"Yes, otherwise I won't be here now. It is said that this assassin organization is extremely mysterious and mysterious."

And what they want to do, they will do it endlessly, so you have to be careful no matter what, the other party will not do anything to me who comes to the auction. "

"But you are a member of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect. You follow Ling Dong'er. Those assassins have every reason to solve you together." Ning Shuang smiled bitterly and said helplessly.

If the person who was simply assassinated was Ling Dong'er, and Lin Chuan did not appear here in time, then Condensation Frost would only hide in the dark to protect Ling Dong'er as much as possible, so that he would not come out and be discovered by them.

But now that Lin Chuan had appeared before him, he had no choice but to come out. After all, his feelings for Lin Chuan were so special, and he didn't want to watch Lin Chuan sacrifice.

When more than a dozen killers approached, most of them fainted to the ground somehow.

The other killers wanted to leave, suddenly realized something was wrong, and all fell to the ground, unable to act.

Lin Chuan also walked up at this time, bound them all, and sealed off all the spiritual power aura on them.

The three of them took their killers and ran away in the distance, until they reached the second mountain.

At this time, they found a place to hide themselves, and the power of a thunder in Lin Chuan's hand turned into an attribute between heaven and earth and appeared in the air, guarding the location of the cave entrance.

They walked in and rested inside, and the Nine-Tailed Fox and the Snow Wolf guarded the surroundings to protect their safety.

"Those killers should not be able to find here in a short time."

"Now think of a good way to see if I can ask something out of their mouths." Lin Chuan said softly.

He stepped forward, staring at a killer in front of him. All the breath of the killer was blocked by him, and he couldn't move, he didn't even have the strength to commit suicide.

"Kill me, you can't get any news from me." The killer said softly, and then closed his mouth.

It seems that no matter what Lin Chuan does, he can't speak.

"Boy, very spine, but I really want to know if you are really as strong as you said." Lin Chuan said softly, and he squeezed forward directly, squeezing the spiritual power into the opponent's body through his palm. .

The breath of Zijin Beast Fire also emerged, merged along his meridians, and began to burn crazily.

"I hope you can withstand the burning of this kind of flame power." Lin Chuan said while releasing thunder power.

Suddenly, a strong thunder breath also penetrated into the assassin's body, and the assassin's face was shocked.

He felt the flame in his body burning, and the thunder power was constantly wandering, and he was shocked and speechless.

This kind of pain was something he had never felt when he was trained in the organization.

At this time, bursts of strong aura exploded in his body, and he had realized that something was wrong.

He tried his best to let himself die, but in the end he didn't die. Instead, he made himself more uncomfortable.

Not even a little energy can be used to dissolve the pain. After half an hour passed, he fainted with pain and fell to the ground.

It seems that you only have a little skill, Lin Chuan walked in front of the other assassins, then shot, bursts of huge spiritual power penetrated.

These assassins saw the appearance of their companions, and they were already terrified, and they didn't know how to deal with them.

Lin Chuan shook his head, and tortured all of their dozen killers to death, leaving a mark on their bodies.

With this imprint of existence, if these assassins want to survive, they can only honestly tell Lin Chuan everything they know.

Otherwise, Lin Chuan would make them suffer unimaginable pain for their lives, and Lin Chuan would not allow them to live well.

At this moment, in the palm of Lin Chuan's hand, the breath of Zijin Beast Fire was still beating, and Xiao Huo came out.

"Master, he has the power of fire." Zijin Beast Fire said seriously.

"If this is the case, then you should extract all the flame aura from him." Lin Chuan said with a smile.

Suddenly, Zi Ling nodded, and went straight forward. The assassin woke up from the coma, his face was extremely shocked.

"What are you going to do? Why is there a fire spirit here?" The other party said, if it is normal, he would be particularly happy if he realizes that he can't stand this kind of flame.

But now he couldn't deal with Lin Chuan at all, and all the aura in him was sealed. Now I am particularly worried about what will happen next.

"It's just a touch of flame power. If you lose it, you lose it. Why do you show such a surprised look?"

"If you are more sensible now, and in fact tell the news, I promise to return the power of a flame to you."

Lin Chuan got up and said, the person in front of him closed his eyes in despair. As a killer, he always felt that as long as he lost the value of utilization, Lin Chuan would solve it.

So this is also the reason why these assassins are still unwilling to reveal their identities. What's more terrible is that there is a soul power control in them.

If they say their identity at this time, their master will be able to sense it from a distance, and will directly destroy their soul power, so that they will never enter the reincarnation world forever.

However, Lin Chuan still didn't know this at this time. He just kept killing out, using bursts of strength to inject into the bodies of a dozen killers.

Ling Dong'er and Cheng Frost watched Lin Chuan's movements silently. Although Lin Chuan's various torture methods were a bit cruel at this time, each of these killers in front of them was an enemy.

If they are more kind to the enemy at this time, they are likely to turn around and they will be dealt with by the enemy.

The killers in the distance are almost coming here at this time, they can only rest here for one day at most, and they must move.

But the killers in these four weeks still didn't say anything.

"It seems that he is really capable." Lin Chuan sighed with emotion, and the spiritual energy aura on his hand exploded, pressing on a dozen people.

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