I Can Collect Unlimited Monsters

Chapter 281: Thunder Strike

But they are also more aware that if they don't come in at this time, they are likely to be attacked by some power from their family.

In the end, they couldn't survive on their own, so they might as well risk their deaths and explore them. Maybe they could get some good things from the last mountain.

They all know that there are countless inheritances hidden in the Land of Nine Mountains, but as a killer, they have been observing it for a long time, but they have not found anything. It is inevitable that they have some doubts whether the rumors from outside are true.

But when they walked into the last mountain, all their expressions became serious.

In these four weeks, there will be bursts of strong spiritual power appearing from time to time, as well as the power of various attributes hovering in the air.

"Sure enough, there are so many inheritances here! I just don't know if we can get those powers this time."

"Since you have come to this last mountain, everyone is not afraid of death, so please ignore Ling Dong'er for now."

"Get the inheritance here, and then leave. People in the family heard that Ling Dong'er had entered this last mountain, and they would definitely not offend us."

"And we've all gotten here." Their assassins kept talking, and now, no one wants to hunt down Ling Dong'er.

After they entered this, their minds were a little unstable, and even their soul consciousness suffered fluctuations.

Lin Chuan probed where they appeared, "These people did not continue to chase them down, but the location where they exist is still near us."

"They are exploring where we are right here. If you can, you can rest here for a while. I'll go out and see where they are."

"By the way, all their lives will be dealt with." Lin Chuan said, settling the two of them inside for the time being, and then left.

Dangerous auras will emerge from time to time around here, but now Lin Chuan allows them to be in a particularly safe location.

This was the place where Old Sword lived, and it was already considered the safest. Now that the two of them are nearby, it can also ensure that they can feel the strength that Old Sword has left here.

Lin Chuan left the nearby location and went out to find the killer.

The two killers concealed the breath of life in their bodies, and they thought that in this way, they didn't need to worry about anything.

But they didn't know that Lin Chuan walked out at this time and had already discovered their location.

The tricolor mosquito hovered in the air, and from time to time a dangerous breath spread out and was caught by him.

With the tricolor mosquitoes nearby, Lin Chuan does not need to worry about whether he will encounter danger behind him, because if there is a danger behind him, the tricolor mosquitoes can rush out immediately to help him get this All the dangerous auras around him were resisted.

At this time, Lin Chuan was walking around, slowly blocking the lines of spiritual power in the air, staring at the two killers to prevent the two killers from disappearing inexplicably.

At this time, the spiritual power in Lin Chuan's palm was consumed a lot, but the entire space became more and more safe.

After all, Lin Chuan didn't want to deal with the killer by himself. The monster beast in the distance noticed the dangerous aura and rushed over to fight against him.

At that time, he may be counter-killed by the killer.

Lin Chuan showed a solemn expression, staring at the two assassins in front of him. The cultivation power of these two assassins was extremely large, one level higher than Lin Chuan.

If Lin Chuan wants to solve the two of them, it needs to pay no small price.

The cultivation base power of the Four Heavens in the Realm of Transformation of Gods is now directly killed, Lin Chuan has consumed most of the power in his body, and can only kill one assassin.

As for the other killer, he needs to think carefully about how to shoot.

At this time, a spirit energy aura gathered in the palm of Lin Chuan's palm, and the Azure Dragon Sword was controlled in the palm of his hand, and he was ready in an instant.

Lin Chuan had already made up his mind to solve one assassin first. As long as the assassin can be dealt with, it won't be too difficult to deal with another assassin.

Lin Chuan's can be consumed with the other party. At this time, the spiritual power aura in Lin Chuan's palm increased, and the power of the purple golden beast fire was also accumulated in it.

The two killers in front of him were accepting the inheritance, Lin Chuan stepped forward, and the Azure Dragon Sword directly penetrated the killer's armor standing on the left, ending his life.

The other assassin's face changed suddenly, and he reacted and flashed aside in time.

He turned around and saw Lin Chuan, his eyes gleaming, he didn't realize that his companion had lost his life.

"Boy, don't you know that our assassins are doing everything possible to find you? Now I dare to appear before my eyes, it seems that you are really not afraid of death!"

The other party said, took out a handful of **** hooks, and on his **** hooks there was a little light of stars beating.

"Are the killers sent by the Xingyue family so rampant now?"

Lin Chuan said softly, stepped forward, holding the Azure Dragon Sword to barely support his body, and said nonchalantly, pretending that he was not affected by power fluctuations.

But in fact, the strength of the opponent's assassin had already been instilled into his body in an instant, and he almost fainted directly.

Now he is just forcibly supporting it, allowing the power in his body to work.

Lin Chuan was delaying time, and the killer in front of him was also delaying time.

The killer received a lot of inherited power, and now Lin Chuan suddenly appeared in front of him, there was still a lot of spiritual power in his body, and he couldn't recover in time.

A quarter of an hour later, Lin Chuan attacked, and the huge spiritual power in his palm merged into the Azure Dragon Sword, and the killer in front of him was also ready to fight in an instant.

Lin Chuan saw the power erupting from the opponent and got serious.

This assassin controlled the thunderous breath, he attacked directly, and the spiritual power breath bred on his hand immediately killed him, making Lin Chuan aware of the danger.

The overwhelming thunder power descended from the air, covering Lin Chuan's body, Lin Chuan frowned, and the spiritual power in his palm also emerged.

Fortunately, his body also controls the power of the thunder, so when the spiritual energy aura in the sky descends, Lin Chuan is not disturbed much.

Some thunder power fell on him, but he eventually absorbed it.

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