treasure, even one of my soul thoughts can't be blocked, it's too weak."

Lin Chuan smiled and said, he stepped forward, and the spiritual power on hand had already attacked, causing the opponent's magic weapon to explode in the air.

The black face smiled bitterly, this time it was their turn to take the initiative to break the surrounding formation.

But they also know that it is not so easy to break the formation now.

The spiritual power in Lin Chuan's palm penetrated from time to time, which has interfered with their movement, making them unable to leave.

At the moment, Lin Chuan is still using the power he has on hand to kill as soon as possible, blocking the direction they can escape.

The skinny monkey blinked and looked at Xia Ruoxue's direction, already having plans in his heart.

Lin Chuan was able to dodge the battle they broke out directly, but if they attacked in Xia Ruoxue's direction and interfered with Xia Ruoxue's practice at this time, then Lin Chuan could only kill him in desperation, trying his best. All means to help Xia Ruoxue resist the danger.

With this in mind, the two of them all went to Xia Ruoxue's direction to kill them, and the power condensed on their hands became more and more powerful!

Lin Chuan frowned, the spiritual power that appeared in his palm penetrated out, transformed into a line, and directly formed a protective barrier on Xia Ruoxue's body.

"Hehe, can you keep him here if you have a protective barrier? Tell you it's impossible!"

The other party continued, with a gloomy expression on his face, and he kept killing in the direction of Xia Ruoxue.

Several sword auras had even broken through Xia Ruoxue's spiritual barrier and smashed to the front.

Fortunately, Lin Chuan's shot was fast enough, and he resisted several times in succession, blocking the huge power erupting from the opponent, allowing Xia Ruoxue to practice safely.

"Originally I wanted to keep your lives and let you live well, as long as you honestly confess some information, but now you no longer have this opportunity."

Lin Chuan said, attacking directly in front, and the spiritual power controlled in his palm penetrated the thin monkey's heart.

The skinny monkey fell to the ground, looking at Lin Chuan in disbelief.

"When dealing with people in our Shangguan family, aren't you afraid of getting retribution?"

"The members of our Shangguan family are beyond your imagination. If you are more sensible now and let me go, I will be able to say a few good things for you. This thing ends here."

"But if you don't know you have killed the skinny monkey and want to do something to me, don't blame me for being impolite."

The black-faced man said, his face serious.

But Lin Chuan just smiled and shot directly.

"I don't like people who threaten me least."

Lin Chuan said that his sword aura had penetrated the opponent's heart, the black-faced man collapsed, and the breath of life on his body was completely resolved.

Lin Chuan sneered, dealt with the two of them, and by the way wiped all the blood remaining in the air.

The blood qi in the two of them hides a gloomy aura. If it is not dealt with in time, it will become even more difficult for Xia Ruoxue to break through the cultivation base.

It is also possible that because of these several physical attacks, he will fall into a delusion.

In order to prevent accidents, Lin Chuan directly used the power of the flame to burn all the blood in it.

The bodies of the two of them were also solved by Lin Chuan in an instant.

The fluctuation speed of the spiritual power in Xia Ruoxue's body began to become faster and faster. Lin Chuan watched Xia Ruoxue's changes and guarded carefully.

From time to time, he would release a few rich spiritual power auras spreading out into the air, making Xia Ruoxue absorb spiritual power faster.

Only by letting Xia Ruoxue break through his cultivation base can he relax his vigilance.

Although this place is remote, people from the Shangguan family will pass by from time to time.

If there were a few more elders with ghosts and wanted to take action against Xia Ruoxue, Lin Chuan would not be able to guarantee that he could protect Xia Ruoxue's safety.

The speed of their elders is extremely fast, and the cultivation base is higher than Lin Chuan.

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